Hello. Me And my 2 best friends met this Group of Amazing People And since Then WE Are like a Family. Im a Leo Woman And Know libra men very good . This guy loves me but Not in a romantical way . He has something with my friend which really hurt me .right After me And his best friend also had smth. Normally im very stubborn And i don't think he has a clue that i like HIm or maybe he Knows everything Because Hard the Most Amazone Person ever ,But just Liked my friend more . He always makes compliments And is Sweet And See me as the pure Angel ,but sometimes dissapears . How i Said i am very numb And since i was a kid Not capable to be romantic alltough im a Real leo . But i really Love this Boy so much and is the First Time And i Know We Would fit perfectly . What should i do? Tell Him or wait . I just cant meet Them anymore Without me getting a big heartache at the end of the Night because it was so beautifull just listening to him but i live in this misery
No you got it wrong . He only had 1 Time something with my friend she doesnt love Him like Boys were Never a Problem for our friendship And she Knows i like Him everybody Likes him but she doesnt Know how much. Since the Moment i met Him i loved him And he was Acting the Same like me And my friend really thought he loves me but i was Never really answering to it . Then one Night they had something i Never tried to get between anything . My only fear is that he really doesnt have a Clue that i wanted HIm thats why he Just Said fuck that Which Would be also Unfair for my friend. I really Love this guy And i dont want anyone to find out but its so hard for me . I Would Never be jealous in my Friend s happyness ever