Natal Moon in the 12th House 🌙👎

This topic was created in the Astrology Houses forum by AerialView on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 and has 34 replies.
An individual with natal Moon in the 12th house is always extremely sensitive to external currents, highly intuitive and with a tendency to hide their emotions. This placement can make the individual quite vulnerable, but also bring gifts of clairvoyance.

The 12th house is traditionally ruled by Pisces and Neptune, a sign and planet that are rather passive and feminine, deeply connected with water. The Moon is strongly connected with the water triplicity as it rules Cancer and is not debilitated as it does in fiery placements. Nevertheless, as the 12th house is the Achilles’ heel of the natal chart, such a placement can be quite dangerous and troublesome.

The gates towards other realities are quite open when the Moon is placed in the 12th house, and this is even more strengthened if it is in a water sign. This fact by itself is rather neutral, yet the aspects that the Moon receives from other planets play a huge role. A well-aspected Moon will create a psychic with strong healing abilities who unconditionally helps other people, while an adversely aspected one can trigger quite a lot of phobias, depression and lead to emotional isolation.

A 12th house Moon grants the native with powers of osmosis towards the feelings of people that surround him. The individual will have antennas, always receiving the mood that hovers and making him rather empathetic to all those who suffer. The sentimental character of the native will make him strive to help people who he regards as martyrs; on the other hand, he may frequently become a martyr himself in giving a lot towards others and not caring about himself.

People with the Moon in the 12th house should be very careful when dealing with hypnosis or other techniques that can involve manipulation of the mind and subconscious messages. They usually are the easiest subjects to hypnotize, and actually can even follow orders without having to fall into a trance/hypnotic condition to receive them. The Moon in the sky can act as a hypnosis pendulum, so they should especially be very careful in such occasions, while also sleep with their curtains closed as the moonlight may lead them to sleep-walk or indulge in other activities that they will not remember later.

The Moon in the 12th house can bring quite a lot of fears, usually connected with emotional issues. The native may be afraid of being abandoned by people in his life, and he might frequently enclose himself in his own shell because of that. He might spend long periods away from people, just to avoid getting too close and experiencing fears of losing them. These matters are usually echoes of childhood fears connected with the native’s mother. The mother may have been subconsciously perceived as an enemy during the native’s young years and may have had a very mutable mood, depressive tendencies or even hysteria. In addition, she might have been hospitalized quite a lot in her life, while also been in prison, monastery or other institution of seclusion.

The native’s imagination is very strong, and he will often be daydreaming. The Moon placed there can disturb his sleep, bringing quite a lot of dreams which in case of bad aspects may be nightmares. In addition, many nights can be sleepless and full of thoughts, sometimes melancholic. If you have this placement you might discover monthly recurring patterns of difficult nights, either connected with the Full Moon or when it transits its natal position.

People with Moon in the twelfth house may not control their emotions easily, and they will often overflow as the sea’s tides. Fragile and withdrawn, they are very easily hurt even if they will not express their pain. On the other hand, this overabundance of Lunar energy can make them strong healers, especially through nurturing other people. In many occasions it can also bring a job that involves caring; we should not forget that the 12th house rules all institutions, hospitals, and clinics. The Moon in the 12th house can make someone a nurse, a cook or elsehow bring jobs in such places of restriction. This will mostly happen if the 6th or 10th house cusps are placed in Cancer.

As the 12th house is responsible for hidden enemies, a person whose Moon is afflicted by “malefics” like Mars, Saturn or Pluto will have repeating situations of female enemies. These might not be perceived as hostile in the beginning and will be frequently viewed as friends even if they are already backstabbing the individual. If you have this placement, keep an eye on doubtful females (or people of strong Cancer/Moon emphasis) but try not to become paranoid, for it may furthermore alienate you from social life.
Yep. All of it. When I was little I wanted to either be a nun or a nurse, or a stripper (or porn star), lol (Leo mars 7th, Venus 8th house). Thank God I'm none of those. I wised up.

