Are you self-reliant?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by TheLadyScorpio on Sunday, June 16, 2013 and has 20 replies.
1. Your boss tells you that the company you work for is going out of business. You:
a. Call your nearest and dearest to talk about it
b. Launch into calling your contacts
c. Use the time to take stock of what you want from your professional life
d. Look into your rights

2. For some time, you have been suffering from panic attacks. You:
a. Ask a psychotherapist for help
b. Wait for them to pass
c. Do everything you can to learn to control them
d. Try to ensure that you are never on your own

3. You go for a check-up and your white blood cell count is abnormally high. Your doctor wants to do further tests. You:
a. Assume you'll soon be in hospital
b. Consult a medical website
c. Suspect that your doctor just wants to make money for the labs
d. Make an appointment for the tests

4. What's your favourite piece of music?
a. Beautiful Day by U2, or anything that connects you to good times
b. Spa soundtracks featuring flutes, and the sounds of the ocean
c. Anything from Carmen
d. The theme from Rocky

5. You witness someone being violently mugged on the street. You:
a. Remain rooted to the spot, horrified
b. Get a good description of the attacker, and offer help to the injured person afterwards
c. Stay on the sidelines and let other passers-by help
d. Call the police and see if there is anything you can do while you wait for them to arrive

6. You discover that your colleagues are all going out to a new Japanese restaurant for lunch, but they haven't invited you. What do you do?
a. You immediately pretend you're meeting your sister for lunch and leave the office to mooch round the shops despondently on your own
b. You invite yourself along - they must just have forgotten to ask you
c. You invite a colleague from another department who you've always wanted to get to know to lunch instead
d. You lock yourself in the ladies loos until they've all gone out

7. You've completed some work of which you are quite proud. However, your boss is not convinced.
a. Your self-confidence takes a dive
b. You are angry with him/her
c. You defend what you have done point by point
d. You try and take on board his/her view of things
8. On the way from visiting friends in the country, your car breaks down on a quiet road. What do you do?
a. Phone everyone you know within a 50-mile radius until someone agrees to come and rescue you
b. Nothing. You sit in your car crying your eyes out with no clue what to do
c. Phone the AA - you've learned from experience that it's worth having the best breakdown cover available for moments like this
d. You get out, roll your sleeves up and look under the bonnet to see if you can figure what the problem might be

9. During a meal in a restaurant your partner announces that he/she wants to break up with you. You:
a. Beg them not to leave
b. Ask them why
c. Promise to charge
d. Tell them to go pack their bags

10. After a long climb, you arrive at the top of the mountain. You:
a. Think it is wonderful to be up so high
b. Appreciate how calm it is
c. Take in the beautiful view
d. Congratulate yourself for making it all that way

Add up how many times you chose each symbol> a ___ b ___ c ___ d ___ Please post your 'Sun and Ascendent'.
Mostly a
You don't know how strong you are
You find it difficult to recognize just how strong you are. You tend to go wherever the windblown, sometimes feeling like a spectator in your own life, and you find it quite hard to summon the energy to steer your own path. The slightest obstacle or difficulty throws you off course and makes you feel insecure. You react by seeking help from those around you. This is generally a positive trait, but it can work the other way if it becomes automatic, because then you feel you can only find inner stability with the help of others. Remember that you do have strength of your own; it has got you this far despite the occasional chaotic, difficult time. Take some times to rediscover the part of you that is confident, the part that wants to push forward in your life. You'll find that you, too, can be strong.

Mostly b
You have a powerful spirit
You have a strong and calm nature that has enabled you to develop self-confidence, and confidence in life itself. Your relationship with your inner self evolves constantly. You use quiet moments to recharge your batteries and when there is an obstacle in your path, you summon all your energy to look at the bigger picture and not lose hope. You are able to learn from experience constructively and you incorporate lessons learned into your everyday life. You become even stronger by channelling the energy from difficult situations that occur. Something that you might expect to shake your resolve instead boosts your potential. You have already understood that inner strength is the key to many aspects of life, so build on it, and see what the inner you can achieve.
Mostly c
You have a quiet strength
You do have a sense of 'inner strength,' but it sometimes feels hesitant and timid. Instead of strength, you feel a sort of grounded energy. The trouble is, you're only really aware of it when life is going well. If things go wrong, you lose your way and find it difficult to get back on track; your sense of stability is shaken. In the face of intense emotions and fear brought on by the emergence of a problem, you'll usually react in two ways. First, you tend to give in to your emotions, be that anger or tears. Then, to weather the storm, you climb back into the safety of your shell. Wary of asking for help or being carried away by events, you tend to shut down. Your short-term goal should be to get back in control of your emotions. Eventually you need to try to develop a reflex that will help you find the strength to deal with difficulties when they come up. Don't let fear take you over and ruin the sense of calm you have managed to cultivate between difficult periods. Keep cultivating this sense of calm and don't lose sight of it when problems do arise.

