Are you religious?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by SuperMissMan on Wednesday, July 22, 2015 and has 16 replies.
I want to know the majority of signs tht are.

I am not. But im not athiest. I believe that we dont know the truth therefore i wont dismiss any religion. Im spiritual though.

Pisces sun
Scorpio Rsing
Aqua moon
Posted by YellowSubmarine

I believe in the overall energy/life force in the universe - very cliche, I know, but I've felt this way since I was about 10 years old. If people choose to call this force "God", then so be it. Organized religion is mad-made, and thus has caused far too much damage in our beautiful world.

Scorpio + Aqua dominant

Pisces Sun, Aqua Moon, Gem Rising

P.S. Sorry for multiple posts, I got lost in my thoughts as this topic is one of my faves to debate Big Grin

I nt going to dismiss nythjng but i feel like there an energy we all are part of and that maybe someere in history somepeople were ableto manipulat this energy to do thing others ojldnt hencefourth: God. Peope may have mstken it just as the greeks made their gods, people now still do. But it mae no sense. Energy conciosnes cnnot be ad or created, but beings can, so to make a being to represent this power seems silly to me
Posted by YellowSubmarine

I believe in the overall energy/life force in the universe - very cliche, I know, but I've felt this way since I was about 10 years old. If people choose to call this force "God", then so be it. Organized religion is mad-made, and thus has caused far too much damage in our beautiful world.

Scorpio + Aqua dominant

Pisces Sun, Aqua Moon, Gem Rising

P.S. Sorry for multiple posts, I got lost in my thoughts as this topic is one of my faves to debate Big Grin

You literlly spoke my heart.
If god was a "being" im sure all the war case by rligion wa not what he would hve wanted. If nything rligions houk com together to relly mae a differnc ecause at th en of the day, wether Buddhist, Muslim, Jewsish or whatever, we are ALL woshiping a higher power. If you nee to symbolise it im not here to judge, but its all the sme thing.
not very pious no, but open to the idea of spirituality. To me, religion is a man made concept, so therefore every religion is equal. I respect them all.
Posted by YellowSubmarine
Posted by SuperMissMan
Posted by YellowSubmarine

I believe in the overall energy/life force in the universe - very cliche, I know, but I've felt this way since I was about 10 years old. If people choose to call this force "God", then so be it. Organized religion is mad-made, and thus has caused far too much damage in our beautiful world.

Scorpio + Aqua dominant

Pisces Sun, Aqua Moon, Gem Rising

P.S. Sorry for multiple posts, I got lost in my thoughts as this topic is one of my faves to debate Big Grin

You literlly spoke my heart.
If god was a "being" im sure all the war case by rligion wa not what he would hve wanted. If nything rligions houk com together to relly mae a differnc ecause at th en of the day, wether Buddhist, Muslim, Jewsish or whatever, we are ALL woshiping a higher power. If you nee to symbolise it im not here to judge, but its all the sme thing.


Yeah, I don't judge very easily regarding such matters - I feel like people need something to believe in, and the method through which they choose to do so is not up to me to decide... but when you start killing and chastising people because of what your "religion" says, that's when I'll judge.. I have no shame in calling someone out on that shit and judging them openly.

I have specific examples of why each religion is just nonsense, but I'm not about to start a whole debate/fight on it so I'll just keep my mouth shut lol
click to expand

Aen completey.
Like with the isis bullshit nd the london an france crap im goig to jude...but nt base on religion but based on morlities and such. People mistranslate all the time. dont blm the actual religio for it.

But despite hw i feel i will not fght soeone on the matter uness they isist i believe in what they do. Such as nw im reading revelatios becase my grandmother is badgerig me. I believe smeoe had a vision possibly or a a dream.
Do i really know if it s or isnt real, no. I ont judge but dont judge me either
I am definitely religious and have learned so much from pretty much every religious tradition I have studied. I have always believed in God, even when I used to say I was an atheist and argue for atheism, when I was younger. I rejected Catholicism at a very young age. Though I think organized religion is largely a system of control and extortion, having studied Christianity on my own in my later years, without the shackles of guilt and dogma, I fell in love with the character of Jesus, and many aspects of Christian theology. Same for Buddha and Buddhist philosophy when I studied Buddhism (Theraveda), and my aunt practices a Native American spirituality which has taught me a lot spiritually as well. I'm heavy into paranormal research (Dean Radin, Russell Targ, Stephen Braude, etc.). I accept a lot of New Age concepts as well....I think, most influential for me though has been my research into Near Death Experiences, and the kind of information people bring back from them. The views I came to on NDE's pretty much reshaped every religious/spiritual belief I had held previously.

Posted by dontgetmewrong
No I'm not religious, haven't stepped into a church for years now. I see myself as spiritual, and try to do what's right and be a good person.

I see many people who go to church, praise the Lord and come out of there doing the same fucked up bullshit, and have the audacity to bible preach and judge others when their own hands aren't clean.

Posted by 9waterlion9
But also I am very against organized religion and the underlying messages of hatred and ignorance it inevitably teaches people

I dont see why we cant jst accept and lve eachother with peace. Isnt that wat religion preeches?
I know a lot of fire sun ppl who are blindly and devoutly religious. To the actual establishment of religion, ie the Catholic Church

I'm fire dominant and I'm very religious in my own way. Not to a religion but moreso a belief system , I have enough faith, hope, and inner guidance that would be in abundance to others, I'm overflowing with it. I think it's a sagg/Aries dynamic within a chart.. I also have so much joy and optimism, mostly generated from this believe system of "the universe" that I have adopted.

Sorry for the typos my brain is not in English mode right now.Laughing
No, religion was invented to control people as capitalism does.

But it has some good foundations but us as men destroy all good things.

Pisces Sun
Aries Venus/Merc/Moon
Gemini Rising
I believe in God, but I'm not religious.

Religion (and what is religion, anyway... compulsion to attend services on the sabbath?)

serves man ... not God.

Taurus Rising


Pisces Moon
Leo Sun 8th house
Pisces moon 3rd house
Sag rising

I believe in everything mystical. Past lives and energy. Astrology. I can't explain it but I know it's there because I can physically feel it.
Posted by LostPisces
No, religion was invented to control people as capitalism does.

But it has some good foundations but us as men destroy all good things.

Pisces Sun
Aries Venus/Merc/Moon
Gemini Rising

Posted by 9waterlion9
^^ Oh and also using set standars to gain power, control, and status

Exactly to all of that.
It very corrupt. Id love to think its not but it will neve work.
Eveyon ha their idea of "right and wrong"
The bible preeches against tatoos yet half chrstians get them anyways, but ten they scorn a bisexual or someone who used "the name" in vain.
I the rules really did matter thn no one would pick and choose.
Morals are wats important in this world. Rules are based off of them. If he all had good morals we wouldnt need rules but making a religion to set rues that arent evn rational towards morals makes no sense to me