Aquarius men help! (Or women)

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by LibrAjewelzz on Monday, January 9, 2017 and has 27 replies.
We started talking in Aug 2016, I finally went on a date with him at the end of October. After that first date we've probably seen each other more than 20+ times. One night during a date he said that he wanted to be "exclusive" with me saying that he no longer wanted me to talk and go on dates with other men and I told him if that were to happen I would want the same in return. He agreed then we started dating but not yet officially together. In the beginning everything was blissful, sex was great, & time spent together was great also. But for the past few weeks he started changing with me. He communicated with me less, I would be the one to initiate seeing each other, and I simply just felt taken for granted and not wanted by him anymore. I was always there for him but he was barely there for me. He recently introduced me to his entire family including godmother, close friend , and etc... 3 days after he got into a car accident in the morning thankfully he didn't get that hurt. When I picked him up from the hospital and before heading home he wanted me to take him to the courthouse which I did. He left his phone in my car. Since he's been acting weird with me lately I decided to go through it and saw that he was flirting and talking to about 4 different girls saying things to them that he hasn't said to me in a long time. I was distraught. When he got back into my car I didn't mention anything. Even when I brought him home I pretended that everything was all normal or at least I tried but he sensed something was wrong and and kept trying to hug and touch me but I was acting distant after seeing what I saw in his phone. Since he got into a car crash I didn't want to bring it up. I left his house 2hrs later cuz I couldn't stand to be next to a liar any longer and he seemed a little sad I was leaving. Later that night I texted him and told him what I felt and he responded with, "What did u do!!?" "Are you mad because people kept checking up on me!?" I told him that he can keep all his girls since I wasn't enough for him. I then sent him a screen shot of his phone messages. He responded by saying, " You went through my phone?" I was so mad and hurt I never replied. About 4 days have gone by and he never texted or tried to reach out to me and I haven't reached out to him. But he watches all my snap chats and vice versa. I still can't seem to get him off my mind and even though I'm angry and feel a bit cheated on I miss him dearly. Idk what to do. Aquarius men please help!? Do you think he will ever contact me?
I can understand where you're coming from. I would be angry as hell, which is probably why I wouldn't have gone through his phone in the first place. Not excusing his behavior, but maybe since the relationship is new he is testing out the waters to see if it will even last and hasn't "Dropped his hoes" so to speak... If I were him and I got the screenshots from you, I would probably be way too scared to even talk to you again. It really isn't fair.
Posted by 4ever_confused
I can understand where you're coming from. I would be angry as hell, which is probably why I wouldn't have gone through his phone in the first place. Not excusing his behavior, but maybe since the relationship is new he is testing out the waters to see if it will even last and hasn't "Dropped his hoes" so to speak... If I were him and I got the screenshots from you, I would probably be way too scared to even talk to you again. It really isn't fair.

I just really want to talk about what happened but I don't want to reach out cuz I don't want to show weakness. He put us in this situation so I feel like it's only right for him to reach out that's if he ever does

Posted by LibrAjewelzz
Posted by 4ever_confused
I can understand where you're coming from. I would be angry as hell, which is probably why I wouldn't have gone through his phone in the first place. Not excusing his behavior, but maybe since the relationship is new he is testing out the waters to see if it will even last and hasn't "Dropped his hoes" so to speak... If I were him and I got the screenshots from you, I would probably be way too scared to even talk to you again. It really isn't fair.

I just really want to talk about what happened but I don't want to reach out cuz I don't want to show weakness. He put us in this situation so I feel like it's only right for him to reach out that's if he ever does

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Yikes. I'm not sure he will. It sucks. Maybe you can try to approach him in a week with a level-headed approach and ask him if he wants to talk, but you can't be mad or else he will RUN.

you still interested after seeing his hoes? lol where's your self worth

Posted by leowww
By going through his phone you proved you can't be trusted and by what you found in his phone he proved he can't be trusted either..


Why tell him you snooped... get upset.. If you want him back now?

You miss him dearly, what happens with what you found?

It's not more so I want him back romantically we also had an awesome friendship. I miss him dearly as my friend more so. We weren't also officially together but we were dating. I just want him to understand where I'm coming from. All of this could have been avoided if he didn't tell me to do one thing while he did another. If he didn't ever say that he wanted to be exclusive I would've never cared.

Posted by Ophiuchus
you still interested after seeing his hoes? lol where's your self worth

Obviously I have self worth if I walked away from him. We had an awesome friendship.

