Which house system do you use?

This topic was created in the Astrology Houses forum by mswaim4 on Friday, October 9, 2015 and has 3 replies.
I've started looking into the whole house system or I guess it can also be called equal house system, but I know that the birth chart services I've gone to online have been using placidus... Anyway, I'm a sag rising and I really find that the whole house system works better for my ascendant and determining the house cusps but if that I were to adopt that entirely then my natal sun would be in the 9th house instead of the 8th house and my natal moon would be in the 4th house instead of the 3rd house and I've always really identified with sun in the 8th house and seeking depth and authenticity and having premonitions and being able to tell the core of who someone is upon speaking to them as well as the moon in the third and needing to communicate my emotions to get rid of some of the internal restlessness I have. Can you use more than one house system and not be cheating?
Posted by tiziani
I use Placidus out of sheer force of habit. I've also had to get used to Regiomantanus lately because i'm practicing horary.

The most authentic thing to do is get to know the person first (in your case, not an issue considering it's your own chart Tongue ) look at the different options and choose the system that best matches their experience so far.

There is no system that is 100% without fail for everyone. Each one has a failure rate. As long as the one you're using for a chart hits at least 70% accuracy or above it's a fair bet.

There are many planets/aspects for seeking depth, authenticity and premonitions. dozens. You're not short of options in terms of looking for an explanation for that beyond Sun house.

Maybe. I just relate SO much to that placement... Being obsessed with sex and death, having a very purposeful and determined nature, experiencing constant little psychological deaths and rebirths. I have ninth house and sag placements and virgo as well so I am getting my PhD... I know ninth house can be about higher learning... I guess you're right. How long have you been studying astrology??
I recommend utilizing both equal house systems work well with medieval nodal charts annd profections but Placidus reveals accurate midpoints in composites, horary, natal and disease diagnosis.