Please only respond if you have sixth house planets.
I want to know which planets you have there and how they affect you.
I have Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Saturn conjuncts Uranus, opposes Mercury in the 12th and squares Mars in the 10th.
How if has unfolded for me:
-Chronic (Saturn) and sudden (Uranus) health problems - especially related to joints (Saturn)
-An obsession (Saturn) with routine and discipline in matters of health, exercise, and nutrition
-Strong willpower in matters related to physical endurance (probably Saturn again)
-Strange (Uranus) health practices, such as avoiding fluoride, trans fats, high fructose corn syrup, and other fake stuff
Hi. Thanks for responding. That's all very interesting. I was without a car for about two years in my early twenties (following a neck injury that left me unable to really turn my head very much - thus rendering driving unsafe at the time). Do you live in a place where walking is convenient, at least? I want to give you some hope, by the way. I read in a couple of places that the 6th house is one of the best houses for Saturn and that we "defeat our enemies over time," whatever that means. And you bring up an excellent point about coworkers. I forgot to mention the workplace. I have been harassed by females at work a few times in my life. Most recently a younger female coworker sexually harassed me and told me--out of the blue--that he ex boyfriend missed her because she was really good at performing sexual acts (which I will not mention). Then she tried to engage me sexually and when I told her no, she said that she didn't like to be denied. She followed me around work for an entire week asking me if I had "thought about [her] offer." It was really, really sick and I felt sick to my stomach. She was also having sex with her coworker at her other job - which, again, she just randomly told me for no reason. I'm on medical leave from my job right now for a surgery I just had, but before I left, I reported her. I hope that she's fired by the time I get back. People who are demented or sick in the head definitely find me and harass me. Maybe you're onto something there. Hostile coworkers and perverts are what I seem to encounter.
Also, that was a great point. Do people not understand that we do not select our fellow coworkers? I would NEVER choose to hang out with these human beings. I don't even want to know them. Sorry, that was my last bit of stress there. This was a fun vent. : /
Signed Up:
Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36034 · Posts: 40656 · Topics: 321
Our son has a stellium in the 6th
Signed Up:
Jan 31, 2015Comments: 1573 · Posts: 6705 · Topics: 16
I have 5 planets in my 6th house: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto.
Sometimes I like to joke that I out-Virgo many Virgos because of all of that 6th house energy, lol
With so much in that house, it's hard for me to separate out what each planet individually does.
What I can sum up is that seems to come from the concentration I have in 6th is that I'm very health conscious, and I've had health struggles that have lead me to research a lot to figure out things on my own that doctors weren't helping me with.
Also, I'm very detail oriented, with how I work and how I organize things in my own home.
When a friend of mine was helping me fix my kitchen sink, and he saw how tidy things are under the sink with how I organized them, he said, "What's wrong with you?" He was kidding, in a way, because he knew that I wasn't crazy obsessive, it's just that most people don't care much about things like that (that are hidden from view from most people).