your 7th house, exudes opposite energies?

This topic was created in the Astrology Houses forum by lisabethur8 on Friday, March 10, 2017 and has 43 replies.

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.
Posted by d0s3r
this is really annoying lol.

i've just stared at his chart for ages trying to figure it out

btw his 7th house is in aries not aquarius - maybe you misread?

but then, that still doesn't explain the uranus dominance, if your axis theory were true

maybe you should sign up to lindaland and ask around
lol yeah I must have misread.

but my point was that what is in your 1st, your energies in the 7th show to the world.

make sense?

like the example of Sarah Michelle Gellar, her husband juno is virgo, and Sarah has no virgo...

but her 7th house...virgo! EMPTY.

Ryan Reynolds for example, has aries/pisces 7th EMPTY.

do people see you as a certain sign/energy?
Posted by d0s3r
it's actually a really cool chart

what a cool observation you made

but i wonder why there is uranus dominance over mars from the aries?
hm his 11th house is LEO,

5th house Aquarius. the mirror, and his Saturn leo is in 11th, empty 5th house.
Posted by d0s3r
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by d0s3r
it's actually a really cool chart

what a cool observation you made

but i wonder why there is uranus dominance over mars from the aries?
hm his 11th house is LEO,

5th house Aquarius. the mirror, and his Saturn leo is in 11th, empty 5th house.
but this gets more importance than the aries house, which is opposite the loaded 1st house?

i wonder how the dominance on astrotheme gets calculated...
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well astrologers are always saying your first house is appearance. and they don't really get into the nitty gritty details.

so if first house = how you show the world, your 7th house is projection of what you show to the world, what you like and how you are, hard to explain.

7th house is house of marriage, so your 7th is the "expression" of "hey guys, or hey gals i'm attracted to YOUUU!!!" kind of energy

so if your 7th is virgo,

you will be, "oh heeyyy mr. virgoooo!!! yoohooo!! i'm here!!"


so it's the interchange of energy axis, your appearance to the world and attraction for marriage.
oh crap. lol

sometimes I think I got dyslexia.

it's the OTHER way around.

she's screaming, "I've got the virgo energy you NEED!!"

my 7th house is wanting that energy!!! help!! make me complete, my partner!! (edit to put that energy there to complete me, so i'm TRUE!)

Posted by Sanchez
I don't understand what you mean. I have Pluto in first, Taurus is on my 7th house cusp and it is empty.?
you're saying,

Taurus peeps!! complete me!!!


no matter what, your 7th house will always want that energy till the day you die.

you could have 3 energies in that house, if it's a WIDE house too.

so if your 7th is Taurus/Gemini/ Cancer, you will want those energies combined, you can't escape it.

this is astrology.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Sanchez
I don't understand what you mean. I have Pluto in first, Taurus is on my 7th house cusp and it is empty.?
you're saying,

Taurus peeps!! complete me!!!
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Na, mine is in Gemini and Jupiter sits there which is my chart ruler and I'm totally not saying that.

Why do people forget the 7th house deals with open enemies? That is so much more on the mark with me.

Same for the 12th with hidden ones.
I would say though that is one sign where I have a very black and white's polarized for me. I really like them or I would push them into a volcano without second thoughts.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Sanchez
I don't understand what you mean. I have Pluto in first, Taurus is on my 7th house cusp and it is empty.?
you're saying,

Taurus peeps!! complete me!!!
Na, mine is in Gemini and Jupiter sits there which is my chart ruler and I'm totally not saying that.

Why do people forget the 7th house deals with open enemies? That is so much more on the mark with me.

Same for the 12th with hidden ones.
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but does your partner have Gemini qualities? that's what I mean.

especially you are MERCURIAL, and aries dominant. you will definitely love that Gemini energy with the aries energy, fire loves air, and being mercurial, will satiate your Virgo too.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Damnata
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Sanchez
I don't understand what you mean. I have Pluto in first, Taurus is on my 7th house cusp and it is empty.?
you're saying,

Taurus peeps!! complete me!!!
Na, mine is in Gemini and Jupiter sits there which is my chart ruler and I'm totally not saying that.

Why do people forget the 7th house deals with open enemies? That is so much more on the mark with me.

Same for the 12th with hidden ones.

but does your partner have Gemini qualities? that's what I mean.

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Nah..I mean I could argue he has 3rd house placements so Gemini vibe but those placements are Aqua so I can't tell the Gemini influence at all. Only the Aqua.

