Any other natal Venus retrogrades excited for this upcoming Venus retrograde?

This topic was created in the Venus Retrograde forum by GOATAction on Sunday, September 30, 2018 and has 35 replies.
I've never really paid much attention but apparently, natal retrograded Venus people should be able to navigate this period with more effectiveness than others.

Might even bring some good luck in that department, and maybe some old flames lol.
It would be nice for once but we shall see.

I've read that this retrograde will or could mimic what ever you had going on then could repeat with the same person or just the same patterns. 🤷
Posted by LostinmyMind11

It would be nice for once but we shall see.

I've read that this retrograde will or could mimic what ever you had going on then could repeat with the same person or just the same patterns. 🤷

Hmmm 2010 I was just 20 years old, and limited exposure to women romantically. So, nothing going on then lol.
What will Venus Retrogade mean?
Posted by GOATAction

Posted by LostinmyMind11

It would be nice for once but we shall see.

I've read that this retrograde will or could mimic what ever you had going on then could repeat with the same person or just the same patterns. 🤷

Hmmm 2010 I was just 20 years old, and limited exposure to women romantically. So, nothing going on then lol.
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So this could be your time to shine 😉
Posted by LostinmyMind11

Posted by GOATAction

Posted by LostinmyMind11

It would be nice for once but we shall see.

I've read that this retrograde will or could mimic what ever you had going on then could repeat with the same person or just the same patterns. 🤷

Hmmm 2010 I was just 20 years old, and limited exposure to women romantically. So, nothing going on then lol.
So this could be your time to shine 😉
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Yeah I'd say since 24 I've gotten more involved with the opposite sex. Some longer flings, some only one date. Very interested to see if this period does anything for me.
Posted by stillstillwater

What will Venus Retrogade mean?

Venus going retrograde is generally thought of as a time where matters of love, beauty, and partnership can go under a rough spot, and everything in a relationship/union can be put under a microscope. Extravagance will probably also be at a nadir as well.

Also believed to be a period where many will assess what they want out of love, and feelings of comfort and the past may prompt people to return to prior relationships, or at least, make efforts to reconcile.
Posted by GOATAction

Posted by LostinmyMind11

Posted by GOATAction

Posted by LostinmyMind11

It would be nice for once but we shall see.

I've read that this retrograde will or could mimic what ever you had going on then could repeat with the same person or just the same patterns. 🤷

Hmmm 2010 I was just 20 years old, and limited exposure to women romantically. So, nothing going on then lol.
So this could be your time to shine 😉

Yeah I'd say since 24 I've gotten more involved with the opposite sex. Some longer flings, some only one date. Very interested to see if this period does anything for me.
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Make sure you come and update...I'm curious as well to see how things unfold for us natal Venus retros.
If the 2010 thing is true...I was dealing with a loss in August at that time also helping my best friend with the end of his relationship with a scorp and then we became more than friends for the next 7 yrs.

Right now...I've been dealing with a loss (not the same type as 2010 but still a loss) since August...but nobody on the horizon.

Posted by nakedgirlavalanche

when does it start again? my venus is natally rx but my mans isn't
Oct 5th
Posted by LostinmyMind11

Posted by GOATAction

Posted by LostinmyMind11

Posted by GOATAction

Posted by LostinmyMind11

It would be nice for once but we shall see.

I've read that this retrograde will or could mimic what ever you had going on then could repeat with the same person or just the same patterns. 🤷

Hmmm 2010 I was just 20 years old, and limited exposure to women romantically. So, nothing going on then lol.
So this could be your time to shine 😉

Yeah I'd say since 24 I've gotten more involved with the opposite sex. Some longer flings, some only one date. Very interested to see if this period does anything for me.
Make sure you come and update...I'm curious as well to see how things unfold for us natal Venus retros.
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there's alot going on with my husband, with money.

It's been really positive though all year.

Love, well, you know, as long as i'm a loyal, loving woman everything will be fine. =D And if they are loyal and loving too (reverse that)

His natal venus is similar to Tom Ellis, and Ethan Hawke. Scorpio. (it's all about control sometimes)

Looks like they're gonna be fine too.

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Posted by lisabethur8

Posted by LostinmyMind11

Posted by GOATAction

Posted by LostinmyMind11

Posted by GOATAction

Posted by LostinmyMind11

It would be nice for once but we shall see.

