Anger & Zodiac Signs..

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by itsnoteasybeingavirgo on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 and has 7 replies.
For which zodiac sign you can confidently say that its takes a lot to make them angry.. ??? in contrast which one can get angry instantly if something happened against their wishes.. ??? and how do you place other signs between these two extremes.. ???
p.s. when I talk about getting angry then I??m not talking about expressing anger or controlling it.. even if you are prone to bottle up your emotions but inside your heart still you are angry..
Well I??m a Virgo and I can say about myself that I show my anger after a comprehensive self analysis in my mind.. and once I prove to myself that I??m RIGHT (with all supporting evidences), only then I express my anger to other person..
its another thing that while this analysis is in process I seem totally calm & composed to others.. but in real I can even feel my blood boiling in my veins..
I knew an Aries moon who punched a cop once, but he was drunk... Most of his outbursts alcohol was involved. Other than that he was pretty mellow.
Libra Sun/Pisces Moon man could just snap. Seriously, that one was like Dr.Jekyll Mr. Hyde.
My Mars in Sag can get out of hand. It's usually after I've held it in for a while and then Kaboom!
Posted by DonJohnson
My girl has Taurus sun, Aries moon, Virgo mars. Sagg rising.
She gets upsets very easily however when she gets mad. she's an absolute tank. it's unbelieveable how strong this 120lb girl can be. She would punch, kick and wrestle with every ounce of her emotional being.
I remember one time she got drunk and took me down head first into the carpet with a headlock. I'm a 200 lb state wrestling champ. it was unbelieveable how much rage this girl has.

hahaha seems even though were down on carpet with a headlock but instead of anger you're more surprised & shocked due to your weight differences..
Posted by Nemesis
hahaha@blood boiling.
but do you really care who is right or wrong? i don??t. i am right no matter what.

YES, it is very very important for me to be convinced that I am right.. why? dont' know.. perhaps its a VIRGO thing..
My Aries bffs don't seem too quick to anger. I don't recall if my daughter's father was quick to anger, but when he did he was very abusive. My daughter's Aries bf seems to anger rather quickly (he better never lay a hand on my daughter!). And, I have not really seen anger per say of the Aries/Mars Taurus I'm caught up with now - although I have not given him a reason to be angry at me. He was a bit riled up about an issue with work and stated that they were messing with the wrong person - he does appear quick to run 'em down if necessary. He also got a little hot under the collar regarding my daughter's bf trying to take advantage of me to the point he doesn't want to meet him or he might just snap on him.
Posted by ninjutsu
The aries temper is my specialty.