Posted by Damnata
I would say though that is one sign where I have a very black and white's polarized for me. I really like them or I would push them into a volcano without second thoughts.
it's not normally in the sun sign or moon sign though, you can still be attracted to Gemini mercurial energies.

it's the simple look at Blake Lively's chart with Aquarus and Pisces in her 7th.

but she is NOT married to a Pisces sun or moon, or Aquarius sun or moon or dominant ...

but her husband is Uranus and Neptune dominant.

she's basically screaming out to the world, I need someone to FILL my house of marriage...anyone got that??
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Damnata
I would say though that is one sign where I have a very black and white's polarized for me. I really like them or I would push them into a volcano without second thoughts.
it's not normally in the sun sign or moon sign though, you can still be attracted to Gemini mercurial energies.

it's the simple look at Blake Lively's chart with Aquarus and Pisces in her 7th.

but she is NOT married to a Pisces sun or moon, or Aquarius sun or moon or dominant ...

but her husband is Uranus and Neptune dominant.

she's basically screaming out to the world, I need someone to FILL my house of marriage...anyone got that??
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He is mercury dominant yeah. But so am I and it just happens I have the better Mercury here lol.
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
I have an empty 7th house, but have both pluto and Uranus in virgo in the 2nd house, what does that mean?
you like plutonian parnters (7th house pluto) and it's both virgo energies,

you like virgo a lot, your partner will have some virgo influences if NOT the virgo sign itself.

I am starting to believe in Decans.
Posted by Sanchez
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Sanchez
I don't understand what you mean. I have Pluto in first, Taurus is on my 7th house cusp and it is empty.?
you're saying,

Taurus peeps!! complete me!!!


no matter what, your 7th house will always want that energy till the day you die.

you could have 3 energies in that house, if it's a WIDE house too.

so if your 7th is Taurus/Gemini/ Cancer, you will want those energies combined, you can't escape it.

this is astrology.
It's just Taurus, from my understanding. There may be a small part of Gemini in the house. Definitely not Cancer Though.
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Gemini and Taurus, even if it's a tiny part, will still want that Gemini influence.

you're attracted to them and want them to fill your house.
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
In fact I have an

3 house (empty)

5 house (empty)

6 house (empty)

7 house (empty)

What does it all mean?
7th empty means no need to care about relationships (7th , it's not that big deal to you)

I don't really know anyone on this forum with a packed 7th,

he's good at explaining even though he's Vedic.

also if you have an empty 5th house, the CUSP is where you look

just because you have an empty 5th doesn't mean you will LACK children,

What About my Empty Houses?

No, this is not a real estate question, it is the common lament of novice astrologers once they have begun to explore themselves through astrology.

They learn that the 5th house is all about Children and fun and then they realise there are no planets in the 5th and figure that they are destined not to have any children or fun. Not having fun is something to really panic about and they do. They wail for help immediately and if they are lucky they will find a more advanced astrologer who can put their minds at ease.

If you are one of these novice astrologers wondering what you are going to do with your life since there are no planets in your 10th house or whatever, there really is no need to panic. You simply look at the sign on the cusp of your empty house(s) and then go find the planet which rules this sign. You need to understand the affairs if this planet, it's house placement, comfort in the said sign and its aspects. Once you understand what it means you then apply it to the affairs of your empty house.

Posted by Sanchez
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Sanchez
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Sanchez
I don't understand what you mean. I have Pluto in first, Taurus is on my 7th house cusp and it is empty.?
you're saying,

Taurus peeps!! complete me!!!


no matter what, your 7th house will always want that energy till the day you die.

you could have 3 energies in that house, if it's a WIDE house too.

so if your 7th is Taurus/Gemini/ Cancer, you will want those energies combined, you can't escape it.

this is astrology.
It's just Taurus, from my understanding. There may be a small part of Gemini in the house. Definitely not Cancer Though.
Gemini and Taurus, even if it's a tiny part, will still want that Gemini influence.

you're attracted to them and want them to fill your house.
Lol nah.
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not the sun sign/moon ect.

even if you don't like Gemini energies,

like how you see Gemini suns running around and Gemini moon ect.

they don't attract you at all!!!

the energies come out elsewhere.

the person you're with has dominant mercury energy.
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.

I didn't get what you meant in this post, Lisa.

IMO, they have what I would call a very simple synastry.... One of the easiest to decipher.

They are a stellium couple. They have stellium in their Charts!

He is a Plutonic/Scorpionic guy and she has Pluto on her IC!

His fifth house ruler Saturn is right on HER ASC!

Her 7R Uranus is on his IC!

His eighth house ruler Mars is on her IC!

Angular rulers especially relationship angle rulers On angles are extremely powerful IMO.

Plus they have lots of aspects....

