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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
Your friend saw all that from my handwriting? or your handwriting? lol
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
hmm nope betel just threw my theory out the window LOL!
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
LOL my track record has a lot of wrongs. Don't ask don't tell!
The extract Aquasnoz posted sounds right. I'm an Air sign and my writing varies at times. Also have a merc in Scorp and left-handed. I don't know the significance. *shrugs*
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
gawd i hope this works...
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
If Your Writing Slants??_
To the right: You are open to the world around you and like to socialize with other people.
To the left: You generally like to work alone or behind the scenes. If you are right-handed and your handwriting slants to the left, you may be expressing rebellion.
Not at all: You tend to be logical and practical. You are guarded with your emotions.
If the Size of Your Letters Are??_
Large: You have a big personality. Many celebrities have large handwriting. It may suggest that you are outgoing and like the limelight.
Small: You are focused and can concentrate easily. You tend to be introspective and shy.
Average: You are well-adjusted and adaptable.
If Your Loops Are...
Closed for L (meaning the upstroke overlaps the downstroke): Feeling tense? This implies you are restricting yourself in some way.
Full for L: You are spontaneous and relaxed and find it easy to express yourself.
Closed for E: You tend to be skeptical and are unswayed by emotional arguments.
Full for E: You have an open mind and enjoy trying new things.
If Your S??s Are??_
Round: You are a people-pleaser and seek compromise. You avoid confrontation.
Pointy: You are intellectually probing and like to study new things. The higher and pointier the peaks, the more ambitious you are.
Open at the bottom: You might not be following your heart. For example, you always wanted to be an artist, but you have a career in finance.
Printed: You are versatile.
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
If You Want Neater, More Legible Handwriting
Write out this sentence in your normal, everyday style : A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. (Don??t worry if you use a mix of printing and cursive. By high school, more than two-thirds of people combine them, according to writing specialist Steve Graham.) So how does it look? If it??s a scrawled mess, start by slowing down. In addition to that general rule, experts recommend focusing on five target areas to improve the appearance and the legibility of your handwriting. Read their advice, and study which example they say is the model style (the last sample, in each case). The goal? script that is easier to read??even ???note??-worthy.
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
1. Line Quality
If your writing is faint, like a bad photocopy, simply focus on pressing harder. If you pressed so hard that your fingers got sore, correct your grip: Try to hold the pen between the pads of your middle finger and thumb, with your index finger resting on top. If you have trouble retraining yourself, try using an ergonomic pencil grip
2. Alignment
Does your sentence tilt up or down on the page? If the answer is yes, use an index card to guide you when you write on unlined paper. Use the top of the note card as the base for each line of writing. And use the space between the lines on the card as a reference for the amount of space you should leave between the lines of your note.
3. Slant
To straighten up a bit, adjust the angle of the paper. Think of your writing space as a clock, with 12 o??clock straight ahead. If you??re right-handed, rotate the page so that the bottom-right corner is at 4 o??clock and the top-left one is at 10 o??clock. For lefties, the bottom-left corner should fall at 8 and the upper-right corner at 2.
4. Spacing
If your letters and words are too close together, they blend into one another. Too far apart and they get lost in space. Imagine a lowercase o split vertically in half. That??s the correct amount of space to leave between each letter. A full lowercase o should fit between words.
5. Letter Formation
Everyone has a letter or two that manage to get mangled in daily penmanship. Lowercase letters, especially vowels, are the usual suspects. Look at what you wrote and circle the letters that aren??t completely closed or are missing stems. Be more mindful of them and slow down.
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
wow bri seeing that is nostalgia! Are you studying or into design by any chance?
I use to carry around my passive pads and consistently doodle on them except it's WAY messier and less organised lol.
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
I am a horrific sketcher, but I promise I'm not all that bad at designing. Haha
It works out that way a lot it seems huh?
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Mar 13, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 1266 · Topics: 237
As a Virgo you might expect me to have small, neat, legible handwriting, but in fact it is nothing like this. It is very angular and jagged (like it's made out of twisted pieces of black rusty barbed wire) and many people complain about it. I often write in block capitals in an attempt to be legible but even then people cannot always read it! In fact I cannot always read my own handwriting but the upside of this is that I am good at decoding the "illegible" handwriting of others! Graphology is not difficult to understand and it is clear from my handwriting that I am (among other things) intensely sexual and materialistic (maybe that's Mars in Taurus) though as I had something of a religious upbringing this has been hard to admit or come to terms with.
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Feb 04, 2013Comments: 31 · Posts: 2423 · Topics: 55
Dazed I want your handwriting as a font.
Briana- you too! Very nice.
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
My mom's a Leo with Merc in Virgo...her handwriting looks just like mine almost much neater and uniform. I will try to find something she's written and post it
I like to think my ascendent has a huge part in my hand-writing. It's fast, stretched, barely readable haha.