Mostly d
You are combative by nature
The kind of strength you possess drives you forward, but is it really inner strength? As far as you are concerned, inner strength forms the solid core of a person and is a part of you that no-one else can interfere with. Your inner strength enables you to face any difficult life throws at you effortlessly and with confidence. It's like you've got superpowers. However, don't get too carried away; this kind of behavior often means that you are masking your true emotions. you seem to think that to be strong you must remain unruffled at all times, avoid showing any external signs of weakness, and never ask for help. This is because you are confusing inner strength with your need to be a winner. Try to let your guard down a bit - brute force can be useful, but in moderations. You will learn that being strong doesn't necessarily mean being infallible. Real strength actually means having the ability to confront and deal effectively with the things that happen to you in life.

A - 1
B - 2
C - 3
D - 3
Sun - Sagittarius
Ascendent - Scorpio
You have a quiet strength
You do have a sense of 'inner strength,' but it sometimes feels hesitant and timid. Instead of strength, you feel a sort of grounded energy. The trouble is, you're only really aware of it when life is going well. If things go wrong, you lose your way and find it difficult to get back on track; your sense of stability is shaken. In the face of intense emotions and fear brought on by the emergence of a problem, you'll usually react in two ways. First, you tend to give in to your emotions, be that anger or tears. Then, to weather the storm, you climb back into the safety of your shell. Wary of asking for help or being carried away by events, you tend to shut down. Your short-term goal should be to get back in control of your emotions. Eventually you need to try to develop a reflex that will help you find the strength to deal with difficulties when they come up. Don't let fear take you over and ruin the sense of calm you have managed to cultivate between difficult periods. Keep cultivating this sense of calm and don't lose sight of it when problems do arise.
You are combative by nature
The kind of strength you possess drives you forward, but is it really inner strength? As far as you are concerned, inner strength forms the solid core of a person and is a part of you that no-one else can interfere with. Your inner strength enables you to face any difficult life throws at you effortlessly and with confidence. It's like you've got superpowers. However, don't get too carried away; this kind of behavior often means that you are masking your true emotions. you seem to think that to be strong you must remain unruffled at all times, avoid showing any external signs of weakness, and never ask for help. This is because you are confusing inner strength with your need to be a winner. Try to let your guard down a bit - brute force can be useful, but in moderation. You will learn that being strong doesn't necessarily mean being infallible. Real strength actually means having the ability to confront and deal effectively with the things that happen to you in life.
d(only because eye of the tiger was literally playing on a commercial as I read this question)
Mostly c
You have a quiet strength
You do have a sense of 'inner strength,' but it sometimes feels hesitant and timid. Instead of strength, you feel a sort of grounded energy. The trouble is, you're only really aware of it when life is going well. If things go wrong, you lose your way and find it difficult to get back on track; your sense of stability is shaken. In the face of intense emotions and fear brought on by the emergence of a problem, you'll usually react in two ways. First, you tend to give in to your emotions, be that anger or tears. Then, to weather the storm, you climb back into the safety of your shell. Wary of asking for help or being carried away by events, you tend to shut down. Your short-term goal should be to get back in control of your emotions. Eventually you need to try to develop a reflex that will help you find the strength to deal with difficulties when they come up. Don't let fear take you over and ruin the sense of calm you have managed to cultivate between difficult periods. Keep cultivating this sense of calm and don't lose sight of it when problems do arise.
Pisces sun
Virgo Rising
Posted by EccentricUranian
Posted by EccentricUranian
Posted by EccentricUranian
I answered mostly b. I have a Cancer sun with Virgo Asc.

In numerology I am a 1 birth path with and 8 expression. I think too many people look over the numerological aspects of things.

