3rd House Mercury vs. 6th House Mercury

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by firebunny on Friday, November 23, 2018 and has 8 replies.
Which is smarter?

Your mum's house merc

Posted by SoftMachine

Your mum's house merc

I have 6th house, I'm brilliant bitch!
6th house merc cause merc is both exalted and in dignity in Virgo.

But nothing beats the legendary 4th degree gemini placement which I have 😍
Definitely 6th!
5th house merc loves to speak and tell with joy and laughter ❤️
3rd hoe! Lol no I like to say I am pretty intelligent which I am but I'm scattered intelligent I think we're go would be more organized with their intelligence . My third house placements make me more of a mad scientist.