Posted by edgelordNever hurts to try now does it?Posted by EtherealTravelerquit being annoying. people will respond if they want to. you can't make them.
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Posted by ellesbelleslol
I have sun in the first but I also have neptune there too.
My definition of winning is very subjective.
All I have to do is try...and I win by default. lol
Posted by ellesbellesWhat does winning mean to you then?
I have sun in the first but I also have neptune there too.
My definition of winning is very subjective.
All I have to do is try...and I win by default. lol
Posted by DastardlyThat Sag optimism
I have Jupiter In Leo in the 1st House.
I usually don't worry about such things because I don't see winning and being 1st through the lens of competition. You can try to win and be the best and constantly compare yourself to others, then beat yourself up because sometimes you lose (could be not being number 1 for some people). I think that's a miserable mindset, full of pressure, unrealistic expectations, disappointment and anxiety. It also sounds exhausting which makes you more likely to give up.
I don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say that I'm a lazy or mediocre in my attempts to succeed or be the best. I like to win and try very hard to be the best but if I fail I don't feel bad at all, I just try again and don't experience negative emotions because I know I will eventually win and it's just a matter of time.
I believe that you are almost destined to win if you take the first step, believe in yourself, and don't give up. When you try or take that first step you are creating opportunities for yourself and in a way creating your own luck. You'll eventually have to win at some point. If you never dare to do something, you always lose.
Posted by VenusAquarius
I have goals and I achieve them.
I am a 1st born Aries... that was probably my biggest race, biggest win, lol. I am the 1st of my generation.
I think others think they are competing with me but, it's foolish. We can't possibly have the same goals. I'm a loner so it really stands out how foolish this type of thinking is. It's like small pond thinking, or small town mentality. There's a whole world out there. I've galloped through many ponds. I'm just visiting.
I have Venus in the 1st house with many trines and almost all of my asteroids are in the 1st.
Posted by DamnataHow would you win then? Elaborate for me please 👀
It's a long term thing for me...I always win in the long term.
If you feel you won over me it's only because you are short-sighted.
Uranus, Saturn, Neptune in the first.
Posted by ellesbellesbut weirdly sometimes i agree with you,Posted by lisabethur8This is why you and I read each other's posts and our opinions differ so much.
I have an empty 4th and 7th house....lolclick to expand
Posted by lisabethur8So 1st housers attract Mars/Pluto people and give out 7th house vibes?Posted by ellesbellesbut weirdly sometimes i agree with you,Posted by lisabethur8This is why you and I read each other's posts and our opinions differ so much.
I have an empty 4th and 7th
although at times i dont. lol like how you go about with your partnership/relationshp with your cappy man...
it's just too different. not my style or flavour. but i respect other people's way of life, (it's just not for me) lol
edit - i have an EMPTY 7th.
but i notice with my packed 1st house, i express or give out my opposite energies, get it??
so i want to have the relationship, but on a deeper level, so i love the libra relationship style which calls out the Mars/Pluto men after me...
they come running. lol
(annnnnndddd i got what i want, and happily yay!!) i love my 1st to expand
Posted by edgelordThat's cuz you think it's about being better than someone.Posted by Damnatathis sounds super arrogant to me. lmao
It's a long term thing for me...I always win in the long term.
If you feel you won over me it's only because you are short-sighted.
Uranus, Saturn, Neptune in the to expand
Posted by ellesbellesI think I apply to all of them in a sense.
as you can see, the answer depends on *which* planets are in that 1st house.
I seen a lot of different perceptions of 'winning' and they all seem very close to the planet that lives there.....
my sun and neptune - is all about the about the effort and experience.....very leo and pisces
lisa's venus - is about feeling 'first' in relationships
damnata's saturn - is about long term strategy
....and I haven't read through the entire thread so I can't recall from memory everyone else's response.
Posted by ellesbellesWhen loss becomes a routine it gets sickening and depressing and such.Posted by EtherealTravelerbut the only true grace to winning is knowing how to deal with loss.Posted by ellesbellesI think I apply to all of them in a sense.
as you can see, the answer depends on *which* planets are in that 1st house.