Posted by 4ever_confused
Posted by LibrAjewelzz
Posted by 4ever_confused
I can understand where you're coming from. I would be angry as hell, which is probably why I wouldn't have gone through his phone in the first place. Not excusing his behavior, but maybe since the relationship is new he is testing out the waters to see if it will even last and hasn't "Dropped his hoes" so to speak... If I were him and I got the screenshots from you, I would probably be way too scared to even talk to you again. It really isn't fair.

I just really want to talk about what happened but I don't want to reach out cuz I don't want to show weakness. He put us in this situation so I feel like it's only right for him to reach out that's if he ever does

Yikes. I'm not sure he will. It sucks. Maybe you can try to approach him in a week with a level-headed approach and ask him if he wants to talk, but you can't be mad or else he will RUN.

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Imma be honest with you, I'm not reaching out. But if he's ready to talk to me he'll know where I'll be and if not then he goes his way and I go mine.

Posted by LibrAjewelzz
Posted by Ophiuchus
you still interested after seeing his hoes? lol where's your self worth

Obviously I have self worth if I walked away from him. We had an awesome friendship.

keyword had

Posted by LibrAjewelzz
He communicated with me less, I would be the one to initiate seeing each other, and I simply just felt taken for granted and not wanted by him anymore. I was always there for him but he was barely there for me.
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doesn't seem so awesome anymore

Posted by Ophiuchus
Posted by LibrAjewelzz
Posted by Ophiuchus
you still interested after seeing his hoes? lol where's your self worth

Obviously I have self worth if I walked away from him. We had an awesome friendship.

keyword had

Posted by LibrAjewelzz
He communicated with me less, I would be the one to initiate seeing each other, and I simply just felt taken for granted and not wanted by him anymore. I was always there for him but he was barely there for me.
doesn't seem so awesome anymore

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Ya think?? lol I've heard that Aquariuses are known to comeback after a while.
Posted by LibrAjewelzz
Posted by Ophiuchus
Posted by LibrAjewelzz
Posted by Ophiuchus
you still interested after seeing his hoes? lol where's your self worth

Obviously I have self worth if I walked away from him. We had an awesome friendship.

keyword had

Posted by LibrAjewelzz
He communicated with me less, I would be the one to initiate seeing each other, and I simply just felt taken for granted and not wanted by him anymore. I was always there for him but he was barely there for me.
doesn't seem so awesome anymore

Ya think?? lol I've heard that Aquariuses are known to comeback after a while.
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yea they do, and things will be good for a little while again. Have fun

Posted by FutureSeeker
Posted by LibrAjewelzz
Posted by 4ever_confused
Posted by LibrAjewelzz
Posted by 4ever_confused
I can understand where you're coming from. I would be angry as hell, which is probably why I wouldn't have gone through his phone in the first place. Not excusing his behavior, but maybe since the relationship is new he is testing out the waters to see if it will even last and hasn't "Dropped his hoes" so to speak... If I were him and I got the screenshots from you, I would probably be way too scared to even talk to you again. It really isn't fair.

I just really want to talk about what happened but I don't want to reach out cuz I don't want to show weakness. He put us in this situation so I feel like it's only right for him to reach out that's if he ever does

Yikes. I'm not sure he will. It sucks. Maybe you can try to approach him in a week with a level-headed approach and ask him if he wants to talk, but you can't be mad or else he will RUN.

Imma be honest with you, I'm not reaching out. But if he's ready to talk to me he'll know where I'll be and if not then he goes his way and I go mine.

Most likely you will never hear from him again. Aquas can walk away once they decide that they don't want it.

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Posted by FutureSeeker
Posted by LibrAjewelzz
Posted by 4ever_confused
Posted by LibrAjewelzz
Posted by 4ever_confused
I can understand where you're coming from. I would be angry as hell, which is probably why I wouldn't have gone through his phone in the first place. Not excusing his behavior, but maybe since the relationship is new he is testing out the waters to see if it will even last and hasn't "Dropped his hoes" so to speak... If I were him and I got the screenshots from you, I would probably be way too scared to even talk to you again. It really isn't fair.

I just really want to talk about what happened but I don't want to reach out cuz I don't want to show weakness. He put us in this situation so I feel like it's only right for him to reach out that's if he ever does

Yikes. I'm not sure he will. It sucks. Maybe you can try to approach him in a week with a level-headed approach and ask him if he wants to talk, but you can't be mad or else he will RUN.

