Posted by Cancan26Very true we all have to do our part in order to prove that our love is true but we also have to learn to walk away from those who force us to work for their love.
I agree with th content... But not the title.. Love is not always effortless matter of fact it usually requires sacrfice and work.. To keep both parties happy
There will be time when they get on your nerves
Times they will be inconveniences because of your needs
Times when they are at their worst
And times when you are at your worst
Posted by AnotherTaurusGuySometimes it's there, but we don't realise it?Posted by MyStarsShineIt definitely hasn't been like that for me!
I always gave love freely and in return received it ~ what goes around, comes around
Love has always been the main priority in my life
I never felt I had to beg for it
It has always been there
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Posted by LovingSeraphinaYes very lucky indeedPosted by MyStarsShineI agree same here ..we are both lucky people
I always gave love freely and in return received it ~ what goes around, comes around
Love has always been the main priority in my life
I never felt I had to beg for it
It has always been there![]()
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Posted by Mike79
It couldn't be said better:
Do you agree ???![]()
Have you ever done any of this for the sake of love ?
Posted by Mike79Darling dearest!
It couldn't be said better:
Do you agree ???![]()
Have you ever done any of this for the sake of love ?
Posted by MaxPowerYoir ass is backwards!Posted by infiresNo.Posted by MaxPoweragreed that it's never good to beg and people need to be compatible.Posted by infiresIt also requires daily compromises between two people of equal wills who both need and want things. That's why it's easier if the people are compatible in their needs and how they give to begin with. It's also why it absolutely will not work if only one person compromises.
love does require effort and time, without effort a person wont feel in love and results in distance and resentment
like watering a plant everyday and watch it grow, is one of the best thing you will experience
however, if only one person compromises..they can be the change that is needed to hold a relationship together
This is ass-backwards. This is how you get in an abusive relationship with a to expand
Posted by RindarooSo you left?Posted by MaxPowerI was married for 17 years. It just can't work if the other person isn't willing to put in effort. No amount of trying from one side... they just have to want to.Posted by RindarooYou just hit the nail on the head. When the other person is putting in effort, it relieves half the effort (or so) from you.
It's not about effortless it's about both people being willing to put in the to expand
Posted by RindarooNo regrets?Posted by GemitatiI did.Posted by RindarooSo you left?Posted by MaxPowerI was married for 17 years. It just can't work if the other person isn't willing to put in effort. No amount of trying from one side... they just have to want to.Posted by RindarooYou just hit the nail on the head. When the other person is putting in effort, it relieves half the effort (or so) from you.
It's not about effortless it's about both people being willing to put in the to expand
Posted by RindarooMy heart withbYOU. What's now? How is it going? Hope well. ?Posted by GemitatiNone. It was 5 years ago, the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But after 20 years of choosing him, I finally chose myself & what the rest of my life would or could be. I'm in a far better place. And he didn't make any effort when I left.. NOTHING! All he said was he would've spent more time with me if I hadn't been so emotional. WTF! This is after me saving his freaking life & being there when no one else was. That's all I get? Yeah no regrets at all! I miss the extended family, that's all.Posted by RindarooNo regrets?Posted by GemitatiI did.Posted by RindarooSo you left?Posted by MaxPowerI was married for 17 years. It just can't work if the other person isn't willing to put in effort. No amount of trying from one side... they just have to want to.Posted by RindarooYou just hit the nail on the head. When the other person is putting in effort, it relieves half the effort (or so) from you.
It's not about effortless it's about both people being willing to put in the to expand
Posted by Mike79I pleaded my case rather tearfully ONCE... it was as close to begging I'll ever get. In my situation it was within context.
It couldn't be said better:
Do you agree ???![]()
Have you ever done any of this for the sake of love ?
Posted by Mike79yeah i agree because my first husband/love i begged and cried after he cheated, that he would still stay with me, i cried and cried.
It couldn't be said better:
Do you agree ???![]()
Have you ever done any of this for the sake of love ?
Posted by lisabethur8It's brace of you to share your story. Lisa at what point did you stop begging and moving on what made you change and realize you couldn't do this anymorePosted by Mike79yeah i agree because my first husband/love i begged and cried after he cheated, that he would still stay with me, i cried and cried.