I actually like my 12th house moon. I love my intuition and I have gnarly dreams.
Posted by sultrykitty
Yep. All of it. When I was little I wanted to either be a nun or a nurse, or a stripper (or porn star), lol (Leo mars 7th, Venus 8th house). Thank God I'm none of those. I wised up.

I actually like my 12th house moon. I love my intuition and I have gnarly dreams.
I feel powerless after reading that 😂
Posted by AerialView
Posted by sultrykitty
Yep. All of it. When I was little I wanted to either be a nun or a nurse, or a stripper (or porn star), lol (Leo mars 7th, Venus 8th house). Thank God I'm none of those. I wised up.

I actually like my 12th house moon. I love my intuition and I have gnarly dreams.
I feel powerless after reading that 😂
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Lol I have no shame.

You don’t like your 12th house Moon? 😄 Much better than my 8th 😂 You cannot complain 😂
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by AerialView
Posted by sultrykitty
Yep. All of it. When I was little I wanted to either be a nun or a nurse, or a stripper (or porn star), lol (Leo mars 7th, Venus 8th house). Thank God I'm none of those. I wised up.

I actually like my 12th house moon. I love my intuition and I have gnarly dreams.
I feel powerless after reading that 😂
Lol I have no shame.

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I seriously hate 12th house 😬 never liked it 😬

So negative and depressing imo.
Posted by pisceswoman123
You don’t like your 12th house Moon? 😄 Much better than my 8th 😂 You cannot complain 😂
Yea i dont like it.

I couldnt find any positives on that reading 😕
Posted by AerialView
Posted by sultrykitty
Yep. All of it. When I was little I wanted to either be a nun or a nurse, or a stripper (or porn star), lol (Leo mars 7th, Venus 8th house). Thank God I'm none of those. I wised up.

I actually like my 12th house moon. I love my intuition and I have gnarly dreams.
I feel powerless after reading that 😂
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i feel naked lol 😅 very true to form for me. mine was a detriment growing up that i now use as a strength. hard to understand growing up with little guidance in that area so im super grateful to find the resources i have to help me navigate the tides.
Posted by AerialView
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by AerialView
Posted by sultrykitty
Yep. All of it. When I was little I wanted to either be a nun or a nurse, or a stripper (or porn star), lol (Leo mars 7th, Venus 8th house). Thank God I'm none of those. I wised up.

I actually like my 12th house moon. I love my intuition and I have gnarly dreams.
I feel powerless after reading that 😂
Lol I have no shame.

I seriously hate 12th house 😬 never liked it 😬

So negative and depressing imo.
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I find it very powerful actually. Don't know if it's the Cap, the 12th house, or both but I have found that I can pretty much handle anything life throws at me and come out fine. I would say that I'm a bit stilted on the emotional expression side, but I think I like it that way. People who really know me know I'm not soulless, and a few I can really open up to and not feel exposed.

Posted by AbbyNormal
Posted by AerialView
Posted by sultrykitty
Yep. All of it. When I was little I wanted to either be a nun or a nurse, or a stripper (or porn star), lol (Leo mars 7th, Venus 8th house). Thank God I'm none of those. I wised up.

I actually like my 12th house moon. I love my intuition and I have gnarly dreams.
I feel powerless after reading that 😂
i feel naked lol 😅 very true to form for me. mine was a detriment growing up that i now use as a strength. hard to understand growing up with little guidance in that area so im super grateful to find the resources i have to help me navigate the tides.
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Keep an eye from doubtful cancer/moon females lol what do you think about that?
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by AerialView
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by AerialView
Posted by sultrykitty
Yep. All of it. When I was little I wanted to either be a nun or a nurse, or a stripper (or porn star), lol (Leo mars 7th, Venus 8th house). Thank God I'm none of those. I wised up.

I actually like my 12th house moon. I love my intuition and I have gnarly dreams.
I feel powerless after reading that 😂
Lol I have no shame.