I've read that this retrograde will or could mimic what ever you had going on then could repeat with the same person or just the same patterns. 🤷

Hmmm 2010 I was just 20 years old, and limited exposure to women romantically. So, nothing going on then lol.
So this could be your time to shine 😉

Yeah I'd say since 24 I've gotten more involved with the opposite sex. Some longer flings, some only one date. Very interested to see if this period does anything for me.
Make sure you come and update...I'm curious as well to see how things unfold for us natal Venus retros.
there's alot going on with my husband, with money.

It's been really positive though all year.

Love, well, you know, as long as i'm a loyal, loving woman everything will be fine. =D And if they are loyal and loving too (reverse that)

His natal venus is similar to Tom Ellis, and Ethan Hawke. Scorpio. (it's all about control sometimes)

Looks like they're gonna be fine too.

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Yeah...with his being in probably won't phase him a bit then. That's always a good thing!
Posted by stillstillwater

What will Venus Retrogade mean?
This is a pretty in-depth description
Posted by crazysioux

Retrograde Pluto ended yesterday and starts going direct today (October 1st) so when combined with this upcoming transit, we could be in for some real intense shit. I'm a 1st House Plutonian, so the last 5 months of retrograde Pluto has been fucking contentious to say the least ...

Gonna be interesting for Stingers and Scorpio doms ... Big Grin

someone is going to die.

I'm plutonian, and people around me are pluto dom/scorpio

the coming.

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it's actually not funny...but i get ur meaning.

Posted by Weeds

Posted by stillstillwater

What will Venus Retrogade mean?
This is a pretty in-depth description
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So what does Venus retrograde mean generally? Commonly it is advised one does not start a love affair or buy luxury goods during this time because you might end up paying more than you bargained for. During these forty days, you may have to resist the seductive Lucifer side of Venus and her charms just like Jesus did in the desert. Temptations could be an illicit affair or the lure of luxury goods. We can find significance in this journey of Venus if we regard her movements like the ancient sky-watchers did.

oh gosh..

so no buying expensive stuff...

my husband is tempted.. he wants to do some renovation on the house and they're asking ALOT for it. thousands $ $

i hope he looks around after october 5th.

as for love affairs..

well, i stay HIDDEN and out of if i am working or out there, yes i do get admirers.. lol

but i have had... in this year alone, several men fall in love with me, from AFAR though. thank god it's from afar.

I bet my husband has had alot of women falling all over him too, as he works MORE and more out there.

Scorpio/ Men/domiannts, pLutonian men are very very Irresistible.

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Posted by i-xy

Posted by lisabethur8

Posted by crazysioux

Retrograde Pluto ended yesterday and starts going direct today (October 1st) so when combined with this upcoming transit, we could be in for some real intense shit. I'm a 1st House Plutonian, so the last 5 months of retrograde Pluto has been fucking contentious to say the least ...

Gonna be interesting for Stingers and Scorpio doms ... Big Grin

someone is going to die.

I'm plutonian, and people around me are pluto dom/scorpio

the coming.

User Submitted Image

it's actually not funny...but i get ur meaning.

I agree.

Ex's life status right now is like an image of a war torn city. It's scary.

If only he checked his ego.
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your ex boyfriend or ex husband?

what happened?

care to share? or if not..thats fine.
Posted by crazysioux

Retrograde Pluto ended yesterday and starts going direct today (October 1st) so when combined with this upcoming transit, we could be in for some real intense shit. I'm a 1st House Plutonian, so the last 5 months of retrograde Pluto has been fucking contentious to say the least ...

Gonna be interesting for Stingers and Scorpio doms ... Big Grin
Ohhh...didn't know this. Hopefully with it being direct....shit will start to fall back in place. It's been a real fucking shit show in my life.
yea Deff not looking forward to Venus retro. Feel like people who usually treat others bad are finally realizing what they’ve done. Sucks for the people who actually treat people with respect now we have to deal with ghost from the past. Yea i can’t wait lol
Posted by i-xy

Posted by lisabethur8

Posted by i-xy

Posted by lisabethur8

Posted by crazysioux

Retrograde Pluto ended yesterday and starts going direct today (October 1st) so when combined with this upcoming transit, we could be in for some real intense shit. I'm a 1st House Plutonian, so the last 5 months of retrograde Pluto has been fucking contentious to say the least ...