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yes but i'm a simple person so I want to show it in the most simple way.

and he's actually NOT that scorpionic, he's more Neptunian. and Uranus.

if he were PLUTO dominant yes, but he's NOT.

pluto dominant men I can tell, like Robert Downey Jr.


pluto dominant.

he went through the fires of hell... and redemption, renewal... like a glorious phoenix.

Posted by Sanchez
I've gotten along better with Aquas. I have Saturn in Aquarius trine my Sun/Mercury.

I do have 3 planets in 3rd though, but I haven't made very meaningful encounters with Gemini.
you have an easy going nature, I don't see how you cannot get along with people.

Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by lisabethur8
also if you have an empty 5th house, the CUSP is where you look

just because you have an empty 5th doesn't mean you will LACK children,

What About my Empty Houses?

No, this is not a real estate question, it is the common lament of novice astrologers once they have begun to explore themselves through astrology.

They learn that the 5th house is all about Children and fun and then they realise there are no planets in the 5th and figure that they are destined not to have any children or fun. Not having fun is something to really panic about and they do. They wail for help immediately and if they are lucky they will find a more advanced astrologer who can put their minds at ease.

If you are one of these novice astrologers wondering what you are going to do with your life since there are no planets in your 10th house or whatever, there really is no need to panic. You simply look at the sign on the cusp of your empty house(s) and then go find the planet which rules this sign. You need to understand the affairs if this planet, it's house placement, comfort in the said sign and its aspects. Once you understand what it means you then apply it to the affairs of your empty house.

U know what.. with regards to an empty 7th house, it is correct in that relationships do not mean that much to me. It is not high in the agenda in my life ie if someone worthwhile comes along then so be it . Otherwise I prefer to stay single.

An empty 5 house. I don't have children!

They both seem to ring true!
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I wish someone would come here and post and admit their packed 7th house. lol

plenty of people with empty 7th houses get married though,

and plenty of people with empty 5th have children.

I think in those links they are referring to what's hidden in your cusp energy too.

the mysteries of houses are perplexing. lol

Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by lisabethur8
also if you have an empty 5th house, the CUSP is where you look

just because you have an empty 5th doesn't mean you will LACK children,

What About my Empty Houses?

No, this is not a real estate question, it is the common lament of novice astrologers once they have begun to explore themselves through astrology.

They learn that the 5th house is all about Children and fun and then they realise there are no planets in the 5th and figure that they are destined not to have any children or fun. Not having fun is something to really panic about and they do. They wail for help immediately and if they are lucky they will find a more advanced astrologer who can put their minds at ease.

If you are one of these novice astrologers wondering what you are going to do with your life since there are no planets in your 10th house or whatever, there really is no need to panic. You simply look at the sign on the cusp of your empty house(s) and then go find the planet which rules this sign. You need to understand the affairs if this planet, it's house placement, comfort in the said sign and its aspects. Once you understand what it means you then apply it to the affairs of your empty house.

So what sign will be the cusp of the 5 and 7 houses, respectively?
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if it's empty what's in your next signs/energies of houses?

my 7th is cusp virgo/leo/ and 6th cusp cancer. my house is wide. cancer energies, and interestingly enough, my husband is Cancer decan. I did not marry a virgo or a leo or a cancer because my house is empty. but those energies are IN my husband,

the SAME way, Blake Lively married Ryan Reynolds looking for a Uranus/Neptunian man!! you see??

she did NOT marry an Aquarius man or Pisces man. (edit her 7th house is screaming aquarius/pisces)
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.

I didn't get what you meant in this post, Lisa.

IMO, they have what I would call a very simple synastry.... One of the easiest to decipher.

They are a stellium couple. They have stellium in their Charts!

He is a Plutonic/Scorpionic guy and she has Pluto on her IC!

His fifth house ruler Saturn is right on HER ASC!

Her 7R Uranus is on his IC!

His eighth house ruler Mars is on her IC!

Angular rulers especially relationship angle rulers On angles are extremely powerful IMO.

Plus they have lots of aspects....

If I gave you me and my bull's charts, could you give me a "synopsis"?

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i'll try. sure.
so his house 7 is Capricorn, cusp Sag, cusp Aqua?

you have some aquarius bits, and sag bits? with a strong Capricorn energy...

your Taurus energies are most likely Capricorn decan.

or that your 10th aspects a lot of your Taurus?
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.

I didn't get what you meant in this post, Lisa.

IMO, they have what I would call a very simple synastry.... One of the easiest to decipher.

They are a stellium couple. They have stellium in their Charts!

He is a Plutonic/Scorpionic guy and she has Pluto on her IC!

His fifth house ruler Saturn is right on HER ASC!

Her 7R Uranus is on his IC!