I seriously hate 12th house 😬 never liked it 😬

So negative and depressing imo.
I find it very powerful actually. Don't know if it's the Cap, the 12th house, or both but I have found that I can pretty much handle anything life throws at me and come out fine. I would say that I'm a bit stilted on the emotional expression side, but I think I like it that way. People who really know me know I'm not soulless, and a few I can really open up to and not feel exposed.

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That strengths doesnt come from your 12th house placements. It must have come from somewhere else Bat
Can you provide the link? Would love to read up my 5th house moon 🌷
Posted by AerialView
Posted by pisceswoman123
You don’t like your 12th house Moon? 😄 Much better than my 8th 😂 You cannot complain 😂
Yea i dont like it.

I couldnt find any positives on that reading 😕
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The 4 first parts are rather nice. I relate to that too and I like that part of me 😘

Posted by AerialView
Posted by AbbyNormal
Posted by AerialView
Posted by sultrykitty
Yep. All of it. When I was little I wanted to either be a nun or a nurse, or a stripper (or porn star), lol (Leo mars 7th, Venus 8th house). Thank God I'm none of those. I wised up.

I actually like my 12th house moon. I love my intuition and I have gnarly dreams.
I feel powerless after reading that 😂
i feel naked lol 😅 very true to form for me. mine was a detriment growing up that i now use as a strength. hard to understand growing up with little guidance in that area so im super grateful to find the resources i have to help me navigate the tides.
Keep an eye from doubtful cancer/moon females lol what do you think about that?
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Funny 😂

Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by AerialView
Posted by pisceswoman123
You don’t like your 12th house Moon? 😄 Much better than my 8th 😂 You cannot complain 😂
Yea i dont like it.

I couldnt find any positives on that reading 😕

The 4 first parts are rather nice. I relate to that too and I like that part of me 😘

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So you're a clairvoyance? 😘
Posted by AerialView
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by AerialView
Posted by pisceswoman123
You don’t like your 12th house Moon? 😄 Much better than my 8th 😂 You cannot complain 😂
Yea i dont like it.

I couldnt find any positives on that reading 😕

The 4 first parts are rather nice. I relate to that too and I like that part of me 😘

So you're a clairvoyance? 😘
click to expand
😂 Haven’t you noticed? 😂 Just like you 😘
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by AerialView
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by AerialView
Posted by pisceswoman123
You don’t like your 12th house Moon? 😄 Much better than my 8th 😂 You cannot complain 😂
Yea i dont like it.

I couldnt find any positives on that reading 😕

The 4 first parts are rather nice. I relate to that too and I like that part of me 😘

So you're a clairvoyance? 😘
😂 Haven’t you noticed? 😂 Just like you 😘
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I dont think i have that ability 😂😘
Posted by AerialView
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by AerialView
Posted by pisceswoman123
Posted by AerialView
Posted by pisceswoman123
You don’t like your 12th house Moon? 😄 Much better than my 8th 😂 You cannot complain 😂
Yea i dont like it.

I couldnt find any positives on that reading 😕

The 4 first parts are rather nice. I relate to that too and I like that part of me 😘

So you're a clairvoyance? 😘
😂 Haven’t you noticed? 😂 Just like you 😘
I dont think i have that ability 😂😘
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Jk 😉 I actually have had some experiences with it, but not regularly 😘

Posted by Leo188881
My moon is in the 12th house and i can relate to almost all of that.
Am i the the only who dont relate to that lol
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
My moon is in the 12th house and i can relate to almost all of that.
Am i the the only who dont relate to that lol
Yes. Maybe your birth time is wrong?

I don't know about clairvoyance but i always know if someone is having a boy or girl. Once i had a premonition of a motorbike accident while i was driving. My heart felt like it stopped and then i saw it happen about 5 minutes later. The guy got up so i was relieved but it was scary. That type of stuff is rare for me but it's happened a few times.

