Anyone else have these? Anaretic Degree's

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by justagirl on Monday, December 28, 2015 and has 50 replies.
Anaretic Degree:

In astrology, a name given to the 29th degree of any sign; it is sometimes called the degree of fate. When a planet is in the anaretic degree of a sign (especially the Water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces), spiritual qualities (including intuition, intuitiveness, psychic abilities, and empathy) associated with the planet and sign are enhanced.

My pluto is 29 degrees Virgo 10th house

Trying to see what i can find out about this stuff.

Critical Degrees and 29 Degrees (the 29th Degree) in Astrology

Many astrologers consider 0 and 29 degrees of any sign critical degrees as well. The 0 and 29 degrees are more crisis-oriented points, especially in predictive work.

NOTE: While the 29th Degree is a term used by astrologers (it's also known as the Anaretic degree), technically it's the 30th degree. It actually refers to a planet or body positioned anywhere from 29°00'00" to 29°59'59".

If a natal planet is found at 29 degrees of any sign, also known as the Anaretic degree, there can be some real issues with decision-making in that part of the personality represented by the energies of the planet. The native may evaluate and re-evaluate situations before making a move one day, and the next day, jump into the action without listening to himself or herself! For example, if Mars is at 29 degrees, the native may devise many plans of actions, worry excessively about the possible actions and different routes to take, and then execute a spontaneous action that is contrary to the decision!

Besides decision-making problems, vacillation, and jumping into situations blindly, the 29th degree is also associated with a sense of urgency. It's the last degree of the zodiac sign, and there can be a real sense of urgency surrounding the characteristics and associations of the particular sign. There can also be a general weakness in this area - it can be a point of poor choices, difficulties, crisis, or overcompensation.

While the classic critical degrees above are thought to give added strength to the planet or body, the anaretic degree is more of a debilitating position.
The Tenth House - Social Status and Career (Capricorn is the natural ruler)

Which is funny as far as my career goes i never jump off that fence until i have zero choice or my back is agasint the wall.

I am definitely going to look into this more.

Anyone else have any infomation ?
Posted by tiziani
Why especially the Water signs? Did they just make that up for DXP?

I dunno lol maybe Tongue it's from cafeastrology.. i thouoght i included where it came from.
29th Degree
From Let’s Give it the 29th Degree by Eric J. Uberseder.

Also known as the Anaretic Degree, defective vision is noted with this degree. It’s the weakest point in the sign it represents; tired and often showing more of the next sign than the sign it’s in. The planet and house placement is always getting ready to make a change and the 29th degree adds a decision-making complication to the house. Able to see both sides of an issue, there is oscillation between one view and the other and a struggle to make any decision at all. Decisions are put off or there is a continuous re-evaluation due to new information. At the end of his rope, the individual may make a quick decision, simply to do something, but this takes on the characteristic of Too Much or Too Little. Metaphorically, he may dive into the pool before checking to see if it has water.

A placement of a planet in the 29th degree in a house automatically makes the ability to manifest the characteristics of that house structure more fuzzy, and the interaction with the people of that house more vague and less decisive. Sun in the 29th degree often causes a major career change in mid life. This position can slow down career success because of poor decision-making skills. Women with their Sun in a 29th degree have a tendency to marry men who are ineffectual in some way: trouble keeping a job, born followers, too passive, emotional problems. Again this is related to the concept of poor decision-making (both on the part of the woman and on the part of the husband).

A 29th degree in a progressed chart often stimulates the characteristics, either positive or negative of the relationship, and a last fling jump for the characteristics of the sign, in the house that it is in. Saturn in 29th Capricorn is the degree of the workaholic. The individual can’t seem to get enough hard work. But s/he runs into obstacles in getting it, and often vacillates between working to death, and no work.
Link to Eric's site and full length article, Let's Give it the 29th Degree. Excerpted/Edited and posted on the Moon Valley Astrologer with Eric's kind permission.

Note: The 29th degree takes a measure of its reputation from the fixed star group called the Pleiades in the final degree of Taurus.

Soo basically it's a giant LIBRA in your chart Tongue
Posted by magnetoreborn
A very fateful aspect indeed.