His eighth house ruler Mars is on her IC!

Angular rulers especially relationship angle rulers On angles are extremely powerful IMO.

Plus they have lots of aspects....

If I gave you me and my bull's charts, could you give me a "synopsis"?

Of course! And I would be happy to do it for you Busy... You have helped me a lot and i would consider this a chance to return the favour?

And he came to see me last weekend ?

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oh good!! I hope you give some input!! i'd love to see what you think of her charts and her bull's chart.

the orbs/degree thing confuses me.
Posted by lisabethur8

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.
I love this. I always read how detrimental my empty 7th in Capricorn was. But I have Saturn, Neptune and Uranus Capricorn 6th house. I guess I'm like a train, slow to start but hard to stop. Chugga chugga choo
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.

I didn't get what you meant in this post, Lisa.

IMO, they have what I would call a very simple synastry.... One of the easiest to decipher.

They are a stellium couple. They have stellium in their Charts!

He is a Plutonic/Scorpionic guy and she has Pluto on her IC!

His fifth house ruler Saturn is right on HER ASC!

Her 7R Uranus is on his IC!

His eighth house ruler Mars is on her IC!

Angular rulers especially relationship angle rulers On angles are extremely powerful IMO.

Plus they have lots of aspects....

yes but i'm a simple person so I want to show it in the most simple way.

and he's actually NOT that scorpionic, he's more Neptunian. and Uranus.

if he were PLUTO dominant yes, but he's NOT.

pluto dominant men I can tell, like Robert Downey Jr.


pluto dominant.

he went through the fires of hell... and redemption, renewal... like a glorious phoenix.

I disagree Lisa... I have looked at his chart and the synastry also.

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Born: October 23, 1976, 4:30 AM

In: Vancouver (BC) (Canada)

Sun: 0°11' Scorpio AS: 23°46' Virgo

Moon: 3°57' Scorpio MC: 22°06' Gemini

Dominants: Scorpio, Libra, Virgo

Mercury, Uranus, Neptune

Houses 2, 3, 1 / Water, Air / Fixed

yes, he still has scorpio of course, but it's not something that shows in terms of energy

and his life path so far. It looks like he's had an easy peasy life,

but I didn't check his biography.

Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by JohnTheBaptist100
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.

I didn't get what you meant in this post, Lisa.

IMO, they have what I would call a very simple synastry.... One of the easiest to decipher.

They are a stellium couple. They have stellium in their Charts!

He is a Plutonic/Scorpionic guy and she has Pluto on her IC!

His fifth house ruler Saturn is right on HER ASC!

Her 7R Uranus is on his IC!

His eighth house ruler Mars is on her IC!

Angular rulers especially relationship angle rulers On angles are extremely powerful IMO.

Plus they have lots of aspects....

If I gave you me and my bull's charts, could you give me a "synopsis"?

Of course! And I would be happy to do it for you Busy... You have helped me a lot and i would consider this a chance to return the favour?

And he came to see me last weekend ?

oh good!! I hope you give some input!! i'd love to see what you think of her charts and her bull's chart.

the orbs/degree thing confuses me.

Thanks a lot.... But I need an actual chart ?

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just ask her for them.
Posted by Lunabee
Posted by lisabethur8

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.
I love this. I always read how detrimental my empty 7th in Capricorn was. But I have Saturn, Neptune and Uranus Capricorn 6th house. I guess I'm like a train, slow to start but hard to stop. Chugga chugga choo
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then you would be attracting Capricorn type of men.

not necessarily Capricorn sun men or any Capricorn placements either.

He could be a TAURUS, and he's Capricorn decan because of the aspects. that's what i'm connecting to.
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.

I didn't get what you meant in this post, Lisa.

IMO, they have what I would call a very simple synastry.... One of the easiest to decipher.

They are a stellium couple. They have stellium in their Charts!

He is a Plutonic/Scorpionic guy and she has Pluto on her IC!

His fifth house ruler Saturn is right on HER ASC!

Her 7R Uranus is on his IC!

His eighth house ruler Mars is on her IC!

Angular rulers especially relationship angle rulers On angles are extremely powerful IMO.

Plus they have lots of aspects....

yes but i'm a simple person so I want to show it in the most simple way.

and he's actually NOT that scorpionic, he's more Neptunian. and Uranus.

if he were PLUTO dominant yes, but he's NOT.

pluto dominant men I can tell, like Robert Downey Jr.


pluto dominant.

he went through the fires of hell... and redemption, renewal... like a glorious phoenix.

I disagree Lisa... I have looked at his chart and the synastry also.