Anyway these are the most accurate parts....

highly intuitive and with a tendency to hide their emotions.

unconditionally helps other people,

giving a lot towards others and not caring about himself.

fears, usually connected with emotional issues. The native may be afraid of being abandoned by people in his life, and he might frequently enclose himself in his own shell because of that. He might spend long periods away from people, just to avoid getting too close and experiencing fears of losing them. These matters are usually echoes of childhood fears connected with the native’s mother. The mother may have been subconsciously perceived as an enemy during the native’s young years and may have had a very mutable mood, depressive tendencies or even hysteria. In addition, she might have been hospitalized quite a lot in her life,

The native’s imagination is very strong, and he will often be daydreaming.

many nights can be sleepless and full of thoughts, sometimes melancholic

Fragile and withdrawn, they are very easily hurt even if they will not express their pain.
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Definitely not. I have my birth certificate 😛
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
My moon is in the 12th house and i can relate to almost all of that.
Am i the the only who dont relate to that lol
Yes. Maybe your birth time is wrong?

I don't know about clairvoyance but i always know if someone is having a boy or girl. Once i had a premonition of a motorbike accident while i was driving. My heart felt like it stopped and then i saw it happen about 5 minutes later. The guy got up so i was relieved but it was scary. That type of stuff is rare for me but it's happened a few times.

Anyway these are the most accurate parts....

highly intuitive and with a tendency to hide their emotions.

unconditionally helps other people,

giving a lot towards others and not caring about himself.

fears, usually connected with emotional issues. The native may be afraid of being abandoned by people in his life, and he might frequently enclose himself in his own shell because of that. He might spend long periods away from people, just to avoid getting too close and experiencing fears of losing them. These matters are usually echoes of childhood fears connected with the native’s mother. The mother may have been subconsciously perceived as an enemy during the native’s young years and may have had a very mutable mood, depressive tendencies or even hysteria. In addition, she might have been hospitalized quite a lot in her life,

The native’s imagination is very strong, and he will often be daydreaming.

many nights can be sleepless and full of thoughts, sometimes melancholic

Fragile and withdrawn, they are very easily hurt even if they will not express their pain.
Definitely not. I have my birth certificate 😛
You really relate to nothing?
click to expand
No. Mind you i also have my sun in 12th.

Maybe i should try with Whole Sign house system.
me and my husband are both 12th house moons. so we like isolation and being homebodies.

he and i even do dreams together and share them. we're like two little children in our

Posted by Smidge
You have antennas?
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
My moon is in the 12th house and i can relate to almost all of that.
Am i the the only who dont relate to that lol
Yes. Maybe your birth time is wrong?

I don't know about clairvoyance but i always know if someone is having a boy or girl. Once i had a premonition of a motorbike accident while i was driving. My heart felt like it stopped and then i saw it happen about 5 minutes later. The guy got up so i was relieved but it was scary. That type of stuff is rare for me but it's happened a few times.

Anyway these are the most accurate parts....

highly intuitive and with a tendency to hide their emotions.

unconditionally helps other people,

giving a lot towards others and not caring about himself.

fears, usually connected with emotional issues. The native may be afraid of being abandoned by people in his life, and he might frequently enclose himself in his own shell because of that. He might spend long periods away from people, just to avoid getting too close and experiencing fears of losing them. These matters are usually echoes of childhood fears connected with the native’s mother. The mother may have been subconsciously perceived as an enemy during the native’s young years and may have had a very mutable mood, depressive tendencies or even hysteria. In addition, she might have been hospitalized quite a lot in her life,

The native’s imagination is very strong, and he will often be daydreaming.

many nights can be sleepless and full of thoughts, sometimes melancholic

Fragile and withdrawn, they are very easily hurt even if they will not express their pain.
Definitely not. I have my birth certificate 😛
You really relate to nothing?
No. Mind you i also have my sun in 12th.

Maybe i should try with Whole Sign house system.
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Aqua sun 12th house?

that's Joseph Gordon-levitt

and Laura Dern.

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oooo someone uploaded on tinypic all the scenes of J.Levitt dancing with zoey. lol
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
My moon is in the 12th house and i can relate to almost all of that.
Am i the the only who dont relate to that lol
Yes. Maybe your birth time is wrong?