"VIRGO — People with a Sun or other planet in late degrees of Virgo often gain fame for work in design and especially dress design. Virgo rules textiles even tho Leo rules high fashion. Christa McAuliffe had Mercury at 29 degrees of Virgo, flanked by Saturn at 28 of Leo and Mars at 29 of Libra. Virgo is also the sign of the schoolmarm; she was a beloved teacher who planned to teach her class while in space. Roy Horn, of Siegfried and Roy fame, has Mercury at 27 degrees of Virgo. He supports the College of Magic in South Africa with a grant.

The modeling degree. They like to have their own business, if only a little something on the side. Surprisingly, they do not generally like to go to college, BUT they do like a structured program to get their degree. They can be very good with young people, either in the education field or just as a friend who listens."

So i should have stayed doing the Visual merchandise co-ordinator job i had back in Seattle. i had gotten fed up with retail clothing and walked away from it all. I did very much enjoy creating and designing displays.

Hmm something to ponder.
Posted by magnetoreborn
Yes, something to ponder.
Makes you really wonder whether or not Astrology is real - whether or not you see it as a past time :o

that teacher part too.... wow. i was super close to becoming a math teacher, yet as i got older and involved in drugs/etc it influenced the direction my life took. Also was a struggle to find finanical aide, due to family making too much money, so no college for me.

Lots to ponder. Where did oyu find that info on the virgo degree?
I've got Libra Jupiter at 29 degrees, in the 8th house.
hmm just found this :


LIBRA — People with a Sun or other planet in late degrees of Libra gain fame as dancers, judges, or other positions in the law field. Or for their marriages. Princess Grace Kelly had natal Venus at 28 degrees of Libra on her ascendant; while her early fame was for her great beauty and her film career, her main claim to fame is her marriage to Prince Rainier of Monaco. Brigitte Bardot was another famed beauty, with Jupiter at 27 degrees Libra; she was possibly the most photographed woman in the world at that time. Famous Libra dancers include Ben Vereen, Fayard Nicholas, Arthur Duncan, and Juliet Prowse.
The chiropractic degree. Dancers, judges, law professions, but also chiropractic or other alternative medicine fields. They are often good in the advertising field. They like to socialize with the people they work with.
Posted by justagirl
hmm just found this :


LIBRA — People with a Sun or other planet in late degrees of Libra gain fame as dancers, judges, or other positions in the law field. Or for their marriages. Princess Grace Kelly had natal Venus at 28 degrees of Libra on her ascendant; while her early fame was for her great beauty and her film career, her main claim to fame is her marriage to Prince Rainier of Monaco. Brigitte Bardot was another famed beauty, with Jupiter at 27 degrees Libra; she was possibly the most photographed woman in the world at that time. Famous Libra dancers include Ben Vereen, Fayard Nicholas, Arthur Duncan, and Juliet Prowse.
The chiropractic degree. Dancers, judges, law professions, but also chiropractic or other alternative medicine fields. They are often good in the advertising field. They like to socialize with the people they work with.

Nothing there...took a justice course once, and nearly failed (never selected the rigjt precidence for the ruling), and won't be marrying anyone notable. No dancing or chiropractic (or naturopathy) either.

I did find that Jupiter in late degrees means rhat you need to learn things in moderation; not to get too obsessive about expanding knowledge (wut?) Or be too stingy (I'm not). My Neptune is at 27° and that's supposed to mean that I need to learn how not to get lost in imagination and fantasy (used to do that a lot as a kid).

So meh, I think I read about anoretic degrees a whole back and found it not too applicable to me.
I definitely experience this. But I would argue that a similar experience is linked to the 0 degree, if I'm basing this on personal experience..
I have a 0 degree 29 min Mars in Gemini R
28 degrees 49 min Moon in Libra
And a 0 degree 12 min Venus in capricorn

It's hard to say if it's my moon squaring my Saturn in capricorn or that my moon is my 12th house but I definitely experience the challenging sides of libra. It's also so close to the 29th degree that I do feel influence from Scorpio but that's also my rising so it's not the only thing causing that.
With my mars I notice making last minute decisions (could be my moon) but it's usually between being responsible and action oriented and being intellectual and lazy. I feel that is me feeling drawn to the new Gemini way but the taurus cusp is keeping it a little more grounded...

So much to consider, how can you really deduce where the characteristics are stemming from?