It couldn't be said better:
Do you agree ???![]()
Have you ever done any of this for the sake of love ?
some women would just kick him to the curb. i didnt. i was wallowing in self pity.
from that experience alone is really horrible. i was like, please stay with me and we'll work it out, we'll fix this, and you'll change!! you'll see.
talk about determination and stupidity.
so it's true, love is to expand
Posted by LunabeeLuna & to you when did you come to the point of enough is enough?Posted by Mike79I pleaded my case rather tearfully ONCE... it was as close to begging I'll ever get. In my situation it was within context.
It couldn't be said better:
Do you agree ???![]()
Have you ever done any of this for the sake of love ?
But I swear, I've been worn down by constant nagging. Had an ex tell me he would never give up because it was like rolling dice, eventually it'll land where you want to expand
Posted by Mike79Posted by LunabeeLuna & to you when did you come to the point of enough is enough?Posted by Mike79I pleaded my case rather tearfully ONCE... it was as close to begging I'll ever get. In my situation it was within context.
It couldn't be said better:
Do you agree ???![]()
Have you ever done any of this for the sake of love ?
But I swear, I've been worn down by constant nagging. Had an ex tell me he would never give up because it was like rolling dice, eventually it'll land where you want to expand
Posted by Rindaroo20yrs is very long and sounds like you gave it your all and at the end you were disappointed in how he let you walk away, what made you realize that it was time what finally clicked for you, & after you left did he just move on as well because it sounds that both of you held on for 20yrs. What has that situation thought you as a person ?Posted by GemitatiNone. It was 5 years ago, the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But after 20 years of choosing him, I finally chose myself & what the rest of my life would or could be. I'm in a far better place. And he didn't make any effort when I left.. NOTHING! All he said was he would've spent more time with me if I hadn't been so emotional. WTF! This is after me saving his freaking life & being there when no one else was. That's all I get? Yeah no regrets at all! I miss the extended family, that's all.Posted by RindarooNo regrets?Posted by GemitatiI did.Posted by RindarooSo you left?Posted by MaxPowerI was married for 17 years. It just can't work if the other person isn't willing to put in effort. No amount of trying from one side... they just have to want to.Posted by RindarooYou just hit the nail on the head. When the other person is putting in effort, it relieves half the effort (or so) from you.
It's not about effortless it's about both people being willing to put in the to expand
Posted by LunabeeAt what point in the relationship and what actions demonstrated that he was trampoling over your respect and values ?Posted by Mike79Posted by LunabeeLuna & to you when did you come to the point of enough is enough?Posted by Mike79I pleaded my case rather tearfully ONCE... it was as close to begging I'll ever get. In my situation it was within context.
It couldn't be said better:
Do you agree ???![]()
Have you ever done any of this for the sake of love ?
But I swear, I've been worn down by constant nagging. Had an ex tell me he would never give up because it was like rolling dice, eventually it'll land where you want it.
Whenmy values and respect were trampled to expand
Posted by infiresLove shouldn't require too much effort it should be given in the most natural transparent simple way and effort requires work, it shouldnt feel like a job to love another.
love does require effort and time, without effort a person wont feel in love and results in distance and resentment
like watering a plant everyday and watch it grow, is one of the best thing you will experience
Posted by MyStarsShineIt's definitely a strong and amazing emotion.
"The principle ingredient of life is love"
Posted by VCastrillonWhat Made a difference in your life To finally realize you no longer needed to beg anyone ? & what made you beg each relationship you were in ?Posted by Mike79
It couldn't be said better:
Do you agree ???![]()
Have you ever done any of this for the sake of love ?
I definitely have, all of them. It feels exactly how you'd think it does. I wouldn't beg for any of it now, and I'm not proud that I did, but I'm also not ashamed of it, to expand
Posted by Mike79Posted by LunabeeAt what point in the relationship and what actions demonstrated that he was trampoling over your respect and values ?Posted by Mike79Posted by LunabeeLuna & to you when did you come to the point of enough is enough?Posted by Mike79I pleaded my case rather tearfully ONCE... it was as close to begging I'll ever get. In my situation it was within context.