I seen a lot of different perceptions of 'winning' and they all seem very close to the planet that lives there.....
my sun and neptune - is all about the about the effort and experience.....very leo and pisces
lisa's venus - is about feeling 'first' in relationships
damnata's saturn - is about long term strategy
....and I haven't read through the entire thread so I can't recall from memory everyone else's response.
I have Sun, Neptune and Mercury in 1st house, and I just want to excel in everything possible. I want to win in acedemics (Getting As), I want to win in relationships (Getting the best girlfriend or even A girlfriend), I want to win in charisma as well as just any clubs I join in regards to leadership or oratorical based activities.
I want to be the best. That's my definition of winning imo. Damnata's Saturn kind of relates to me since I can muster all the patience I have if I can clearly see that I can win in the end, which I can't see at all that I'll win, so I get impatient and try to fix my mistakes.
putting too much emphasis on winning just sets you up to to expand
Posted by EtherealTravelerdunno but it's always been that way with me. lolPosted by lisabethur8So 1st housers attract Mars/Pluto people and give out 7th house vibes?Posted by ellesbellesbut weirdly sometimes i agree with you,Posted by lisabethur8This is why you and I read each other's posts and our opinions differ so much.
I have an empty 4th and 7th
although at times i dont. lol like how you go about with your partnership/relationshp with your cappy man...
it's just too different. not my style or flavour. but i respect other people's way of life, (it's just not for me) lol
edit - i have an EMPTY 7th.
but i notice with my packed 1st house, i express or give out my opposite energies, get it??
so i want to have the relationship, but on a deeper level, so i love the libra relationship style which calls out the Mars/Pluto men after me...
they come running. lol
(annnnnndddd i got what i want, and happily yay!!) i love my 1st to expand
Posted by lisabethur8I think there are alot of astrological differential factors... Planet, Sign, Aspects, Ascendant...Posted by VenusAquarius
I have goals and I achieve them.
I am a 1st born Aries... that was probably my biggest race, biggest win, lol. I am the 1st of my generation.
I think others think they are competing with me but, it's foolish. We can't possibly have the same goals. I'm a loner so it really stands out how foolish this type of thinking is. It's like small pond thinking, or small town mentality. There's a whole world out there. I've galloped through many ponds. I'm just visiting.
I have Venus in the 1st house with many trines and almost all of my asteroids are in the 1st.
i also have venus in the 1st.
my sisters are FIRE suns,
and one is ARIES...
so i dont know why people say competition. It's just an "energy" that wants the best for ourselves.
it may not be best for other people but for themselves( you) it's for you.
i think it's because the decisiveness of knowing what you want very nice.
while others flounder around. maybe that's to expand
Posted by ellesbellesPosted by EtherealTravelerstop looking at people as things to 'win'. it doesn't work that way.Posted by ellesbellesWhen loss becomes a routine it gets sickening and depressing and such.Posted by EtherealTravelerbut the only true grace to winning is knowing how to deal with loss.Posted by ellesbellesI think I apply to all of them in a sense.
as you can see, the answer depends on *which* planets are in that 1st house.
I seen a lot of different perceptions of 'winning' and they all seem very close to the planet that lives there.....
my sun and neptune - is all about the about the effort and experience.....very leo and pisces
lisa's venus - is about feeling 'first' in relationships
damnata's saturn - is about long term strategy
....and I haven't read through the entire thread so I can't recall from memory everyone else's response.
I have Sun, Neptune and Mercury in 1st house, and I just want to excel in everything possible. I want to win in acedemics (Getting As), I want to win in relationships (Getting the best girlfriend or even A girlfriend), I want to win in charisma as well as just any clubs I join in regards to leadership or oratorical based activities.
I want to be the best. That's my definition of winning imo. Damnata's Saturn kind of relates to me since I can muster all the patience I have if I can clearly see that I can win in the end, which I can't see at all that I'll win, so I get impatient and try to fix my mistakes.
putting too much emphasis on winning just sets you up to fail.
Which is what happened. I get depression because I can't god damn win someone else. They seem to outclass me completely. What else can I do then?click to expand