Nothing there...took a justice course once, and nearly failed (never selected the rigjt precidence for the ruling), and won't be marrying anyone notable. No dancing or chiropractic (or naturopathy) either.

I did find that Jupiter in late degrees means rhat you need to learn things in moderation; not to get too obsessive about expanding knowledge (wut?) Or be too stingy (I'm not). My Neptune is at 27° and that's supposed to mean that I need to learn how not to get lost in imagination and fantasy (used to do that a lot as a kid).

So meh, I think I read about anoretic degrees a whole back and found it not too applicable to me.

My late degree libra moon has me about to graduate from massage school
Your asc is at 0 Ands? Can you relate to both Leeb and Scorp?

i have 0 Mars Sag in 1st conj my asc and Jupiter, that placement i have read up on last year and i think because of all my saggie it's more driven by that than scorpio, but it could explain why i dont fit the "norm sag mars" discription lol
Posted by astrogypsy7
I definitely experience this. But I would argue that a similar experience is linked to the 0 degree, if I'm basing this on personal experience..
I have a 0 degree 29 min Mars in Gemini R
28 degrees 49 min Moon in Libra
And a 0 degree 12 min Venus in capricorn

It's hard to say if it's my moon squaring my Saturn in capricorn or that my moon is my 12th house but I definitely experience the challenging sides of libra. It's also so close to the 29th degree that I do feel influence from Scorpio but that's also my rising so it's not the only thing causing that.
With my mars I notice making last minute decisions (could be my moon) but it's usually between being responsible and action oriented and being intellectual and lazy. I feel that is me feeling drawn to the new Gemini way but the taurus cusp is keeping it a little more grounded...

So much to consider, how can you really deduce where the characteristics are stemming from?

Some of the articles i came across touched on both 0 degree and 29 degree being crititcal and in a league of their own. I will post more as i come across it.

My 29 degree Pluto has aspects to stuff in my 1st house and my Saturn in 6th- hence why i wanted to find out more about that specific placment smile

Also always fun learning something new - whohooo.
Do house cusps count? I've got some of that going on. And I never know what the hell I want to order when the waiter arrives.
Posted by duchesslibro
Do house cusps count? I've got some of that going on. And I never know what the hell I want to order when the waiter arrives.

I dunno, that would be more advanced than i have a grasp of. i would assume that houses woddl be influenced as well.. A for what you want, your a LEEB of course you don't know Tongue
Posted by engagement_hotdog
Posted by duchesslibro
Do house cusps count? I've got some of that going on. And I never know what the hell I want to order when the waiter arrives.

libras only need 1 crayon they'd be lost with 48 colors

click to expand

I didn't know what my favorite color is until I was 15.
Posted by engagement_hotdog
oh i have a 0 degree pluto

what's it sposd to do?

In the natal chart, planets or points at 0° of a sign take a stance that either indulges in or embraces the very pure, undiluted nature of the sign. There's a fresh, unstudied quality to a planet at this degree. Some of the most familiar, prima facie traits linked to that sign will be obvious in the person's nature, but the sign's true essence and the challenges the planet must face and embrace on its journey are just being discovered and are yet to be mastered. Simply put, there's a new language to learn and much work to be done. Embarking on this voyage, the planet at 0° appears highly eager to encounter that which it will become.

When a planet Solar Arc directs to a new sign, this indicates a "year of getting to know and beginning to experience the essence of that sign In some ways it's a portent - a signpost indicating much of what we can expect for the next thirty years condensed (and intensely heightened) into the first twelve months." (1) Astrologer Fernando Guimaraes suggested to me that the first degree is like an "operatic overture," an introduction that sets the mood for what will follow.

Looking for more info.. please hold Tongue
Posted by engagement_hotdog
Posted by duchesslibro
Posted by engagement_hotdog
Posted by duchesslibro
Do house cusps count? I've got some of that going on. And I never know what the hell I want to order when the waiter arrives.

libras only need 1 crayon they'd be lost with 48 colors

I didn't know what my favorite color is until I was 15.

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Close!! Blue!!! Powder blue to be exact.
Posted by justagirl
Posted by duchesslibro
Do house cusps count? I've got some of that going on. And I never know what the hell I want to order when the waiter arrives.