It couldn't be said better:
Do you agree ???![]()
Have you ever done any of this for the sake of love ?
But I swear, I've been worn down by constant nagging. Had an ex tell me he would never give up because it was like rolling dice, eventually it'll land where you want it.
Whenmy values and respect were trampled to expand
Posted by RindarooLife is a roller coaster not love, love is a feeling that you demonstrate to another person by treating them with respect and admiration it shouldn't be hard to love or give love, you shouldn't have to beg for another persons attention or presence in your life if they love you they'll want to be by your side as often as possible to enjoy life together. Love should never feel like a chore it should feel good to give it as it does to recieve it.
Love is like a rollercoaster. Both people have to want to be there, and do the hard work. It will not be equal all the time. No amount of begging is going to make a person who doesn't want to do things, love, be there, have compassion, etc do what the other wants. Maybe in the short term, but not long term.
Just don't beg. Accept what is.
Posted by MagicMonaIt's the most natural feeling most pure feeling to love another and that love makes you want to make them smile on a daily basis, along with treasuring the person.
I AGREE 100000% . we dont have to ask or beg each other for anything, because it's already being offered.
Posted by Rindaroo5years choosing yourself that's very brave of you and I'm so happy that you chose to love your self over that relationship in the end.Posted by GemitatiNone. It was 5 years ago, the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But after 20 years of choosing him, I finally chose myself & what the rest of my life would or could be. I'm in a far better place. And he didn't make any effort when I left.. NOTHING! All he said was he would've spent more time with me if I hadn't been so emotional. WTF! This is after me saving his freaking life & being there when no one else was. That's all I get? Yeah no regrets at all! I miss the extended family, that's all.Posted by RindarooNo regrets?Posted by GemitatiI did.Posted by RindarooSo you left?Posted by MaxPowerI was married for 17 years. It just can't work if the other person isn't willing to put in effort. No amount of trying from one side... they just have to want to.Posted by RindarooYou just hit the nail on the head. When the other person is putting in effort, it relieves half the effort (or so) from you.
It's not about effortless it's about both people being willing to put in the to expand
Posted by LunabeeWow luna that's strong !!! Thank you for sharing and I'm sorry to pry. it seems that you finally realized that it was time to choose yourself. I'm sorry for what you had to go through sounds like one of the toughest relationships. I'm glad your okay now.Posted by Mike79Posted by LunabeeAt what point in the relationship and what actions demonstrated that he was trampoling over your respect and values ?Posted by Mike79Posted by LunabeeLuna & to you when did you come to the point of enough is enough?Posted by Mike79I pleaded my case rather tearfully ONCE... it was as close to begging I'll ever get. In my situation it was within context.
It couldn't be said better:
Do you agree ???![]()
Have you ever done any of this for the sake of love ?
But I swear, I've been worn down by constant nagging. Had an ex tell me he would never give up because it was like rolling dice, eventually it'll land where you want it.
Whenmy values and respect were trampled on.
Jesus Mike, wanna get personal much lol? It was 3 years in. He coerced me into having an abortion because we weren't married and then asked me to marry him 6 months later. Fast forward 3-4 years, long after I threw the ring back and he had been treating me like shit for days, in front of his friend who was going through a nasty divorce. The final straw came down to one comment. "Keep chasing me like a horse and I have your ring like a carrot on a stick"
Done!click to expand
Posted by Mike79Sure is, especially in its purest form....unconditional love. I am so glad to have experienced that...where you love without any need for returnPosted by MyStarsShineIt's definitely a strong and amazing emotion.
"The principle ingredient of life is love"click to expand
Posted by MaxPowerDo you also wanna own a unicorn?
I also think that all of my shit should smell like tulips, and when I walk into a room everyone should salute.
Posted by MyStarsShineNot a lot of people have experienced this type of love most people wants something in return.Posted by Mike79Sure is, especially in its purest form....unconditional love. I am so glad to have experienced that...where you love without any need for returnPosted by MyStarsShineIt's definitely a strong and amazing emotion.
