astologist gave rising sign different

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by smudgey on Tuesday, January 2, 2007 and has 5 replies.
I am an aries sun. An atrologist told me my rising is leo. I thought wow! Makes sense. Any web site or book tells me my rising is virgo. I've read up on virgo rising. Doesn't sound like me AT ALL. What could be happening?
nope. time right zone right. leo and virgo are next to each other but i sure seem like a leo rising and not virgo. virgo rising descriptions don't match, leo to a t.
what signs are the rest of the planets in your chart?
sun : aries
moon : cancer
venus: aquarius
mars : gemini
kinda at a loss for much of an explaination. however, your venus in aqu., and mars in gem. might be responsible for a more social party animal personality!