Born: October 23, 1976, 4:30 AM

In: Vancouver (BC) (Canada)

Sun: 0°11' Scorpio AS: 23°46' Virgo

Moon: 3°57' Scorpio MC: 22°06' Gemini

Dominants: Scorpio, Libra, Virgo

Mercury, Uranus, Neptune

Houses 2, 3, 1 / Water, Air / Fixed

yes, he still has scorpio of course, but it's not something that shows in terms of energy

and his life path so far. It looks like he's had an easy peasy life,

but I didn't check his biography.

He is very Scorpionic /Plutonic Lisa... First house Pluto; Sun,moon, NN,Uranus and Mars in Scorpio and 8R Mars in Scorpio..... Maybe you are seeing his Gem MC energy?

click to expand
i'm not denying he isn't scorpionic, he's just NOT pluto dominant.

he feels more libra, light. and he IS libra dominant.

like a light version of scorpio if you want to put it that way.

and maybe on the gem mc.
Posted by Lunabee
Posted by lisabethur8

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.
I love this. I always read how detrimental my empty 7th in Capricorn was. But I have Saturn, Neptune and Uranus Capricorn 6th house. I guess I'm like a train, slow to start but hard to stop. Chugga chugga choo
click to expand


I was thinking of it when I was looking at Michelle Gellar's Chart. 7th house Libra, Virgo and Leo wide house, her pluto libra is in 7th.

no other planets there, but pluto 7th.

and she married a 6th house sun man, (virgo house) with aquarius and Gemini planets,and libra too, libra dominant.

his leo energy is his venus and mercury in 5th house. so he loves like an aqua/leo.

Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Lunabee
Posted by lisabethur8

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.
I love this. I always read how detrimental my empty 7th in Capricorn was. But I have Saturn, Neptune and Uranus Capricorn 6th house. I guess I'm like a train, slow to start but hard to stop. Chugga chugga choo


I was thinking of it when I was looking at Michelle Gellar's Chart. 7th house Libra, Virgo and Leo wide house, her pluto libra is in 7th.

no other planets there, but pluto 7th.

and she married a 6th house sun man, (virgo house) with aquarius and Gemini planets,and libra too, libra dominant.

his leo energy is his venus and mercury in 5th house. so he loves like an aqua/leo.

click to expand
So I'll probably be attracted more to 10th house energies?

Posted by lisabethur8
especially you are MERCURIAL, and aries dominant. you will definitely love that Gemini energy with the aries energy, fire loves air, and being mercurial, will satiate your Virgo too.
It will SATIATE YOUR VIRGO, @Damnata.

I'm enjoying your posts, lisabethur8... you're

on a roll with this topic.


Posted by Lunabee
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Lunabee
Posted by lisabethur8

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.
I love this. I always read how detrimental my empty 7th in Capricorn was. But I have Saturn, Neptune and Uranus Capricorn 6th house. I guess I'm like a train, slow to start but hard to stop. Chugga chugga choo


I was thinking of it when I was looking at Michelle Gellar's Chart. 7th house Libra, Virgo and Leo wide house, her pluto libra is in 7th.

no other planets there, but pluto 7th.

and she married a 6th house sun man, (virgo house) with aquarius and Gemini planets,and libra too, libra dominant.

his leo energy is his venus and mercury in 5th house. so he loves like an aqua/leo.

So I'll probably be attracted more to 10th house energies?

click to expand
yeah someone who is career-oriented most likely.

but he doesn't have to be Capricorn or have any Capricorn. he could be a domiant 10th houser or have venus in 10th or sun in 10th moon in 10th. something like that.
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.

I didn't get what you meant in this post, Lisa.

IMO, they have what I would call a very simple synastry.... One of the easiest to decipher.

They are a stellium couple. They have stellium in their Charts!

He is a Plutonic/Scorpionic guy and she has Pluto on her IC!

His fifth house ruler Saturn is right on HER ASC!

Her 7R Uranus is on his IC!

His eighth house ruler Mars is on her IC!

Angular rulers especially relationship angle rulers On angles are extremely powerful IMO.

Plus they have lots of aspects....

yes but i'm a simple person so I want to show it in the most simple way.

and he's actually NOT that scorpionic, he's more Neptunian. and Uranus.

if he were PLUTO dominant yes, but he's NOT.

pluto dominant men I can tell, like Robert Downey Jr.


pluto dominant.

he went through the fires of hell... and redemption, renewal... like a glorious phoenix.

I disagree Lisa... I have looked at his chart and the synastry also.

