6th house and your daily life - What is there and how is it working for you?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by raad182 on Friday, May 26, 2017 and has 20 replies.
I have Moon and Pluto in Scorpio there...I dont need to say more

What about you?
Venus conjunct Pluto

I take everything personally-- even indifference.

And Uranus... no conjunctions, but never

embraced corporatespeak.

Too impersonal and tbh... fake.

Taurus is on my 6th house. Nothing's in it.
Our son....loaded 6th with Sun conjunct Chiron

Incredibly driven, perfectionist....doesn't smoke or drink booze....particular what he eats, extremely hard working. Luckily he has some aspects that give him a wicked sense of humour. Somewhat a creative genius

Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune -

Lots of health problems and surgeries; broken ankles; sinus problems; OCD; hypochondria; most recently chronic shoulder tendonitis (at my exact Saturn return)
Also - all of the illnesses or injuries are chronic in some sense (e.g. a neck injury suffered at age 18 still causes neurological effects to this day)
Oh - and getting stuck in a job that gives me no room for progress (Saturn = delays)
Sagit, with Neptune relatively close by...we have 5 cats...l take care of them all the time... Otherwise idk...l'm a bit mental, no discipline, larger-than-life ideas...

How does moon/pluto work out? How does the emotion and destruction fit into the 6th house? Of routine and health..
Sun, venus, Jupiter, south node and mercury - all taurus except my merc and it falls in gemini. A million animals, very lucky in work and uber healthy.
Capricorn, empty.

Posted by -elle-
Posted by Montgomery
Venus conjunct Pluto

I take everything personally-- even indifference.

And Uranus... no conjunctions, but never

embraced corporatespeak.

Too impersonal and tbh... fake.

awe Sad

click to expand

I'll take it. Hug

Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto in 6th.

Maintaining and improving health is a daily priority for me.

Also I like to be tidy and organized.

empty 6th house Leo.

where to look now. help @raad182
Posted by AerialView
empty 6th house Leo.

where to look now. help @raad182
Yes you look like you care, actually going out of your way to tell people you don't care. Itls even worse than caring.
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by AerialView
empty 6th house Leo.

where to look now. help @raad182
Yes you look like you care, actually going out of your way to tell people you don't care. Itls even worse than caring.
click to expand
LOL my tagline is always temporary. and it's aimed at my DXP Survivor enemies. chill out.
Posted by AerialView
empty 6th house Leo.

where to look now. help @raad182
Look at your Sun and its aspects.
Posted by raad182
Posted by AerialView
empty 6th house Leo.

where to look now. help @raad182
Look at your Sun and its aspects.
click to expand
Sun in 12th aquarius

sun trine pluto

sun square chiron

sun conjunct ascendant

what does that mean @raad182?
Posted by AerialView
Posted by raad182
Posted by AerialView
empty 6th house Leo.

where to look now. help @raad182
Look at your Sun and its aspects.
Sun in 12th aquarius

sun trine pluto

sun square chiron

sun conjunct ascendant

what does that mean @raad182?
click to expand
You need to take a look at your whole chart.

but this placement CAN make you a good heart lonely boy...
Posted by raad182
Posted by AerialView
Posted by raad182
Posted by AerialView
empty 6th house Leo.

where to look now. help @raad182
Look at your Sun and its aspects.
Sun in 12th aquarius

sun trine pluto

sun square chiron

sun conjunct ascendant

what does that mean @raad182?
You need to take a look at your whole chart.

but this placement CAN make you a good heart lonely boy...
click to expand
so what about my 6th house?
Moon conjunct Uranus and NN in Scorpio, 6th house.

