Astrology at Work

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Cuspy on Friday, July 14, 2006 and has 17 replies.
Are certain starsigns attracted to certain jobs ie. do cancers work in the caring professions, are leos actors etc. Write your starsign here and your line of Work
Me: Gemini/Cancer - Freelance Writer/Music Press&PR / TV Production
(I do have more than one job, and juggle them quite well Winking
"Freelance Writer/Music Press&PR / TV Production"
- I envy you.
I could never imagine myself as an actress. When I was in the 6th grade we had this creative writing contest and I won the writing part of it. But the meat and potatoes of it all was that you had to stand in front of the class and dramamtize what you wrote. Kind of like acting it all out. Some kids made costumes for their act. I just about died. My teacher did everything in her power to help me overcome any nervousness but when it was my turn to get up there all I could do was hold my paper in front of my face and read. Like an ice cube lmao!
Just thought I'd share lol
If you want to know where someone might shine career wise you should look to your 10th house or midheaven. Cancer is close to mine and Gemini rules it which is probably why I love working with people and their home issues.
Aqua = i wanna be a Doc smile
oh yeah, and I thought Hitler was a Leo
Hitler is a bull
You're right!!
I read somewhere that he was a Leo! Some website
aries men : electrician, technician, engineer
aqua : researcher
Hitler was a TAURUS, don't pawn him off on us...
I know; purrrfect already called me on that one.
I am ashamed.
Everything I pull up on him says he's a bull. In fact, here is his chart..
I hope this comes up.
Freelance Writer/Music Press&PR / TV Production"
- I envy you.
Its a blessing and a curse.. Ive always wanted to unite work and play and writing about music fashion n stuff was a good way to do it. Its a very insecure career (financially)but its benefits are being your own boss.. and also having variety. Ive tried several times (and failed) to hold down an office job, but the boredom/groundhog day scenario gave me itchy feet.. my recent foray in an office job lasted two days!!!
Hitler is indeed a Taurus, but you have to also regard the fact that he is definitely on the cusp.

i got this from a website that my sister found:
The Aries/Taurus can be blunt, and they are bold and strong. They are among the strongest combination of signs when it comes to meeting goals because of their reliable persistence. Those born under the influence of both astrological signs are able to initiate and successfully complete projects and activities.

LOL, she found that after looking up the characteristics of the ppl under the Aries/Taurus cusp, becuz she is so freakin' OBSESSED with James Franco (whom is in fact on the Aries/Taurus cusp). so yeah.. LOL.. my little sister is in puppy love.. aWwwWwWw.. how adorable.
but yes, this cusp is called the "Power Cusp" becuz it is indeed the most self-suffient and the strongest emotionally/mentally.

no wonder Hitler was a crazy bastard.. lol.
Hahaha...that's how I picture it would be for me..I'm terrified that I'm going to end up in a cubicle..not that there's anything wrong with those jobs; they're just not something I'm interested in. I can imagine the instability..I'm considering journalism/freelance writing. I'm a Leo, it probably has something to do with creative expression and blah blah blah Winking
Wheelhomies - go for the writing jobs, do as much writing as you can for school/college newspapers as well as the local press. my advise to you after graduation, is to work as a staff writer, and build your contacts up that way. I did it a*rse over feet and worked as a freelance from the off/ or short term contracts...
Gemini Rising - you have a lot of planets in gemini, which would explain your media leanings - go fer it!
I'm a future SWAT officer. I might get into mixed martial arts as well.
Freelance Audio Engineer