I don't know about clairvoyance but i always know if someone is having a boy or girl. Once i had a premonition of a motorbike accident while i was driving. My heart felt like it stopped and then i saw it happen about 5 minutes later. The guy got up so i was relieved but it was scary. That type of stuff is rare for me but it's happened a few times.

Anyway these are the most accurate parts....

highly intuitive and with a tendency to hide their emotions.

unconditionally helps other people,

giving a lot towards others and not caring about himself.

fears, usually connected with emotional issues. The native may be afraid of being abandoned by people in his life, and he might frequently enclose himself in his own shell because of that. He might spend long periods away from people, just to avoid getting too close and experiencing fears of losing them. These matters are usually echoes of childhood fears connected with the native’s mother. The mother may have been subconsciously perceived as an enemy during the native’s young years and may have had a very mutable mood, depressive tendencies or even hysteria. In addition, she might have been hospitalized quite a lot in her life,

The native’s imagination is very strong, and he will often be daydreaming.

many nights can be sleepless and full of thoughts, sometimes melancholic

Fragile and withdrawn, they are very easily hurt even if they will not express their pain.
Definitely not. I have my birth certificate 😛
You really relate to nothing?
No. Mind you i also have my sun in 12th.

Maybe i should try with Whole Sign house system.

I know fuck all about any of this stuff. Maybe your sun in 12th overpowers your moon...? Or your moon sign was eclipsed or some weird shit happened...

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Lol it doesnt matter.

Its not the planet, its the house that i dislike.
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
My moon is in the 12th house and i can relate to almost all of that.
Am i the the only who dont relate to that lol
Yes. Maybe your birth time is wrong?

I don't know about clairvoyance but i always know if someone is having a boy or girl. Once i had a premonition of a motorbike accident while i was driving. My heart felt like it stopped and then i saw it happen about 5 minutes later. The guy got up so i was relieved but it was scary. That type of stuff is rare for me but it's happened a few times.

Anyway these are the most accurate parts....

highly intuitive and with a tendency to hide their emotions.

unconditionally helps other people,

giving a lot towards others and not caring about himself.

fears, usually connected with emotional issues. The native may be afraid of being abandoned by people in his life, and he might frequently enclose himself in his own shell because of that. He might spend long periods away from people, just to avoid getting too close and experiencing fears of losing them. These matters are usually echoes of childhood fears connected with the native’s mother. The mother may have been subconsciously perceived as an enemy during the native’s young years and may have had a very mutable mood, depressive tendencies or even hysteria. In addition, she might have been hospitalized quite a lot in her life,

The native’s imagination is very strong, and he will often be daydreaming.

many nights can be sleepless and full of thoughts, sometimes melancholic

Fragile and withdrawn, they are very easily hurt even if they will not express their pain.
Definitely not. I have my birth certificate 😛
You really relate to nothing?
No. Mind you i also have my sun in 12th.

Maybe i should try with Whole Sign house system.

I know fuck all about any of this stuff. Maybe your sun in 12th overpowers your moon...? Or your moon sign was eclipsed or some weird shit happened...

Lol it doesnt matter.

Its not the planet, its the house that i dislike.
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you no like your 12th house sun either?

yeah the description of haunted house is terrible.

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Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
My moon is in the 12th house and i can relate to almost all of that.
Am i the the only who dont relate to that lol
Yes. Maybe your birth time is wrong?

I don't know about clairvoyance but i always know if someone is having a boy or girl. Once i had a premonition of a motorbike accident while i was driving. My heart felt like it stopped and then i saw it happen about 5 minutes later. The guy got up so i was relieved but it was scary. That type of stuff is rare for me but it's happened a few times.

