I'm a Capricorn sun, Leo moon.
He's a Capricorn Sun, Aries moon.
Sounds okay. For the most part it has been but he is sooooooo pushy with his beliefs.
Yes him and I love knowledge and wisdom and digging deep, that's why convos had always been interesting.
But I feel his Aries Moon ass is extra pushy.
Because my family has different religious and political affliation than me, and I didn't get them to see the light so-to-speak, he said I failed my family.
Who the f**k says that kind of thing to their girl????
Especially if you can't force the horse to drink the water??
He is sooooo adamant about things.
And lately? He's been soooooooooo busy with school so we don't talk as much.
Okay understood.
But any text or 15 min call I get is brief and there isn't a "I miss you" or "thinking about you" like before.
That HURTS because I miss him & think about him.
We're not at the "I love you" stage, but can you AT LEAST talk to me like you miss me and not make it seem like obligation!?!?
Let's see if I'm understanding these beings:
-verrrry impatient (aggressive driver, no patience for indecisiveness, cannot wait to speak, if there's any argument the issue has to be solved NOW)
-very motivational (cuts thru you to ask pertinent questions, expects the best out of you)
-passionate (issues in the world causes him to react instantly, follows up on every detail of something, when working at something, will work HARD)
-insensitive (keeps it too real) and insensitive to women's emotions (ESPECIALLY with his Capricorn moon)
-chaser and gives up once thing is caught
-EXXXTREEEEEMMMMLY prideful. EVERYTHING they do must not stifle their dignity.
-bigger on action vs the right words said
Do I got it right?
Oh and another comment was can you all tell me more about a woman's sun squaring her man's moon? (Even if his own sun squares his own moon lol)
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Apr 03, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 1149 · Topics: 51
Cont.... I do not say something meaningful unless I truly mean it. I value what is said, which is lacking today. People say one thing but do another.
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Oct 25, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 8822 · Topics: 132
LoL. I have nothing to add but i love reading Cap/Cap stories.
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Jan 12, 2012Comments: 34 · Posts: 1132 · Topics: 27
Aries in anything is always "too much"! It's how they are; you either love it or not. LOL!
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Apr 06, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 217 · Topics: 11
I am an Aries moon but I am very reserved and quite on the outside.