Gonna be interesting for Stingers and Scorpio doms ... Big Grin

someone is going to die.

I'm plutonian, and people around me are pluto dom/scorpio

the coming.

User Submitted Image

it's actually not funny...but i get ur meaning.

I agree.

Ex's life status right now is like an image of a war torn city. It's scary.

If only he checked his ego.

your ex boyfriend or ex husband?

what happened?

care to share? or if not..thats fine.

He was an ex-fiance then we disengaged. We tried again but never worked. We've been officially off for 3-4 years now? I held onto it because I wasn't ready to move on and let reality hit me.

Anyways, moving to current reality. All the things he chose to do over his family, got him. His sidechick sent him to jail and now that he has a record, it's difficult to get a job. The job he climbed towards while he insulted my own growth, is now gone. He wanted to be with somebody who had "superior" status, who turned out has been sucking dicks to get scholarships.. It's a hot mess. He wanted the fast lane because his ego couldn't deal with being humble.

Long game vs. short game

I had a vision about him a week ago and I think he's slipping away. I was sitting down and it just hit me, I was frozen for a few minutes. It's him staring at the ocean, it was cloudy and everything was grey. I have to "pray" so I don't get bothered with messages about him but he's the father of my son and so it's hard not to care.

Then there's my cousin who's a scorpio as well. She stole money from her sister. I'm not talking about 100 or 1000. Her sister trusted her that when she transferred money back home, that my cousin would be paying the house she bought with her husband. My scorp cousin's sister moved to another country to work. The house was seized and my cousin's sister didn't know why until she went back home. To this day, my scorpio cousin hasn't admitted to anything.

She's done other shady things that affected me too but I think of it as minor (it's not) for sanity's sake.

Jupiter in Scorpio transit was intense. I saw people getting fired and exposed. The very same people who think they're above everything.

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u must have water/neptune influence to "dream" about messages and visions, or some 8th house to always "recieve" these messages even if you dont want it.

his life sounds like it's at an impasse, (the greyness...nothing clear, contemplation of his life) maybe he will learn through this, and be a better person at least for himself too. yeah, he is the father of your child, so you worry. It's good you worry.

that's too bad about your cousin btw :/
Posted by -Pisco-

This just makes me thankful that I’ve changed my cell phone number and deleted all of my social media accounts.
They always find a way 😂
I honestly think I'm gonna be good this time around. I don't really have anybody that will be coming from the past. The beauty of staying single for a long time lol
Posted by -Pisco-

Posted by LostinmyMind11

Posted by -Pisco-

This just makes me thankful that I’ve changed my cell phone number and deleted all of my social media accounts.
They always find a way 😂
Knowing my luck they’ll see me around town and I’ll be screwed. “Hey, did you change your number?”... “No...”. Hahah.
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Make sure you don't sign up for any rewards programs where they ask for your number.... because that's how they'll get it when they are lurking around without you knowing.😂
Posted by GemLover

I have venus retrograde in cancer but don't know what it means for me. Why is venus always in retrograde? Don't other planets gets their chance at being retrograde like pluto and Neptune?
Here what it means when you have it in your natal chart. As far as what will happen with it being retrograde right now for people who have it natally...we may have an easier time dealing with love and money matters than everyone else. Every planet goes retrograde besides the sun and moon.

Majority of the outer planets including mars and Merc were retrograde this summer....Pluto literally turned direct on Sept 30th.
Posted by GemLover

Posted by LostinmyMind11

Posted by GemLover

I have venus retrograde in cancer but don't know what it means for me. Why is venus always in retrograde? Don't other planets gets their chance at being retrograde like pluto and Neptune?
Here what it means when you have it in your natal chart. As far as what will happen with it being retrograde right now for people who have it natally...we may have an easier time dealing with love and money matters than everyone else. Every planet goes retrograde besides the sun and moon.

