Signed Up: Aug 17, 2016 Comments: 0 · Posts: 75 · Topics: 19
If someone has 34.6% air and 27.2% of water in their chart (and 20% of earth and 18,2% of fire), according to, can we consider that this person is air and water dominant? Or are those 7% such a big difference?
This sag guy has been asking me out everyday in the past 2 weeks, I couldn't do that but we managed to see each other 6 times in total.
He invited me to join him and his friends and said I could join them when I want just not from right at the start. O
Because I came across some good ones while I was searching for "fuckboy" pics to post in the whiner troll's thread.
And then
And then
Good evening, DXP.
Who are some of the old school DXP members that you miss?
I personally miss quite a few, and they are listed in no particular order.
Post your Best friend or Closest Friend chart next to yours... & Explain what you feel makes you both great friends..
My Chart:
Sun- Pisc, Moon- Aries, Mer- Aqua, Ven- Aqua, Mars- Leo, Jup- Sag, Sat- Pis
My best friend's (Female and Male)
I could use some education on this topic since recently doing my natal chart.
I'm-----> Sun Virgo, Rising Gemini, Moon Sag
I've just been approached by...
Sun Scorpio, Sag rising, Aires moon
What does this mean in terms of compatibility?