Algol in Synastry

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by thecrazyariestaurus on Monday, November 28, 2016 and has 10 replies.
I can't really find too many articles about Algol and synastry. I noticed that my Algol conjuncts my ex's sun. What does that mean? It sounds bad.
Serious injury if the Sun conjuncts Algol. Injuries to the head or blindness. Finding info on Algol and synastry is hard. I can't find much either. Maybe someone else will read this and point us in the right direction.
Posted by Season
Serious injury if the Sun conjuncts Algol. Injuries to the head or blindness. Finding info on Algol and synastry is hard. I can't find much either. Maybe someone else will read this and point us in the right direction.
I know, I've tried looking up synastry aspects but I can't find anything Sad someone help! lol
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus
Posted by Season
Serious injury if the Sun conjuncts Algol. Injuries to the head or blindness. Finding info on Algol and synastry is hard. I can't find much either. Maybe someone else will read this and point us in the right direction.
I know, I've tried looking up synastry aspects but I can't find anything Sad someone help! lol
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Maybe someone will if we keep bumping this thread. LoL. It's important to know though and very interesting stuff.
Posted by DonJohn
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus
I can't really find too many articles about Algol and synastry. I noticed that my Algol conjuncts my ex's sun. What does that mean? It sounds bad.
do you have a planet conjuncting algol?

cus algol is in everyone's chart at around that degree of taurus. don't mean everybody wants to kill those late taureans.

you have to have a personal planet there.
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No, I actually don't have any planets conjuncting Algol (thank God lol), but his sun conjuncts Algol
Posted by DonJohn
i would say algol synastry has to be the most magnetic of all.

it's the most evil star in the sky. i would imagine emotions would be super high.

i've noted several homicidal relationships with algol synastry.

OJ Simpson's mars and rahu conjunct Nicole Simpson's sun on algol. it was love at first sight. very tumultuous relationship that ended in double homicide.
Does that mean I'm gonna snap one day and kill him? ? Haha jk
Posted by Season
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus
Posted by Season
Serious injury if the Sun conjuncts Algol. Injuries to the head or blindness. Finding info on Algol and synastry is hard. I can't find much either. Maybe someone else will read this and point us in the right direction.
I know, I've tried looking up synastry aspects but I can't find anything Sad someone help! lol
Maybe someone will if we keep bumping this thread. LoL. It's important to know though and very interesting stuff.
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Haha it worked! @DonJohn to the rescue
Posted by DonJohn

oj has 2 of the most malefic planets on nicoles sun n algol
So Nicole's Algol sun was responsible for her violent death. This makes sense. Algol is pretty malicious that way. Algol comes from the Persian and is the root of our word "ghoul". It refers to the beheading of Medusa by Perseus and beheadings, decaptitations, and other violent deaths are associated with this dark fixed star. Also blindness and head trauma and violent death in general.
Posted by TauroMale22

Great read
Holy shit. This article is scary accurate. The whole thing. It sounds like our relationship. His mother is EXACTLY as desribed, and it bugs the shit out of me! he is the way he is because of the way she raised him. Even the part about "Women who are attracted to Algol Men" is very accurate. Wow.
Posted by TauroMale22
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus
Posted by TauroMale22

Great read
Holy shit. This article is scary accurate. The whole thing. It sounds like our relationship. His mother is EXACTLY as desribed, and it bugs the shit out of me! he is the way he is because of the way she raised him. Even the part about "Women who are attracted to Algol Men" is very accurate. Wow.
wheres algol in his chart? is he violent?
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In the past, he was very violent. Not towards me, he's never laid a hand on me or even raised his voice at me (he just knows how to get to me on a psychological level), but to others yes he was violent. I actually was the only person who calmed him down, surprisingly. I think that's why everyone (his friends and family) loved us together. Back in the day, he constantly got into fights. Mostly with random people, but sometimes with his brother and dad. We didn't speak for a year, and during that time I heard he became violent again. His sun conjuncts Algol.

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