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Dec 08, 2015Comments: 6 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 39
I just realised that my 12th house might be on the cusp?
12th House Pisces 29°21'38
I've looked up the 12th house in pisces and aries, and I feel like I am both of them. I only know the hour and minute of my birth, and I tried to get the best and closest coordinates as I could.
I'm concerned about possibly having aries in the 12th, because that's where my moon and ascendant are. My moon is already in the 12th, but this would just be the icing on the cake. I always attributed my lack of action to my mars in cancer, and sometimes also mercury in libra. But 12th house aries really describes me too.
What is the truth with house cusps? Is this a cusp? How can I be sure where it really falls? Idk what to do? Can I be both?
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Dec 08, 2015Comments: 6 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 39
I just want to figure out what is hidden from me, and how to heal. I just really want to explore myself and evolve and heal.