After 12 months of studying...
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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
This is what I've learned about astrology...
Aries- HEAD RULED (act with the mentality of a 1-7yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-talk trash (and are the best @ it... whether joking or serious)
-(enjoy) sleep more than most
-start things they don't finish (but usually what they start is interesting to be followed up by another)
Taurus- NECK RULED (act with the mentality of an 8-14yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-immovable (mentally) without proof/reason to change their perception
-goal oriented
-procrastinator (but once in motion, cannot be taken off track)
Gemini- ARMS & HANDS RULED (act with the mentality of a 15-21yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-debaters (and refuse to be proven wrong unless your argument sides with theirs to some degree)
-detail oriented (some, but barely any see the big picture)
-barely ever on time (not because they don't care to be... there just aren't enough hours in a day for them)
Cancer- FRONT ABDOMEN RULED (act with the mentality of a 22-28yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-give great advice (but never take their own, even in an identical situation to one they just gave advice on)
-go so far out of their way to help others, they forget they have themselves to take care of
-over-emotional (taking some things too seriously and other things not seriously enough)
[Think the beginning of life (youthful)... Spring/Summer]
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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
Leo- BACK ABDOMEN RULED (act with the mentality of a 29-35yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-attention whores (whether loud or quiet... they want to be RECOGNIZED/RESPECTED for everything they do)
-entertainers (how else do they expect to get the attention? LOL)
-can't stand to listen to people talk about things they're not interested in hearing/using/doing
Virgo- INTESTINE RULED (act with the mentality of a 36-42yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-geniuses (the problem with geniuses is they lack common sense)
-believe their way is the ONLY way to do something (most times it is the BEST way... but NEVER the ONLY way)
-can tell you where you're making a mistake... but not (in a way you understand at first) how to correct it
Libra- LIVER RULED (act with the mentality of a 43-49yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-makes the best decisions (but when misinformed, the inverted takes place... hence the indecisive)
-with the age group they are associated with, they have the past to hypothesize from... and the future to determine
Scorpio- GENITAL RULED (act with the mentality of a 50-56yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-best dressed... (they're quite simple believe it or not, they're just @ $ $ holes LOL)
[Think mid-life (does the term "Over the hill" ring a bell?)... Summer/Fall]
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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
Sagittarius -HIPS & THIGHS RULED (act with the mentality of a 57-63yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-picky... picky... PICKY!!!
-very black & white about anything they pursue (either they do it to def, or don't get involved in the first place)
-perfectionists in the worst way (but they know what they want... however un-realistic it may be)
Capricorn- KNEE RULED (act with the mentality of a 64-70yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-workaholic (think @ $ $ hole boss)
-management MONSTER (tell everyone how/when to do everything but won't lift a finger unless absolutely necessary)
-are the exact opposite when not working (they have the potential to be the life of the party... but barely ever are)
Aquarius- SHIN/ANKLE RULED (act with the mentality of a 71-77yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-really don't give a F***
-will cuss you out for interfering with, interrupting, or taking their control over anything
-will let go of an issue before you will... LOL
Pisces- FOOT RULED (act with the mentality of a 78-84yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-overreact about anything that concerns them... and often things that concern their loved ones
-have the strangest belief system, and are more in touch with the spirit world than most would admit
-METAPHORICALLY; in a fight (
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Oct 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 256 · Topics: 34
Cancer- FRONT ABDOMEN RULED (act with the mentality of a 22-28yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-give great advice (but never take their own, even in an identical situation to one they just gave advice on)
-go so far out of their way to help others, they forget they have themselves to take care of
-over-emotional (taking some things too seriously and other things not seriously enough)
[Think the beginning of life (youthful)... Spring/Summer]........... ;} smiles
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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
[everything in the brackets goes with the {CYCLES} ...not any individual sign]
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Oct 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 256 · Topics: 34
Alrighty.... still smiles... ;}
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
...what the....
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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
Oh... I forgot to mention a couple of other (opinionated) footnotes.
I believe that 10-15% of what you read/hear about any "SUN" sign is true about EVERY PERSON of that sign.
I stated that percentage above. The other 85-90% is gray area... which either IS or IS NOT true about certain people of that sign. Though most people have more than the only 10-15% that I mentioned above, there are a few that have ONLY those traits.
The elements...
FIRE- innovative, attention-seeking, fierce
EARTH- immovable (mentally), stable, determined
AIR- unsettled, intellectual, flighty
WATER- sensitive, obsessive, changeable
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Somebody knows how to google ... actually, that is a feat for dxp members
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
It took you 12 months to find google?
