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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
yea tell me... gives me the most over-active conscience you can imagine.
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Mar 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1355 · Topics: 6
I have saturn in taurus in the 12th house so I can help some.
Saturn in the 12th house denotes past karma that we're working out in this lifetime. The 12th house is ruled by Pisces. It's the house of seclusion, things behind the scenes and involuntary confinement like prison or mental asylum. Saturn represents the hard lessons we have to learn in life. Part of our lesson in life involves confronting our unconscious fears, which is no easy task. How do you confront something that resides just below the level of your consciousness. There's also the fear of having people see us when we're down. We'll get spooked by our irrational fears and hide out over a boogie man that exists only in our minds. That's the worst case scenario to having that placement but saturn doesn't want us to rest on our laurels. Saturn pushes us to learn the hard lessons. And it's step by step with Saturn. No get rich quick schemes with "father time."
Saturn in scorpio might imply that you have some issues around your sexuality and how you express it. On the other hand, scorpio is all about life/death/resurrection so I think it's a powerful ally to have in this journey. Scorpio wants to uncover the truth. Needs to smell the dirt. Mistrusts appearances and surface explanations. So scorpio will help you find out what's eating you and saturn can help you grow from it.
It also helps to know the aspects saturn makes in your natal chart. Those aspects can give an indication of how the energy might play out, where the conflicts might arise.
I've been told having saturn in your 12th house in not an easy place for saturn to be. I'd have to agree but conflict is there to signal growth. And we're working on some deep spiritual lessons in this lifetime. I think that's the real message of saturn in the 12th. Hope that helps!
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Mar 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1355 · Topics: 6
PS: And Saturn itself isn't about what's easy. It's about what's difficult and learning what it has to teach us. So Saturn is both the teacher and the challenger in our lives. He's there to make us grow.
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
Este... wow... same here. I know for a fact that something about knowing things and not revealing that i knew them helped me while growing up... even when i was very young. it's not that i held emotions in... as though they needed to get out. i simply didnt want to let them out. for me it feels like neurotic hoarding of emotions. giving them up is akin to giving up some sort of control. when i was younger i wasnt as self aware as i am now... i did it on instinct and impulse. but now i'm very conscientious of it. i'm more selective about how i come off than i appear to be.
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Jun 03, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 497 · Topics: 57
Something I just read was that if your Saturn is in the 12th house it signals issues with your father being absent physically or emotionally. When I read that it hit me like slap. I've always felt my dad abandoned me emotionally growing up, well that he never really bonded with me, even though he was physically there. I have Saturn in Scorpio in the 12th. I have issues with guilt for stupid little things, or feeling guilty but never being able to identify the cause. I put a horrible amount of pressure on myself and really struggle to engage normally with life. I retreat into myself a lot and when I'm struggling I need to be completely alone.