Born: October 23, 1976, 4:30 AM

In: Vancouver (BC) (Canada)

Sun: 0°11' Scorpio AS: 23°46' Virgo

Moon: 3°57' Scorpio MC: 22°06' Gemini

Dominants: Scorpio, Libra, Virgo

Mercury, Uranus, Neptune

Houses 2, 3, 1 / Water, Air / Fixed

yes, he still has scorpio of course, but it's not something that shows in terms of energy

and his life path so far. It looks like he's had an easy peasy life,

but I didn't check his biography.

He is very Scorpionic /Plutonic Lisa... First house Pluto; Sun,moon, NN,Uranus and Mars in Scorpio and 8R Mars in Scorpio..... Maybe you are seeing his Gem MC energy?

i'm not denying he isn't scorpionic, he's just NOT pluto dominant.

he feels more libra, light. and he IS libra dominant.

like a light version of scorpio if you want to put it that way.

and maybe on the gem mc.

He is Pluto dominant.

I'm not gonna argue about how you feel. My statements were based on their natal to their synastry and how I read charts.

They have many major mirroring patterns

eg. Plutonic guy to a gal with Pluto on IC

Aqua Desc to a Uranus/Moon

Stellium to stellium

Angle rulers on angles! -Very binding factors and it involves Saturn!

Angle rulers to angle rulers aspects... I have said it too many times, axis rulers are very powerful and binding in synastry.

Inter planetary aspects between personals and outers for love and sexual attraction.

I was reading the synastry, I didn't understand your original post, tbh. I guess we have a different way of reading synastry.

click to expand
no I get what you mean, with the Pluto IC,

but I was thinking in terms of his energy, he doesn't feel "heavy" you know?

there is a lightness about him, so I am sticking to light version scorpio.

and there's NO way you can deny he has Libra dominant energies. when that is FUSED with heavy energies, even if you are an earth sun or water sun, it will LIGHTEN things up.

i'm just learning too,

but maybe you are a professional astrologer, so you see things differently too.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Lunabee
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Lunabee
Posted by lisabethur8

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.
I love this. I always read how detrimental my empty 7th in Capricorn was. But I have Saturn, Neptune and Uranus Capricorn 6th house. I guess I'm like a train, slow to start but hard to stop. Chugga chugga choo


I was thinking of it when I was looking at Michelle Gellar's Chart. 7th house Libra, Virgo and Leo wide house, her pluto libra is in 7th.

no other planets there, but pluto 7th.

and she married a 6th house sun man, (virgo house) with aquarius and Gemini planets,and libra too, libra dominant.

his leo energy is his venus and mercury in 5th house. so he loves like an aqua/leo.

So I'll probably be attracted more to 10th house energies?

yeah someone who is career-oriented most likely.

but he doesn't have to be Capricorn or have any Capricorn. he could be a domiant 10th houser or have venus in 10th or sun in 10th moon in 10th. something like that.
click to expand

Makes sense for my personality.

Posted by Montgomery
Posted by lisabethur8
especially you are MERCURIAL, and aries dominant. you will definitely love that Gemini energy with the aries energy, fire loves air, and being mercurial, will satiate your Virgo too.
It will SATIATE YOUR VIRGO, @Damnata.

I'm enjoying your posts, lisabethur8... you're

on a roll with this topic.


click to expand

thanks monty,

got anything for us with 7th/1st house appearance and your needs/desires in the 7th? smile

Posted by Montgomery
Posted by lisabethur8
especially you are MERCURIAL, and aries dominant. you will definitely love that Gemini energy with the aries energy, fire loves air, and being mercurial, will satiate your Virgo too.
It will SATIATE YOUR VIRGO, @Damnata.

I'm enjoying your posts, lisabethur8... you're

on a roll with this topic.


click to expand
I do love the way his mind works for sure but then again that opposing to the degree Pisces Merc when he's Mercury dominant as I am with my Virgo
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.

I didn't get what you meant in this post, Lisa.

IMO, they have what I would call a very simple synastry.... One of the easiest to decipher.

They are a stellium couple. They have stellium in their Charts!

He is a Plutonic/Scorpionic guy and she has Pluto on her IC!

His fifth house ruler Saturn is right on HER ASC!

Her 7R Uranus is on his IC!

His eighth house ruler Mars is on her IC!

Angular rulers especially relationship angle rulers On angles are extremely powerful IMO.

Plus they have lots of aspects....

yes but i'm a simple person so I want to show it in the most simple way.

and he's actually NOT that scorpionic, he's more Neptunian. and Uranus.

if he were PLUTO dominant yes, but he's NOT.

pluto dominant men I can tell, like Robert Downey Jr.


pluto dominant.

he went through the fires of hell... and redemption, renewal... like a glorious phoenix.

I disagree Lisa... I have looked at his chart and the synastry also.