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Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
LOL @ P-angel... you are too funny. & yes, google did help, but it alone did not explain these things to me.
I could just be the idiot, and believe everything I read. But I choose to omit the bull $ #!t when seeking facts.
Sure the body parts and @ least one of the 3 traits, are complete giveaways & are easy to find on any random website... but, all that extra reading and jargon, for a majority of it to be inaccurate... I'd rather save myself the time.
And no google has been part of my web-browsing way before took a deeper interest in astrology... Thank you. LOL
Rising signs and other planets & their energies (as well as THE BODY PARTS) were new to me 11 months ago. I'm still learning more about them (not the body parts lol) on a regular basis.
All I'm saying is, that I learned many of the things in astrology that should not be taken as definite when dealing with a sun sign, and things that should be taken as definite. The faults and flaws (which we all have) are sometimes not things we do on purpose... but some people will think you had/have an ulterior motive for acting in such a manner. I like to accept people for who they are... not for who I want them to be. For instance... I know that most GEMINIS will not be on time, not because they don't care, but because they always have so much on their plate that they often forget how many things they really put on their schedule (they can't stay on one subject because they get bored easily so they pick up anything that looks interesting to them @ the time). This is something I accept about all GEMINIS because it is something that never fails... (unless that particular GEM has seen that in themselves and decided to make that change... and that is a sign of strength that I admire in any sign.)
I guess everyone can't be a know-it-all, old-head mentality having, "gun" toting, s#!t talker (cuspian) like yourself hehe. But nice burn. 
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Aquarius- SHIN/ANKLE RULED (act with the mentality of a 71-77yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-really don't give a F***
-will cuss you out for interfering with, interrupting, or taking their control over anything
-will let go of an issue before you will... LOL"
I don't know whether or not to be offended or to start clapping my hands for an ENCORE. I do agree that we Aquas really don't give a F, but this side of us only comes out when we feel that those we care about don't either (even if they say they do). And I'm not sure about the cussing part. Alot of us Aquas do hate interference and/or interruptions but we'd much rather get revenge in other more easier & creative ways, versus just taking the easy route & cussing at someone. Our ability to literally walk away from you like you don't exist is the equivalent (IF NOT MORE) to us cussing someone out. And b/c cussing someone out can be seen as immature, we'd rather be creative & "get you back" by doing what you can't call us immature for doing.
And as far as letting go of issues...I'm not sure about that one. On the surface, it might appear as if we've moved on & let the issue go but an Aqua NEVER forgets & doesn't have a problem reminding you that they never forgot either. We handle alot of our bitterness & harping in the dark on purpose so that others will assume that we're strong enough to move on, even when we really aren't. But shhh, don't tell anyone that!
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Cancer- FRONT ABDOMEN RULED (act with the mentality of a 22-28yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-give great advice (but never take their own, even in an identical situation to one they just gave advice on)
-go so far out of their way to help others, they forget they have themselves to take care of
-over-emotional (taking some things too seriously and other things not seriously enough)"\
I'm not a Cancer, but from the Cancers I do know, this seems to be a little true. They either take something TOO seriously OR don't take the right things seriously enough. And I do see alot of Cancers being the 1st ones to sign up to give advice, BUT also being the 1st ones to put their tails in between their legs the minute it's time for THEIR turn for the advice. Cancers respond best when they've ASKED for your advice, versus someone giving them advice they didn't ask for or wasn't prepared for. And hey, even when Cancers do ask for advice, their pride & inability to accept fault/flaw on thier parts is what ruins alot of their chances of people understanding them & adjusting/adapting to them.
They're good people, but you'll either grow to completely love OR to completely hate & misunderstand them (w/o caring that you don't understand or wanting to understand them)
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Leo- BACK ABDOMEN RULED (act with the mentality of a 29-35yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-attention just like mes (whether loud or quiet... they want to be RECOGNIZED/RESPECTED for everything they do)
-entertainers (how else do they expect to get the attention? LOL)
-can't stand to listen to people talk about things they're not interested in hearing/using/doing"
You are SO right about Leos when they are NOT interested. Leos will put 100% (with sincerity) into something that caught their eye. But if they have to listen to something that only caught YOUR eye (and not theirs) then what they are seeing/hearing will literally travel from 1 ear to the other. BUT, there is a way to fix this: You have to learn the art of sprucing up your conversations/arguements to their level, through carefully chosing your words & making your opinions/views simple & understandable. And even then, your Leo might not care for what you have to say or do, BUT atleast, it'll reduce the chances of them completely ignoring you as a whole.