Anyway these are the most accurate parts....

highly intuitive and with a tendency to hide their emotions.

unconditionally helps other people,

giving a lot towards others and not caring about himself.

fears, usually connected with emotional issues. The native may be afraid of being abandoned by people in his life, and he might frequently enclose himself in his own shell because of that. He might spend long periods away from people, just to avoid getting too close and experiencing fears of losing them. These matters are usually echoes of childhood fears connected with the native’s mother. The mother may have been subconsciously perceived as an enemy during the native’s young years and may have had a very mutable mood, depressive tendencies or even hysteria. In addition, she might have been hospitalized quite a lot in her life,

The native’s imagination is very strong, and he will often be daydreaming.

many nights can be sleepless and full of thoughts, sometimes melancholic

Fragile and withdrawn, they are very easily hurt even if they will not express their pain.
Definitely not. I have my birth certificate 😛
You really relate to nothing?
No. Mind you i also have my sun in 12th.

Maybe i should try with Whole Sign house system.

I know fuck all about any of this stuff. Maybe your sun in 12th overpowers your moon...? Or your moon sign was eclipsed or some weird shit happened...

Lol it doesnt matter.

Its not the planet, its the house that i dislike.

Ok maybe it solar eclipsed though. You should check if there was an eclipse when you were born then tell me because i want to know

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Nah its too far. 11°degrees gap. Its not even a conjunction but still a combustion.

I was born in Chinese New Year tho 😂
Posted by vixen14
Posted by AquaNextDoor
Can you provide the link? Would love to read up my 5th house moon 🌷
Ditto. I also have my moon in the 5th house. 👑🦁🔥
Posted by AquaNextDoor
Can you provide the link? Would love to read up my 5th house moon 🌷
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you all should make a 5th house moon topic if you want.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
My moon is in the 12th house and i can relate to almost all of that.
Am i the the only who dont relate to that lol
Yes. Maybe your birth time is wrong?

I don't know about clairvoyance but i always know if someone is having a boy or girl. Once i had a premonition of a motorbike accident while i was driving. My heart felt like it stopped and then i saw it happen about 5 minutes later. The guy got up so i was relieved but it was scary. That type of stuff is rare for me but it's happened a few times.

Anyway these are the most accurate parts....

highly intuitive and with a tendency to hide their emotions.

unconditionally helps other people,

giving a lot towards others and not caring about himself.

fears, usually connected with emotional issues. The native may be afraid of being abandoned by people in his life, and he might frequently enclose himself in his own shell because of that. He might spend long periods away from people, just to avoid getting too close and experiencing fears of losing them. These matters are usually echoes of childhood fears connected with the native’s mother. The mother may have been subconsciously perceived as an enemy during the native’s young years and may have had a very mutable mood, depressive tendencies or even hysteria. In addition, she might have been hospitalized quite a lot in her life,

The native’s imagination is very strong, and he will often be daydreaming.

many nights can be sleepless and full of thoughts, sometimes melancholic

Fragile and withdrawn, they are very easily hurt even if they will not express their pain.
Definitely not. I have my birth certificate 😛
You really relate to nothing?
No. Mind you i also have my sun in 12th.

Maybe i should try with Whole Sign house system.

I know fuck all about any of this stuff. Maybe your sun in 12th overpowers your moon...? Or your moon sign was eclipsed or some weird shit happened...

Lol it doesnt matter.

Its not the planet, its the house that i dislike.
you no like your 12th house sun either?

yeah the description of haunted house is terrible.

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FYI i can see your tinypic links now after i changed my browser 😄
Posted by AerialView
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
My moon is in the 12th house and i can relate to almost all of that.
Am i the the only who dont relate to that lol
Yes. Maybe your birth time is wrong?

I don't know about clairvoyance but i always know if someone is having a boy or girl. Once i had a premonition of a motorbike accident while i was driving. My heart felt like it stopped and then i saw it happen about 5 minutes later. The guy got up so i was relieved but it was scary. That type of stuff is rare for me but it's happened a few times.