Born: October 23, 1976, 4:30 AM

In: Vancouver (BC) (Canada)

Sun: 0°11' Scorpio AS: 23°46' Virgo

Moon: 3°57' Scorpio MC: 22°06' Gemini

Dominants: Scorpio, Libra, Virgo

Mercury, Uranus, Neptune

Houses 2, 3, 1 / Water, Air / Fixed

yes, he still has scorpio of course, but it's not something that shows in terms of energy

and his life path so far. It looks like he's had an easy peasy life,

but I didn't check his biography.

He is very Scorpionic /Plutonic Lisa... First house Pluto; Sun,moon, NN,Uranus and Mars in Scorpio and 8R Mars in Scorpio..... Maybe you are seeing his Gem MC energy?

i'm not denying he isn't scorpionic, he's just NOT pluto dominant.

he feels more libra, light. and he IS libra dominant.

like a light version of scorpio if you want to put it that way.

and maybe on the gem mc.

He is Pluto dominant.

I'm not gonna argue about how you feel. My statements were based on their natal to their synastry and how I read charts.

They have many major mirroring patterns

eg. Plutonic guy to a gal with Pluto on IC

Aqua Desc to a Uranus/Moon

Stellium to stellium

Angle rulers on angles! -Very binding factors and it involves Saturn!

Angle rulers to angle rulers aspects... I have said it too many times, axis rulers are very powerful and binding in synastry.

Inter planetary aspects between personals and outers for love and sexual attraction.

I was reading the synastry, I didn't understand your original post, tbh. I guess we have a different way of reading synastry.

no I get what you mean, with the Pluto IC,

but I was thinking in terms of his energy, he doesn't feel "heavy" you know?

there is a lightness about him, so I am sticking to light version scorpio.

and there's NO way you can deny he has Libra dominant energies. when that is FUSED with heavy energies, even if you are an earth sun or water sun, it will LIGHTEN things up.

i'm just learning too,

but maybe you are a professional astrologer, so you see things differently too.

That's OK Lisa... I understand...

I have started to read charts professionally... But I do it for fun but somehow people have started to bring their friends who need a chart reading... I'm making money out of reading synastry charts lol

click to expand
then you are a professional astrologer. Tongue

I have heard even online that you can go to astrology schools too.

Posted by Damnata
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by lisabethur8
especially you are MERCURIAL, and aries dominant. you will definitely love that Gemini energy with the aries energy, fire loves air, and being mercurial, will satiate your Virgo too.
It will SATIATE YOUR VIRGO, @Damnata.

I'm enjoying your posts, lisabethur8... you're

on a roll with this topic.


I do love the way his mind works for sure but then again that opposing to the degree Pisces Merc when he's Mercury dominant as I am with my Virgo
click to expand
Your Vedic Pisces moon just isnt doing the job,

is it... smh

Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by NotSoInstant
Posted by lisabethur8

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.

I didn't get what you meant in this post, Lisa.

IMO, they have what I would call a very simple synastry.... One of the easiest to decipher.

They are a stellium couple. They have stellium in their Charts!

He is a Plutonic/Scorpionic guy and she has Pluto on her IC!

His fifth house ruler Saturn is right on HER ASC!

Her 7R Uranus is on his IC!

His eighth house ruler Mars is on her IC!

Angular rulers especially relationship angle rulers On angles are extremely powerful IMO.

Plus they have lots of aspects....

yes but i'm a simple person so I want to show it in the most simple way.

and he's actually NOT that scorpionic, he's more Neptunian. and Uranus.

if he were PLUTO dominant yes, but he's NOT.

pluto dominant men I can tell, like Robert Downey Jr.


pluto dominant.

he went through the fires of hell... and redemption, renewal... like a glorious phoenix.

I disagree Lisa... I have looked at his chart and the synastry also.

Born: October 23, 1976, 4:30 AM

In: Vancouver (BC) (Canada)

Sun: 0°11' Scorpio AS: 23°46' Virgo

Moon: 3°57' Scorpio MC: 22°06' Gemini

Dominants: Scorpio, Libra, Virgo

Mercury, Uranus, Neptune

Houses 2, 3, 1 / Water, Air / Fixed

yes, he still has scorpio of course, but it's not something that shows in terms of energy

and his life path so far. It looks like he's had an easy peasy life,

but I didn't check his biography.

He is very Scorpionic /Plutonic Lisa... First house Pluto; Sun,moon, NN,Uranus and Mars in Scorpio and 8R Mars in Scorpio..... Maybe you are seeing his Gem MC energy?

i'm not denying he isn't scorpionic, he's just NOT pluto dominant.

he feels more libra, light. and he IS libra dominant.

like a light version of scorpio if you want to put it that way.

and maybe on the gem mc.

