Astrology and Family Survey

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Cuspy on Friday, July 14, 2006 and has 24 replies.
Just curious: I wonder if certain sun-signs produce astrologically complementary children, and how that would affect the family dynamics. Write your family's starsign like this:
Me: Gemini/ Cancer
Brother: Gemini = we are like twins, both June-born and same age for 2xweeks each year.
Mum: Aries
Dad: Taurus = my parents are divorced, my dad was like the outsider, as mum,bro, and me are quite fiery and expressive

ME = Aqua
Brothers ( i have two older bros)= Aries ( both are March aries)
Sister= Scorpio
Dad= Leo
Mom = Cancer
o ya and my parents are divorced too but it seems my dad wants my Mom back coz hes been visitng her alot lately smile
Me = Saggi
Brother = Taurus
Sisters = Scorpio, Cancer, Aries
Dad = Libra
Mom = Aqua
(mom and dad married and divorced 2 times, alotta love but couldn't make it work)
Me: Leo (throw me on the cancer cusp if you believe in that)
1 Son: Taurus sun Scorp rising and Cancer moon
3 Brothers: Aries (Virgo rising) --- Scorpio (Aqua rising) --- Taurus (Aries rising)
Mom: Sag sun Sag rising and Aqua moon
Dad: Capricorn sun and Sag moon. Not with my mom anymore.
As you can see we are a great big mix of people smile My mom and I are very close though. But I think we all are with her. The bull being a little more detached from us all but still close.
Im finding this interesting already:
Eliza: you and youre brothers/ dad are compatible -fire and air, then your scorpio sis and cancer mum -both water.
Same scenario with the other posters on here: do you get on better with your family members who have complementary astro- elements -earth/water, fire/air etc.
me: aries
brother: leo
mother: sag
father: aries (but aries/taurus cusp)
we're a family of fire signs lol
I get along very well with my Aries brother. The scorp and I get along well too when he is in town. He and I gang up on the aries. We are the bullies. The Taurus? Well, I fought with him the worst growing up. I get along best with my mother of all of them. My son goes without saying.
Me: Cappy
Mom: Pisces
Dad: Scorpio
Other Dad: Aquarius
God Dad: Aquarius
Older Bro: Virgo
2nd older Bro: Virgo
3rd older Bro: Gemini
Younger Bro: Gemini
I'm a Scorpio, my mother's an Aquarius and my father's a Gemini. I am an only child, so no sibling relationships to talk about, but when I was a teenager it was an extremely volatile household! But, now that I'm an adult everything is very good...I attribute that somewhat to the fact that I have five planets in Libra, and therefore I am sure that the air influence enables me to deal with their airiness.
ohh purfffect, your son is a Taurus has a Cancer moon? well what d'y'know.. so do *i*!!!!! omgosh this is just so exciting..
but lol yeah.. i have a few questions for you, if you don't mind: does your son talk a lot and ask you never-ending questions? is he EXTREMELY affectionate-loving and, although stubborn, can easily melt if you simply give him a little TLC? and is he COMPLETELY curious about life and won't shut up about whenever he learns/encounters something?
well, i was like that as a little kid (and i still kinda am now lol), so i was just wondering if it's my moon that does that.
but yeah, just (very) curious about that.. haha.. and you can carry on now Big Grin
lol Venus I just happened to be on right now.
YES, he talks a lot. But not about unimportant things. He is very inquisitive about life in general for being so young. He has mercury in Gem. I am amazed. He is very affectionate but when I get too mushy on him he makes fun of ME lol (deep down I know he likes it)
So far I haven't seen a stubborn streak in him even though he has this scorpy rising. He is very adaptable. I am sure a couple more years and this will surface.
...and is he COMPLETELY curious about life and won't shut up about whenever he learns/encounters something?....
This is him 100% . Omg Venus don't open a can of worms I could go on forEVER. I love this about him and he is only 11. The sensitive streak is strong in him.
Awwwww, well i'm glad that you're such a good parent to him. and him telling you all of his little thoughts and insights is very special.. i only open up to ppl i care most about. (but i grew up in a broken family, so i never really got to do that with them..)
and cancer moon.. OMG, i bet that he's REALLY attached to you! when i was little, my mom was my world (even though he was always critical of me), and i would go to the ends of the EARTH for her! omg, no one understood.. but i loved her so much that i could just never stay mad at her (even when she chased me with a knife. :/ yep.. lol.. but don't worry about that.. she just had some mental problems of her own, but she's a little better now, or uhh.. just *sorta* ;p). but yeah, the fact of the matter is, i will always love her through thick and thin.