Anyway these are the most accurate parts....

highly intuitive and with a tendency to hide their emotions.

unconditionally helps other people,

giving a lot towards others and not caring about himself.

fears, usually connected with emotional issues. The native may be afraid of being abandoned by people in his life, and he might frequently enclose himself in his own shell because of that. He might spend long periods away from people, just to avoid getting too close and experiencing fears of losing them. These matters are usually echoes of childhood fears connected with the native’s mother. The mother may have been subconsciously perceived as an enemy during the native’s young years and may have had a very mutable mood, depressive tendencies or even hysteria. In addition, she might have been hospitalized quite a lot in her life,

The native’s imagination is very strong, and he will often be daydreaming.

many nights can be sleepless and full of thoughts, sometimes melancholic

Fragile and withdrawn, they are very easily hurt even if they will not express their pain.
Definitely not. I have my birth certificate 😛
You really relate to nothing?
No. Mind you i also have my sun in 12th.

Maybe i should try with Whole Sign house system.

I know fuck all about any of this stuff. Maybe your sun in 12th overpowers your moon...? Or your moon sign was eclipsed or some weird shit happened...

Lol it doesnt matter.

Its not the planet, its the house that i dislike.
you no like your 12th house sun either?

yeah the description of haunted house is terrible.

User Submitted Image
FYI i can see your tinypic links now after i changed my browser 😄
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lots of good images from all over the world in tinypic lol

i got a new browser too.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AerialView
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
My moon is in the 12th house and i can relate to almost all of that.
Am i the the only who dont relate to that lol
Yes. Maybe your birth time is wrong?

I don't know about clairvoyance but i always know if someone is having a boy or girl. Once i had a premonition of a motorbike accident while i was driving. My heart felt like it stopped and then i saw it happen about 5 minutes later. The guy got up so i was relieved but it was scary. That type of stuff is rare for me but it's happened a few times.

Anyway these are the most accurate parts....

highly intuitive and with a tendency to hide their emotions.

unconditionally helps other people,

giving a lot towards others and not caring about himself.

fears, usually connected with emotional issues. The native may be afraid of being abandoned by people in his life, and he might frequently enclose himself in his own shell because of that. He might spend long periods away from people, just to avoid getting too close and experiencing fears of losing them. These matters are usually echoes of childhood fears connected with the native’s mother. The mother may have been subconsciously perceived as an enemy during the native’s young years and may have had a very mutable mood, depressive tendencies or even hysteria. In addition, she might have been hospitalized quite a lot in her life,

The native’s imagination is very strong, and he will often be daydreaming.

many nights can be sleepless and full of thoughts, sometimes melancholic

Fragile and withdrawn, they are very easily hurt even if they will not express their pain.
Definitely not. I have my birth certificate 😛
You really relate to nothing?
No. Mind you i also have my sun in 12th.

Maybe i should try with Whole Sign house system.

I know fuck all about any of this stuff. Maybe your sun in 12th overpowers your moon...? Or your moon sign was eclipsed or some weird shit happened...

Lol it doesnt matter.

Its not the planet, its the house that i dislike.
you no like your 12th house sun either?

yeah the description of haunted house is terrible.

User Submitted Image
FYI i can see your tinypic links now after i changed my browser 😄

lots of good images from all over the world in tinypic lol

i got a new browser too.
click to expand
What browser?
Posted by AerialView
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AerialView
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
My moon is in the 12th house and i can relate to almost all of that.
Am i the the only who dont relate to that lol
Yes. Maybe your birth time is wrong?

I don't know about clairvoyance but i always know if someone is having a boy or girl. Once i had a premonition of a motorbike accident while i was driving. My heart felt like it stopped and then i saw it happen about 5 minutes later. The guy got up so i was relieved but it was scary. That type of stuff is rare for me but it's happened a few times.

Anyway these are the most accurate parts....

highly intuitive and with a tendency to hide their emotions.

unconditionally helps other people,

giving a lot towards others and not caring about himself.

fears, usually connected with emotional issues. The native may be afraid of being abandoned by people in his life, and he might frequently enclose himself in his own shell because of that. He might spend long periods away from people, just to avoid getting too close and experiencing fears of losing them. These matters are usually echoes of childhood fears connected with the native’s mother. The mother may have been subconsciously perceived as an enemy during the native’s young years and may have had a very mutable mood, depressive tendencies or even hysteria. In addition, she might have been hospitalized quite a lot in her life,

The native’s imagination is very strong, and he will often be daydreaming.

many nights can be sleepless and full of thoughts, sometimes melancholic

Fragile and withdrawn, they are very easily hurt even if they will not express their pain.
Definitely not. I have my birth certificate 😛
You really relate to nothing?
No. Mind you i also have my sun in 12th.