I dunno, that would be more advanced than i have a grasp of. i would assume that houses woddl be influenced as well.. A for what you want, your a LEEB of course you don't know Tongue
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omg i have to fix this Straight Face

I don't know, that would be more advanced than I have a grasp of. I would assume that houses would be influenced as well. As for what you want, you're a LEEB of course you don't know.

Posted by CrosstownTraffic
@justagirl do your families charts, would may be see more and get answers.

pass on that, I don't have year of birth for either of my parents. i am sure i could figure it out, but no, would rather not open that can of worms lol

Only one i would even consider doing would be my sisters, and i do not have a time of birth for her.
Thank you @ellesque .

so i made a decision! 2015 is never ending, then you can never leave Tongue
well i JUST noticed you have 3 l's @elllesque see message above ^
Posted by elllesque
Posted by justagirl
Thank you @ellesque .

so i made a decision! 2015 is never ending, then you can never leave Tongue

a never ending 2015......I think that would be my worst nightmare ever! Big Grin
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i actually can think of a few that will try to stone me for even suggesting for this horrid year to continue....

oh when i saw the "list" on lindalalala land i shuddered and got sad... i have many of the 'bad' degrees. so i did a typical Aqua thing and said nope.. turn and walk away. It didn't happen!

Big Grin
Posted by elllesque
this site is creepy....

That's similiar to the one i was referring too.

some good info on it..

Posted by elllesque
Posted by justagirl
Posted by elllesque
Posted by justagirl
Thank you @ellesque .

so i made a decision! 2015 is never ending, then you can never leave Tongue

a never ending 2015......I think that would be my worst nightmare ever! Big Grin

i actually can think of a few that will try to stone me for even suggesting for this horrid year to continue....


yeah, I'm not sure what happened this year but I'm glad for it to be done.
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yep. i think many of us are. I am.
Posted by elllesque

looks like they copied and pasted it.

I wish I would have ran into that one first.......that black background with the blue font made me feel like i shouldn't be on that site, I felt like I was doing something seedy. LOL

Flashbacks?? Tongue

but ya i stumbled across it during my googling.. didn;t much care for the feel.. lol
it's the pentagram..
Pisces Sun 29°
Sagittarius Moon 29°
Pisces Mercury 29° R
Cancer Jupiter 1°

I want to be an Aries badly.

Posted by LadyOfRebirth
I've got Aries Venus at 29 degrees in the 12th house.. What does that mean? And what about libra Venus in the same degree and house?

ARIES — People with a Sun or other planet in late degrees of Aries are often explorers and pioneers of some kind. Maybe they are inventors, or they push their entire profession in a new direction. Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon, had his North Node at 27 degrees of Aries. Shaquille O’Neal has Venus at 29 degrees of Aries; Venus is expressed in his fondness for personally handing out toys at Christmas and Aries is expressed in his graduation from a police academy and being sworn in as an officer in Los Angeles and Miami; Aries rules police.

Pioneers and masterminds. Sometimes their love of secrecy and spy games can get carried to extremes, and they want everything to be secret. If Neptune or Jupiter is placed here, the native can be quite an athlete. With Uranus here, Aries can be quite an active networker or arranger or event planner.

LIBRA — People with a Sun or other planet in late degrees of Libra gain fame as dancers, judges, or other positions in the law field. Or for their marriages. Princess Grace Kelly had natal Venus at 28 degrees of Libra on her ascendant; while her early fame was for her great beauty and her film career, her main claim to fame is her marriage to Prince Rainier of Monaco. Brigitte Bardot was another famed beauty, with Jupiter at 27 degrees Libra; she was possibly the most photographed woman in the world at that time. Famous Libra dancers include Ben Vereen, Fayard Nicholas, Arthur Duncan, and Juliet Prowse.

The chiropractic degree. Dancers, judges, law professions, but also chiropractic or other alternative medicine fields. They are often good in the advertising field. They like to socialize with the people they work with.

Still trying to sort all the other stuff out, but that is from one of the site linked in the thread lol

Posted by Palerio
Posted by LadyOfRebirth
Posted by Palerio
Pisces Sun 29°
Sagittarius Moon 29°
Pisces Mercury 29° R
Cancer Jupiter 1°

I want to be an Aries badly.

Why?! That's a much more awesome chart than most.. Albert Einstein was a Pisces sun/sag moon!