Imma be honest with you, I'm not reaching out. But if he's ready to talk to me he'll know where I'll be and if not then he goes his way and I go mine.

Most likely you will never hear from him again. Aquas can walk away once they decide that they don't want it.

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It's not that I was trying to be the good guy because I am not sorry for going threw his phone. He barely ever hid anything from me even his password, there was times where I would even answer his calls and reply to some of his messages and he was ok with it agreeing with what I was saying to the person. But in a way I just wanted some type of closure as too why he lead me on the way he did, why introduce me to his family and etc:.. if he was still flirting & talking with other women.

Posted by lovinglioness1115
You went through his phone: you didn't trust him and also proved yourself to be untrustworthy.

Done. Goodbye. There is nothing left.
I'm sorry are you an Aquarius?
Posted by LibrAjewelzz
Posted by lovinglioness1115
You went through his phone: you didn't trust him and also proved yourself to be untrustworthy.

Done. Goodbye. There is nothing left.
I'm sorry are you an Aquarius?
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He never hides his phone pictures on his phone, password I even used to answer his calls and reply to texts for him and next to him. I didn't see a huge difference.
Posted by 4ever_confused
Posted by LibrAjewelzz
Posted by 4ever_confused
I can understand where you're coming from. I would be angry as hell, which is probably why I wouldn't have gone through his phone in the first place. Not excusing his behavior, but maybe since the relationship is new he is testing out the waters to see if it will even last and hasn't "Dropped his hoes" so to speak... If I were him and I got the screenshots from you, I would probably be way too scared to even talk to you again. It really isn't fair.

I just really want to talk about what happened but I don't want to reach out cuz I don't want to show weakness. He put us in this situation so I feel like it's only right for him to reach out that's if he ever does

Yikes. I'm not sure he will. It sucks. Maybe you can try to approach him in a week with a level-headed approach and ask him if he wants to talk, but you can't be mad or else he will RUN.

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Thank you for your advice smile

Posted by feby
He may not contact you due to pride but why deal with that anyway? It's a green light out. He may think you're ok with it if you go back
Thank you Feby your right! Maybe I just have a hard time moving on... I keep remembering the good times Sad
Posted by iFemme
Posted by LibrAjewelzz
He left his phone in my car. Since he's been acting weird with me lately I decided to go through it and saw that he was flirting and talking to about 4 different girls saying things to them that he hasn't said to me in a long time.
You made an irreparable damage to yourself. There are some rules and boundaries which aren’t meant to be crossed. With Aquas one of those rules is, never ever touch their personal things without permission. Going through his phone like you did is a big no-no and now he has a trust issue with you. It doesn’t matter that you handled his phone earlier, this time you acted behind his back.
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How did i damage myself? Plus I don't regret doing it because if it was vice versa and I was talking to other men which at a point he thought I did and flipped out on me.

To update you guys he reached out to me today, we talked and communicated. He didn't appreciate the fact I went through his phone and then I told him I didn't appreciate that he was lying to me the entire time. We talked some more and I told him in order for me to move on I have to cut contact with him. I didn't block him but I just deleted his number and unfollowed him from everything. He still watches everything I post. But I'm choosing to move on. Thank you guys for your opinions!
Delete him off snap chat right now
He is a player what makes you think he will change? Obviously he will not...

Leave it and move on...

Posted by lovinglioness1115
You went through his phone: you didn't trust him and also proved yourself to be untrustworthy.

Done. Goodbye. There is nothing left.
If you have to go though someone's phone obviously there is a problem... and also a poor judge of character.

You both agreed to be exclusive. He broke that contract. This one goes in the douche-bag jar.
Posted by pinkbird03
Delete him off snap chat right now
Like block?
Posted by piscesmoon2
Posted by lovinglioness1115
You went through his phone: you didn't trust him and also proved yourself to be untrustworthy.

Done. Goodbye. There is nothing left.
If you have to go though someone's phone obviously there is a problem... and also a poor judge of character.

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And I don't regret it not one entire bit!!!! smile
Posted by LibrAjewelzz
Posted by pinkbird03
Delete him off snap chat right now
Like block?
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You can block him. Or delete him too. Not hard
Yea girl, I already deleted him off my snap. He told me that he still wants to be "friends." He watches my snaps but I can't see his.