Maybe i should try with Whole Sign house system.

I know fuck all about any of this stuff. Maybe your sun in 12th overpowers your moon...? Or your moon sign was eclipsed or some weird shit happened...

Lol it doesnt matter.

Its not the planet, its the house that i dislike.
you no like your 12th house sun either?

yeah the description of haunted house is terrible.

User Submitted Image
FYI i can see your tinypic links now after i changed my browser 😄

lots of good images from all over the world in tinypic lol

i got a new browser too.
What browser?
click to expand


i saw on another astro board it's a good browser because it doen't sell out your data where you look.

i actually dont know hw that works since i dont have google account,

what browser you using?
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AerialView
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AerialView
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by AerialView
Posted by Leo188881
My moon is in the 12th house and i can relate to almost all of that.
Am i the the only who dont relate to that lol
Yes. Maybe your birth time is wrong?

I don't know about clairvoyance but i always know if someone is having a boy or girl. Once i had a premonition of a motorbike accident while i was driving. My heart felt like it stopped and then i saw it happen about 5 minutes later. The guy got up so i was relieved but it was scary. That type of stuff is rare for me but it's happened a few times.

Anyway these are the most accurate parts....

highly intuitive and with a tendency to hide their emotions.

unconditionally helps other people,

giving a lot towards others and not caring about himself.

fears, usually connected with emotional issues. The native may be afraid of being abandoned by people in his life, and he might frequently enclose himself in his own shell because of that. He might spend long periods away from people, just to avoid getting too close and experiencing fears of losing them. These matters are usually echoes of childhood fears connected with the native’s mother. The mother may have been subconsciously perceived as an enemy during the native’s young years and may have had a very mutable mood, depressive tendencies or even hysteria. In addition, she might have been hospitalized quite a lot in her life,

The native’s imagination is very strong, and he will often be daydreaming.

many nights can be sleepless and full of thoughts, sometimes melancholic

Fragile and withdrawn, they are very easily hurt even if they will not express their pain.
Definitely not. I have my birth certificate 😛
You really relate to nothing?
No. Mind you i also have my sun in 12th.

Maybe i should try with Whole Sign house system.

I know fuck all about any of this stuff. Maybe your sun in 12th overpowers your moon...? Or your moon sign was eclipsed or some weird shit happened...

Lol it doesnt matter.

Its not the planet, its the house that i dislike.
you no like your 12th house sun either?

yeah the description of haunted house is terrible.

User Submitted Image
FYI i can see your tinypic links now after i changed my browser 😄

lots of good images from all over the world in tinypic lol

i got a new browser too.
What browser?


i saw on another astro board it's a good browser because it doen't sell out your data where you look.

i actually dont know hw that works since i dont have google account,

what browser you using?
click to expand
Catchy name 😄

Im using Adblocker browser for android. Previously i used Chrome for android.
Posted by AerialView
Posted by AbbyNormal
Posted by AerialView
Posted by sultrykitty
Yep. All of it. When I was little I wanted to either be a nun or a nurse, or a stripper (or porn star), lol (Leo mars 7th, Venus 8th house). Thank God I'm none of those. I wised up.

I actually like my 12th house moon. I love my intuition and I have gnarly dreams.
I feel powerless after reading that 😂
i feel naked lol 😅 very true to form for me. mine was a detriment growing up that i now use as a strength. hard to understand growing up with little guidance in that area so im super grateful to find the resources i have to help me navigate the tides.
Keep an eye from doubtful cancer/moon females lol what do you think about that?
click to expand
no issues here. i dont really have enemies.