"So far I haven't seen a stubborn streak in him even though he has this scorpy rising. He is very adaptable. I am sure a couple more years and this will surface."
lol perhaps.. but his stubborness won't be TOO bad. believe it or not, i was a really non-stubborn and obedient child. i was more stubborn in my beliefs than i was in my every-day life. i believe i was more emotional than i was practical, and i cared so deeply for my family that i just could never hold a grudge. i mean, i know that i can explode if i'm pushed too far, but i wasn't one to throw out insults. i only used reason when i would talk to them, and if they can't seem to understand my point of view, i'll just simply drop it. (although i'll be a dissatisfied with the situation.) but yeah.. growing up in a drama-filled family was really hard.

but LOL, i'm talking too much.. i should shut up now, eh? haha. but yeah, thanx for replying, purfffect! that was really nice of you to post. and by the way.. i'm sure that your son treasures you more than you can imagine (even if he doesn't express it all the time) lol.. becuz you sound like a really devoted mother, and i like that about you very much. damn, i wish i had that.. lol.
ok venus. You're going to make me cry. grr lol!!
I am very attached to my son.
Yes. Right now he appears to have ALWAYS been obedient. He is very much a mommas boy. I always tell people how lucky I am to have him because he has been such a blessing to me in so many ways. A happy baby and even still now happy. I couldn't EVER imagine going after him with a knife (((im soo sorry hun that you had to go through that))) In fact, because of his nature I am VERY over protective of him. I know I am a Leo, but my aim was always to keep him AWAY from any drama. I know now that this is impossible. Shit always seeps in. He has the understanding of an 80 year old man it seems sometimes. I truly believe he is here to teach ME instead of the other way around.
Thank you for talking "too much". I am going to go wake him up and hug him to death now and make him sick of me smile
Have a good night.
purrrfect, i really thank you for your post. i love your mothering ways so much Big Grin
and you enjoy your night as well, dear.
Dad -?? Dont know I think he was Libra
me: leo/aries moon
mom: scorpio/sag moon
dad: pisces/gemini moon
sis 1: aries/taurus moon
sis 2: virgo/aries moon...
mom and dad are not longer together. mom, me and sisters make a fiery is more calm and relaxed, but talks A LOT!
Mom: Virgo
Dad: Capricorn
Me: virgo
Brother: virgo
Mother: Gemini
Father: Aquarius
Me: Libra
dang pushit!! lol!
Dad: Aquarius
Mother: Taurus

Me: Pisces
Sister: Leo.

Me and my sister don't get on. She thinks only of herself.
didn't think about adding my kids....(oooppppssss) LOL
But this is actually more interesting than My parents...
Me~~ Sun/Sag Moon/Gemini Rising/Libra
Hubby~ Sun/Cappy Moon/Cancer Rising/Leo
Daughter~ Sun/Virgo Moon/Taurus Rising/Cancer
Son~~ Sun/Aries Moon/Cappy Rising/Sag

Yes I do find that I relate more to my son than my daughter, whereas My husband can relate to our daughter more...
(I thought my sons was neat he carries both mom and dad)
Dad: Libra
Mom: Sagitarius
Me: Aries
Brother: Scorpio
Sister: Capricorn
Eliza: you and youre brothers/ dad are compatible -fire and air, then your scorpio sis and cancer mum -both water.

do you get on better with your family members who have complementary astro- elements -earth/water, fire/air etc...

Ya totally... i get along great with my Leo dad and 1 aries bro ( the other is aries/pisces cusp and we dont click)..
my Mom is a cancer and shes awesome but we are very different people...However my scorpio sis and i are very close.. shes my best buddy... maybe coz our venus,mars, moon and risings are compatible smile