He is Pluto dominant.

I'm not gonna argue about how you feel. My statements were based on their natal to their synastry and how I read charts.

They have many major mirroring patterns

eg. Plutonic guy to a gal with Pluto on IC

Aqua Desc to a Uranus/Moon

Stellium to stellium

Angle rulers on angles! -Very binding factors and it involves Saturn!

Angle rulers to angle rulers aspects... I have said it too many times, axis rulers are very powerful and binding in synastry.

Inter planetary aspects between personals and outers for love and sexual attraction.

I was reading the synastry, I didn't understand your original post, tbh. I guess we have a different way of reading synastry.

no I get what you mean, with the Pluto IC,

but I was thinking in terms of his energy, he doesn't feel "heavy" you know?

there is a lightness about him, so I am sticking to light version scorpio.

and there's NO way you can deny he has Libra dominant energies. when that is FUSED with heavy energies, even if you are an earth sun or water sun, it will LIGHTEN things up.

i'm just learning too,

but maybe you are a professional astrologer, so you see things differently too.

That's OK Lisa... I understand...

I have started to read charts professionally... But I do it for fun but somehow people have started to bring their friends who need a chart reading... I'm making money out of reading synastry charts lol

then you are a professional astrologer. Tongue

I have heard even online that you can go to astrology schools too.


Idk... I'm not embracing astrology as such. My family would disown me if they know I dabble in astrology,Lisa. ?

Yeah, there are few sites where one can learn. And there are articles online to study also.

But nothing is equal to looking at charts. And getting experience from readingcharts,IMO.

click to expand

I should go through astrotheme a lot more, and read charts. and also

although more than half don't have rising. so it sucks. houses are very important, no wonder astrologers need it.

Posted by Lunabee
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Lunabee
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Lunabee
Posted by lisabethur8

or even if it's empty, you're still a dominant energy?

for example, when I look at Ryan Reynold's chart.

he has an empty 7th, but he is Neptune and Uranus dominant. because his Aquarius and Pisces are in the 7th house.

he has no other pisces or aquarius placements either, interestingly enough.

it's like your opposite is the projection and same mirror. the axis.

even in blake lively's chart, she has Aries and pisces in the 7th EMPTY there.

and Ryan Reynolds would be interested in marrying a woman with the Aquarius pisces energy.

she has the axis projection. no pisces placements, but a packed stellium virgo!!

and a leo rising.

I didn't really think about it until now because this was way back when I was doing Sarah Michelle Gellar's chart with her husband Freddie Prince jr.

and his juno and 7th house wants something Virgoen....and Sarah has a strong Piscean energy, all projecting the axis.

get what I mean??

cant find any youtube videos on it as most are talking about 7th house marriage house.
I love this. I always read how detrimental my empty 7th in Capricorn was. But I have Saturn, Neptune and Uranus Capricorn 6th house. I guess I'm like a train, slow to start but hard to stop. Chugga chugga choo


I was thinking of it when I was looking at Michelle Gellar's Chart. 7th house Libra, Virgo and Leo wide house, her pluto libra is in 7th.

no other planets there, but pluto 7th.

and she married a 6th house sun man, (virgo house) with aquarius and Gemini planets,and libra too, libra dominant.

his leo energy is his venus and mercury in 5th house. so he loves like an aqua/leo.

So I'll probably be attracted more to 10th house energies?

yeah someone who is career-oriented most likely.

but he doesn't have to be Capricorn or have any Capricorn. he could be a domiant 10th houser or have venus in 10th or sun in 10th moon in 10th. something like that.

Makes sense for my personality.

click to expand

lol yeah juno is also important though.

it's so complicated.

that's why I was interested in sarah michelle/Freddie prince's because his juno is in virgo.

so the axis thing has a lot to do with it.

and her 7th house is 3 energies, Libra, Virgo, and Leo.

she didn't marry a Leo, she didn't marry a Virgo, or a Libra either.

but all those energies are in her husband.

Posted by lisabethur8
oh crap. lol

sometimes I think I got dyslexia.

it's the OTHER way around.

she's screaming, "I've got the virgo energy you NEED!!"

my 7th house is wanting that energy!!! help!! make me complete, my partner!! (edit to put that energy there to complete me, so i'm TRUE!)

Wow! It really explains a lot of things.

Edited, I actually misread my chart I thought Cancer is in my 7th house. But it turns out it's only in 6th & 5th house. So does this explain the reason I keep attracting Cancer men in my life? Or it's only related to the 7th house? These are the only Cancer placements I have in my chart.