One of my best friends is a Pisces sun/sag moon/Pisces Mercury and he's the sweetest guy I know. Everyone loves him.

My sisters fiancé is a Pisces sun/sag moon as well and he's so hilarious. He's very much liked as well.

If Bruce Willis had a secret a son with Sharon Stone combining their charts that would be me, a prime example of Pisces/Aqua/Virgo rising

Of course I'm awesome! I just wish I had my father Mars (Taurus) to have an off the charts level of sex appeal as well Big Grin
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Maybe, YOU are the secret son Tongue
Posted by justagirl
Posted by Palerio
Posted by LadyOfRebirth
Posted by Palerio
Pisces Sun 29°
Sagittarius Moon 29°
Pisces Mercury 29° R
Cancer Jupiter 1°

I want to be an Aries badly.

Why?! That's a much more awesome chart than most.. Albert Einstein was a Pisces sun/sag moon!

One of my best friends is a Pisces sun/sag moon/Pisces Mercury and he's the sweetest guy I know. Everyone loves him.

My sisters fiancé is a Pisces sun/sag moon as well and he's so hilarious. He's very much liked as well.

If Bruce Willis had a secret a son with Sharon Stone combining their charts that would be me, a prime example of Pisces/Aqua/Virgo rising

Of course I'm awesome! I just wish I had my father Mars (Taurus) to have an off the charts level of sex appeal as well Big Grin

Maybe, YOU are the secret son Tongue
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Shhhhhhh... there's a myriad of Americans in here.

I'm trying to camouflage my German heritage Tongue
Posted by Palerio
I want to be an Aries badly.

No can do.

Posted by Damnata
Posted by Palerio
I want to be an Aries badly.

No can do.

click to expand

It's funny because I don't really envy any of the Aries' traits, however, I surely know some of your placements would balance my chart nicely.

I've got that strong restlessness, in my case for renewal, which it's pretty manifest, physically speaking too I look hot-tempered for most but I know I'm not, people will notice that when they get to intimately know me. You can see I want to turn into something else, not necessarily an Aries, they just happened to be the sign next to me, but then being last degree and stuck at the end of cycle makes me appreciate my piscean traits even more.

Basically being forced to hold on your true nature, being forced to face your worst traits/inner demons, in the end makes you proud, really proud, of who you really are, a Pisces.

That is, for me, the meaning of the Anaretic Degree, you start appreciating what is truly unique about yourself.

P.s. It's quite beautiful what I've just written.
Oh, Piscerio...

I know that Pisces-Aries cusp well. Magical beings the lot of you.

You're hot-tempered because you are latin, it's normal for us.


Posted by Palerio
P.s. It's quite beautiful what I've just written.

^Nice try, but this is a Leo trait.
Posted by Damnata
Oh, Piscerio...

I know that Pisces-Aries cusp well. Magical beings the lot of you.

You're hot-tempered because you are latin, it's normal for us.


Posted by Palerio
P.s. It's quite beautiful what I've just written.

^Nice try, but this is a Leo trait.
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It's quite (Pisces) beautiful (Pisces-Aqua) what I've just written (Aqua potentially turning Leo).

Oh, you can't even imagine how, smart yet awful, Piscerio sounds in Italian.
I would kill (Pisces-Aries now) in rl if someone called me that.
Posted by Palerio
Oh, you can't even imagine how, smart yet awful, Piscerio sounds in Italian.

Oh, but I know...that's why I said it.

Posted by Palerio
I would kill (Pisces-Aries now) in rl if someone called me that.
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There we go with that Aries

Well I was in Rome for 2 weeks back in 2008..walked endlessly. People thought I was Italian which I took for a compliment. We can imagine I met you walking around and called you that.

Left a piece of my heart in Galleria Borgese...I've never cried in a museum like I did in that one. I can't visit the entire country at once but I plan to visit everything over the next years. The first leg will be Florence and Venice (moreso excited about the former)
Asc 0 in Gemini
Part of fortune 29 in Gemini (conjuncts Jupiter in Gemini) - House 2
Posted by Damnata
Posted by Palerio
Oh, you can't even imagine how, smart yet awful, Piscerio sounds in Italian.

Oh, but I know...that's why I said it.

Posted by Palerio
I would kill (Pisces-Aries now) in rl if someone called me that.