And yes, not all Leos go to the extreme for attention in public, but this side of them that needs attention will come out in private/personal relationships. It's either one of the other. Some Leos do take the "attention" thing overboard, & some only let their loved ones see this side of them that's like a child who needs to be recognized
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Virgo- INTESTINE RULED (act with the mentality of a 36-42yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-geniuses (the problem with geniuses is they lack common sense)
-believe their way is the ONLY way to do something (most times it is the BEST way... but NEVER the ONLY way)
-can tell you where you're making a mistake... but not (in a way you understand at first) how to correct it"
Wow, this is the 1st one that I actually agreed with everything listed. Virgos ARE know-it-alls (we have alot in common
and sometimes become too smart for their own good. Sometimes over-analyzing things too much when they should've just kept it simple is their biggest down-fall.
IDK why Virgos are usually incapable of admitting fault or accepting criticism but one thing I do know is that they are loving & are good helpers in situations, as long as they don't appear to be helping or loving just for their own self-gratification & always wanting a trophy every 5 minutes for all they do for you and/or for themselves. Signed Up:
Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
...for troubleshootinglearning purposes, how much VIR do you have in your chart?
BTW... Virgos make the best helpers... as long as you learn your "lesson" while accepting the help.
"You have to learn the art of sprucing up your conversations/arguements to their level, through carefully chosing your words & making your opinions/views simple & understandable. And even then, your Leo might not care for what you have to say or do, BUT atleast, it'll reduce the chances of them completely ignoring you as a whole."
why go through all that for someone that doesn't give a shit? just find a Leo that actually listens..they DO exist.
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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
Posted by BellaBulleautiful
only 8-14 shell? damn.
LOL... sorry Bella (you know I love the Bulls!)
...think childlike enthusiasm.Signed Up:
Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
Pisces- FOOT RULED (act with the mentality of a 78-84yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-overreact about anything that concerns them... and often things that concern their loved ones
-have the strangest belief system, and are more in touch with the spirit world than most would admit
-METAPHORICALLY; in a fight (
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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
I wish I fell in that category... LOL I'm a chicken chest, it runs in the blood.
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Apr 03, 2009Comments: 3 · Posts: 4341 · Topics: 104
12 months? 12 minutes to copy and paste. No punchline.
Posted by krysrenee7
& always wanting a trophy every 5 minutes for all they do for you and/or for themselves.
Umm, are you joking?? Virgo is one of the most well known signs for constantly serving and helping others, with little to no gratification, and never asking for it...And they usually don't even stop helping someone who treats them like crap, unless it goes on too long and the virgo can see they're being used & abused and it's not going to change...
I think that virgo as a sign has a much bigger evolution than what people think. I honestly disagree with most of what you both wrote. But then again, my birth chart is loaded with sag so maybe we'll just blame it on that haha.Signed Up:
Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
Well, my dad (who I didn't get along with well until I was grown) & my favorite uncle (though he knows how to unintentionally irritate me to the strangest degree) are both VIR... As different as they are, I see the similarities I mentioned in both of them and every other Virgo I have met. So, that being said...
I don't expect most people to agree about what I write about them. But tell me how you feel about what I've written about the others. Because the truth is... society teaches us to strive for perfection, proves to us that nothing/nobody is perfect, and doesn't accept flaws/mistakes. This causes people to not accept themselves... and many problems in the world today spawn from that foundation.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Maybe this will help clue you in .... everything you have written here is exactly as the write ups say, in which aren't accurate.
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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
Show me a website that says PISCES over-react about everything and act like cantankerous old people, and I'll agree with you.
If you believe everything you read... you're in for some serious disappointments in life.
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Mar 11, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 474 · Topics: 23
Posted by broken_shell
Taurus- NECK RULED (act with the mentality of an 8-14yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
Pisces- FOOT RULED (act with the mentality of a 78-84yr old regardless of maturity/experience/age)
-overreact about anything that concerns them... and often things that concern their loved ones
Hahaha, so true of the ones I've chatted with.
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
I am not innovative. Nor creative. with Saturn in Aqua I lost it at birth.
But I do strange things. so more a risk taker.
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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
all sags are reckless...
aquas are careless...
there IS a difference LOL
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Posted by broken_shell
Because the truth is... society teaches us to strive for perfection, proves to us that nothing/nobody is perfect, and doesn't accept flaws/mistakes. This causes people to not accept themselves... and many problems in the world today spawn from that foundation.
Correction: The god program is the one that expects humans to strive for perfection, while being told it has been born imperfect/flawed, which causes this human condition .... not society, itself, rather the society at large being brainwashed by the program.