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Oct 14, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 101 · Topics: 14
Not sure if it's just me, but I find myself more often than not just tuning out the emotions around me and being really apathetic...
Like for example, today I had a friend tell me how awful her suitemates current situation was and all I could do was shrug and give an awkward "i'm sorry?". I have a moon gemini and an aquarius stellium and from what I know - air dominated charts generally aren't well in tune with emotions?
I use to be such a crybaby when I was younger (pisces sun) but as I've gotten older I just seem to have become a lot more unfeeling. Like I try to be sympathetic and understand where people are coming from - but it's just become such a chore for me and I like don't know how to deal with my emotions anymore?
Anyone else feel like this? :/
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Apr 04, 2016Comments: 6 · Posts: 1249 · Topics: 93
I personally feel and understand emotions very well but I can't project them efficiently.
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Oct 08, 2009Comments: 1 · Posts: 6313 · Topics: 313
I used to be a very very sensitive kid growing up and I still am able to feel emotions very strongly but I'm more aware of what drama I choose to come into my life. If people think they can bring their shit to my door step I'm not having it. I got an aqua stellium and I put it to good use.