"The principle ingredient of life is love"
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Posted by Mike79Posted by MyStarsShineNot a lot of people have experienced this type of love most people wants something in return.Posted by Mike79Sure is, especially in its purest form....unconditional love. I am so glad to have experienced that...where you love without any need for returnPosted by MyStarsShineIt's definitely a strong and amazing emotion.
"The principle ingredient of life is love"
click to expand
Posted by MaxPowerWell said maxPosted by Mike79Exactly.Posted by MaxPowerDo you also wanna own a unicorn?
I also think that all of my shit should smell like tulips, and when I walk into a room everyone should salute.
As someone else said above, the only person who will love you unconditionally and stick around is your mother, usually. You have to respect everyone else if you want them to stay around. I respect my mom too, just for the hell of it.
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Posted by LovingSeraphinaPosted by Mike79I WANNA UNICORN!Posted by MaxPowerDo you also wanna own a unicorn?
I also think that all of my shit should smell like tulips, and when I walk into a room everyone should to expand
Posted by RindarooIncredible story sounds like a long hard jorney but I'm glad you finally realized that he wasn't the right man for you, some times the tittle marriage itself is not enough to hold things together, & sometimes being single is better than holding things together with the wrong person. I'm glad you found happiness and peace in your life within yourself. You're a strong woman and the right partner will find you when the time is right I'm very sure.Posted by Mike7920 years is like a lifetime ?Yeah I did give it my all. I worked on it the last 3 years, knowing I probably needed to leave but not wanting too. There were a lot of reasons to leave but I guess it was a process those last 3 years of getting to the point I was done. What tipped of the 3 years? I kept having the same dream - I suppose my subconscious decided it was time to deal with some things I had buried. So I had a sort of awakening which set me on the Path of a lot of growth. I really thought once I had dealt with some things the marriage would have been ok. But that isn't what happened. He refused to go to counseling with me, and he tried to stop me from going to a support group & the counseling as I was working on my emotional health. It just led down a road of him not caring & supporting me & my desires. Mostly I believe because he had no intention of dealing with his stuff. He became very controlling and just wanted what he wanted. I just got to the point I felt trapped, being with someone who wouldn't listen, or care about what I wanted. It wasn't a partnership anymore. And I just couldn't live like that for the rest of my life. No choices, and like I didn't matter. There were a couple of issues that drove this home. The last one was a refusal to sell our house from where we had moved 6 years earlier & move out of his parents house we were living in. ( not with his parents but they are big enablers). This had been our plan since we moved here. But now he was choosing his parents & their money over me & living our own life. So that's when I knew where I stood. So yes I walked away from 20 years & a lot of money & material things in hopes of finding the real things.Posted by Rindaroo20yrs is very long and sounds like you gave it your all and at the end you were disappointed in how he let you walk away, what made you realize that it was time what finally clicked for you, & after you left did he just move on as well because it sounds that both of you held on for 20yrs. What has that situation thought you as a person ?Posted by GemitatiNone. It was 5 years ago, the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But after 20 years of choosing him, I finally chose myself & what the rest of my life would or could be. I'm in a far better place. And he didn't make any effort when I left.. NOTHING! All he said was he would've spent more time with me if I hadn't been so emotional. WTF! This is after me saving his freaking life & being there when no one else was. That's all I get? Yeah no regrets at all! I miss the extended family, that's all.Posted by RindarooNo regrets?Posted by GemitatiI did.Posted by RindarooSo you left?Posted by MaxPowerI was married for 17 years. It just can't work if the other person isn't willing to put in effort. No amount of trying from one side... they just have to want to.Posted by RindarooYou just hit the nail on the head. When the other person is putting in effort, it relieves half the effort (or so) from you.
It's not about effortless it's about both people being willing to put in the effort.
He has moved on kinda. Has had a girlfriend of 4 years but she seems convenient. Says he's never getting married again && also offers to fix things for me still. We have 2 kids so there is still contact.
I'm a lot stronger. I have learned to love myself, have my passions, be me and that is enough. I pretty much am not too interested in someone unless they show me they want to be here. Trusting is tough though, but I'm getting better at to expand