There we go with that Aries

Well I was in Rome for 2 weeks back in 2008..walked endlessly. People thought I was Italian which I took for a compliment. We can imagine I met you walking around and called you that.

Left a piece of my heart in Galleria Borgese...I've never cried in a museum like I did in that one. I can't visit the entire country at once but I plan to visit everything over the next years. The first leg will be Florence and Venice (moreso excited about the former)
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In Rome I refuse not to walk.

The beauty of the city makes me repellent to the car.

I like that the best glimpses are hidden and not for few.
Fuck I have a 29 and it hits close to home Sad

It basically tells me to go against everything I am for the sake of stability.
Posted by SassyKiwi
Fuck I have a 29 and it hits close to home Sad

It basically tells me to go against everything I am for the sake of stability.

awww hugs
Anaretic Virgo Merc
People with a Sun or other planet in late degrees of Virgo often gain fame for work in design and especially dress design.

lmao, no. i'd bring the renaissance back.
Posted by elllesque
this site is creepy....

HYADES - [5 Degrees of Gemini]
Hyades gives a powerful sex drive, along with a greedy, overindulgent and excessive nature. These people are often exploitive of others. There can be tremendous success in life, but a lack of control and bad habits can cause one's ruin. There is often much vitality and the energy level is high. This placement gives a talent for martial activities and the military.

CASTOR - [20 degrees of Cancer]
Possible violence, along with sudden fame, followed by prison or disgrace. Castor brings weakness of the eyes, and injuries to the face. The disposition is usually well mannered, with strong principles.

ZOSMA - [9 degrees of Virgo]
Victimization, unhappiness, suffering, subject to disadvantage and abuse. Those with this star prominent often seriously suffer in some way. There can be physical problems and/or disabilities.

ALPHECCA - [11 degrees of Scorpio]
This star makes one artistic, with a talent for poetry, and the occult and healing ability. There is often success in business, along with leadership ability. There is a tendency to be a loner.

ACULEUS - [25 degrees into Sagittarius]
There can be trouble with the eyesight. Aculeus bestows leadership ability, but makes one subject to mental, verbal, and/or spiritual attack. These people are often victims of gossip.

ACUMEN - [27 degrees into Sagittarius]
These people on the down side can get worn down by life and just not care anymore. There can be disgrace, legal problems, and possible imprisonment.

ACHERNAR - [15 degrees of Pisces]
Royal honors, success in public office, philosophical, patient, inclined to religion. There can be misfortune and problems with any planet at 15 degrees.

It all sounds...grand.
Posted by GreyWiz
you are into such boring shit justagirl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No more hugs for JOO! Tongue

Posted by CrosstownTraffic
Posted by justagirl
Posted by CrosstownTraffic
@justagirl do your families charts, would may be see more and get answers.

pass on that, I don't have year of birth for either of my parents. i am sure i could figure it out, but no, would rather not open that can of worms lol

Only one i would even consider doing would be my sisters, and i do not have a time of birth for her.

Check the birth towns 'Vital Records' or 'DHEC'.

Sometimes it's the can of worms that is interesting.
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So i opened that can of worms..

I sorted out years of birth.. just not time.

dad- Sag sun @ 29°21' /scorp moon @ 29°06 (he is on cusp of sag/cap)
mom- Leeb sun/scorp moon @ 0°56 and leeb merc @ 0°26'


I knew their sun signs just not anything else! I might be wrong about Dads birth year,

But man.... i have some reading to do.
Actually since its @ 0°56 into scorp, it could possibly be in the sign before it depending on birthtime?

My mom does not strike me as a scorp mooner...
Posted by CrosstownTraffic
Posted by justagirl
Actually since its @ 0°56 into scorp, it could possibly be in the sign before it depending on birthtime?

My mom does not strike me as a scorp mooner...

most of the time it's not the software....but the person writing the source code for it..

kinda a sort of exploit like EQ has on the Zek Server. OR rather a major screwup

like a ranger with shadow step ftw!
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lol I prefered EQ2 but we discussed all that.. i have considered playing again. Wonder if a dirge can get shadowstep.... *ponders*

about the moon time stuff, i don't have birthtime so it's just a guess on all of it.

I have three anaretic degrees.

Sun Virgo 27

Moon Leo 27


Jupiter Aries 28

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