I've read that this makes you complete opposites and kinda two different people. Can anyone tell me more about this?
Thanks. I think this explains a lot for me. I can definitely feel the intense pull in two different directions! Its almost like one is trying to win out over the other. I feel like i'm slightly more Virgo, but sometimes the emotions really get me.
I totally get the intuition thing. Logic says thats not even possible, but I know its there and i experience it!
I have been very suicidal in the past, some years ago. And yes, I can get to some very dark places in my mind. Not so much any more, but very occasionally i suppose. I guess i'm better at dealing with that now.
The worst thing is, I seem to go around sucking up the emotions of those around me - friends, work mates. I honestly wish I could switch it off! Sometimes I have to go and lie down to rest my mind, because its just too much.
Oh yeah i get that. I do attract a lot of people who want help and advice and just someone to listen you know?
I think this is the reason I struggle with intimacy. The only girl i've ever dated was a Pisces! This person was one of the few people who didn't drain energy from me.
I read the Virgo forum on here, and thought it was funny how many girls with Virgo boyfriends found them undecided about love. I guess i'm one of those virgo guys and got into a right mess over this. Massive regrets.
It's self-medicating. I'm not saying its right, but I think I can understand why. No clear sense of self?
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Jun 01, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 132 · Topics: 41
Kind, affectionate, and highly sensitive, you are capable of almost completely catering to the needs and desires of your loved ones. This kind of supreme self-sacrifice, if taken too far, can lead you to either be a doormat or have a martyr complex. You??re always trying to live up to some saintly ideal of perfection and need to be reminded that this kind of ideal doesn??t really exist. You have a lot to give to the world, especially in the form of artistry. Your combination of sharp intellect and hyperactive imagination, with that strong dash of perfection, can make you a highly gifted artist. You can communicate the unconscious with great clarity. The line between your rational and irrational mind is very thin, which can lead to unusual and persistent anxieties and phobias. Personal habits need to be developed to keep yourself calm and centered.
Steve Irwin had Pisces Sun/Virgo Moon...