Matter of fact, since I'm being opinionated today, I think it's not easy to determine things with just the sun and ascendant. The whole chart needs to be looked at, as well as a numerological profile. With that said, I digress. Thanks for sharing Lady.
click to expand

Of course, one would have to take a look at the entire chart but frankly that would be impossible within the constraints of an open forum, so this is a compressed/concentrated way of finding out information to input into my super computer of a mind smile
You are most welcome, it was my pleasure EU, glad to hear you have enjoyed it.
Posted by EccentricUranian
Lady, you know that was a Virgo Asc. post don't you. lol

I am aware smile
Sun Aries, Aquarius Ascendant.
Oh and I agree with the description.
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Add up how many times you chose each symbol> a ___ b ___ c ___ d ___ Please post your 'Sun and Ascendent'.

A = 1
B = 0
C = 5
D = 4

Sun - LEO
^ Are you copying my answers lol.
Tied between A, C and D. does that mean we're cool?
Your boss tells you that the company you work for is going out of business. You:
a. Call your nearest and dearest to talk about it
b. Launch into calling your contacts
c. Use the time to take stock of what you want from your professional life
d. Look into your rights - this after I am secure in another placement

2. For some time, you have been suffering from panic attacks. You:
a. Ask a psychotherapist for help
b. Wait for them to pass
c. Do everything you can to learn to control them
d. Try to ensure that you are never on your own

3. You go for a check-up and your white blood cell count is abnormally high. Your doctor wants to do further tests. You:
a. Assume you'll soon be in hospital
b. Consult a medical website
c. Suspect that your doctor just wants to make money for the labs
d. Make an appointment for the tests

4. What's your favourite piece of music?
a. Beautiful Day by U2, or anything that connects you to good times
b. Spa soundtracks featuring flutes, and the sounds of the ocean
c. Anything from Carmen
d. The theme from Rocky
None of the above.

5. You witness someone being violently mugged on the street. You:
a. Remain rooted to the spot, horrified
b. Get a good description of the attacker, and offer help to the injured person afterwards
c. Stay on the sidelines and let other passers-by help
d. Call the police and see if there is anything you can do while you wait for them to arrive

6. You discover that your colleagues are all going out to a new Japanese restaurant for lunch, but they haven't invited you. What do you do?
a. You immediately pretend you're meeting your sister for lunch and leave the office to mooch round the shops despondently on your own
b. You invite yourself along - they must just have forgotten to ask you
c. You invite a colleague from another department who you've always wanted to get to know to lunch instead
d. You lock yourself in the ladies loos until they've all gone out
None of the above. I'd go shopping or enjoy my lunch alone, but I wouldn't pretend that I have plans or any such nonsense.

7. You've completed some work of which you are quite proud. However, your boss is not convinced.
a. Your self-confidence takes a dive
b. You are angry with him/her
c. You defend what you have done point by point
A) 0
B) 3 (10 will be 'b')
C) 2
D) 3
Posted by TheLadyScorpio

Mostly b
You have a powerful spirit
You have a strong and calm nature that has enabled you to develop self-confidence, and confidence in life itself. Your relationship with your inner self evolves constantly. You use quiet moments to recharge your batteries and when there is an obstacle in your path, you summon all your energy to look at the bigger picture and not lose hope. You are able to learn from experience constructively and you incorporate lessons learned into your everyday life. You become even stronger by channelling the energy from difficult situations that occur. Something that you might expect to shake your resolve instead boosts your potential. You have already understood that inner strength is the key to many aspects of life, so build on it, and see what the inner you can achieve.

Mostly d
You are combative by nature
The kind of strength you possess drives you forward, but is it really inner strength? As far as you are concerned, inner strength forms the solid core of a person and is a part of you that no-one else can interfere with. Your inner strength enables you to face any difficult life throws at you effortlessly and with confidence. It's like you've got superpowers. However, don't get too carried away; this kind of behavior often means that you are masking your true emotions. you seem to think that to be strong you must remain unruffled at all times, avoid showing any external signs of weakness, and never ask for help. This is because you are confusing inner strength with your need to be a winner. Try to let your guard down a bit - brute force can be useful, but in moderations. You will learn that being strong doesn't necessarily mean being infallible. Real strength actually means having the ability to confront and deal effectively with the things that happen to you in life.

Always open to interpretations Phoenix smile though in your last post, I would assume the key word would be doing so in the car, a matter of outer and inner confidence and expression.
Mostly D....Libra

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