Majority of the outer planets including mars and Merc were retrograde this summer....Pluto literally turned direct on Sept 30th.
Thanks. I just got thru reading that first link and I gotta say it resonates with me almost a thousand percent. And I say almost because it's only that dating part I can't relate to. Everything else from being shy as a youngin, attractive and even all the way down to low self esteme. I literately felt like they were actually talking about me. Pretty good read.
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Majority I can relate to as well. Except I'm not a serial dater and I'm of average looks lol. But's like whoever wrote it has been following me my whole life. Kinda creepy!
Posted by halalbae

Posted by LostinmyMind11

Posted by -Pisco-

This just makes me thankful that I’ve changed my cell phone number and deleted all of my social media accounts.
They always find a way 😂
Reaching out through the radio like my first Scorpio ex lol
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Wait...I read this but it didn't hit me until I read it again...he tried to reach out thru the radio??? 😂
Posted by SagittariusInLove

Posted by LostinmyMind11

It would be nice for once but we shall see.

I've read that this retrograde will or could mimic what ever you had going on then could repeat with the same person or just the same patterns. 🤷

2010 he was a Sagittarius I doubt it.
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Might not be the same person but the same type of pattern that happened with the sag. Who knows though...
Posted by SagittariusInLove

Posted by LostinmyMind11

Posted by SagittariusInLove

Posted by LostinmyMind11

It would be nice for once but we shall see.

I've read that this retrograde will or could mimic what ever you had going on then could repeat with the same person or just the same patterns. 🤷

2010 he was a Sagittarius I doubt it.
Might not be the same person but the same type of pattern that happened with the sag. Who knows though...
It was hot 🔥

When is this
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We are in the shadow period right now but officially starts Oct 5th and ends in Nov ... typically last 40 days
As for my placements, I've got 5 planets in Cap, an 8th house stellium, and Venus in Aquarius (9th house).

Fair to say I've got Scorpion energy after Cap, yea or no?
Posted by GemLover

Posted by LostinmyMind11

Posted by GemLover

Posted by LostinmyMind11

Posted by GemLover

I have venus retrograde in cancer but don't know what it means for me. Why is venus always in retrograde? Don't other planets gets their chance at being retrograde like pluto and Neptune?
Here what it means when you have it in your natal chart. As far as what will happen with it being retrograde right now for people who have it natally...we may have an easier time dealing with love and money matters than everyone else. Every planet goes retrograde besides the sun and moon.

Majority of the outer planets including mars and Merc were retrograde this summer....Pluto literally turned direct on Sept 30th.
Thanks. I just got thru reading that first link and I gotta say it resonates with me almost a thousand percent. And I say almost because it's only that dating part I can't relate to. Everything else from being shy as a youngin, attractive and even all the way down to low self esteme. I literately felt like they were actually talking about me. Pretty good read.
Majority I can relate to as well. Except I'm not a serial dater and I'm of average looks lol. But's like whoever wrote it has been following me my whole life. Kinda creepy!
There's nothing average looking about me at all. I kinda wish I can say that. A big 279 pound muscular man with a cute attractive baby girlish looking face, eeek I dont know what to think. I never think venus retrograde is culprit for all of my looks I'm not gonna give credit to that. I think it's a combination of Uranus in 1st house in Libra, sun conjunction venus and venus ruler.

But yeah it's that way with me too somebody who wrote that been following me my whole life. Not like it's been that way. It IS that way.
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Dwayne The Rock Johnson is that you?
I'm scared since my birthday is Oct 5th and my most dominant plant is venus.
Posted by Librasetting777

I'm scared since my birthday is Oct 5th and my most dominant plant is venus.

But do you have that natal Venus retrograde doe?
Posted by Chesh

I'm still with the same Cap dude, his venus is direct though..we shall see.

Best of luck. A Cap dude isn't a bad dude to have
Posted by GOATAction

Posted by Librasetting777

I'm scared since my birthday is Oct 5th and my most dominant plant is venus.

But do you have that natal Venus retrograde doe?
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Posted by Librasetting777

Posted by GOATAction

Posted by Librasetting777

I'm scared since my birthday is Oct 5th and my most dominant plant is venus.

But do you have that natal Venus retrograde doe?

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Regardless, happy early birthday.
Posted by GOATAction

Posted by Librasetting777

Posted by GOATAction

Posted by Librasetting777

I'm scared since my birthday is Oct 5th and my most dominant plant is venus.

But do you have that natal Venus retrograde doe?


Regardless, happy early birthday.
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thanks dude.