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May 05, 2016Comments: 238 · Posts: 2097 · Topics: 26
Same idea as the first and second one (but not the same questions), the quiz evaluates whether or not you're on this site for the right reasons.
Plus, I think it promotes critical thinking...somewhat.
I'm giving participants 5 minutes and 30 seconds to complete so that you don't have enough time to google answers.
Essentially you post your answers here.
But the only rule is if I call time and you post more than a minute after mine, I may take away 2 points from whatever score you get.
5 or more participants are welcome! It's pretty fun if you ask me so please, if you have at least 5 minutes to spare, participate.
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May 05, 2016Comments: 238 · Posts: 2097 · Topics: 26
4 / 5 people....
1 more person (or 2 more) and then the quiz unlocks.
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Hurry I'm not good at these things.
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May 05, 2016Comments: 238 · Posts: 2097 · Topics: 26
1 minute grace period to post w/o penality
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Dec 01, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 3848 · Topics: 46
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
I'm working sorry don't know was guessing. Good job @Jahlia
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May 05, 2016Comments: 238 · Posts: 2097 · Topics: 26
Answer key
1. D. 0 and 29
2. C. Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
3. B. "The Water-Bearer"
4. C. Mars Square Uranus
5. A. Emotional expression
6. D. Aquarius Sun, Leo Moon, Scorpio Rising
7. C. Virgo Midheaven
8. D. Opposition
9. B. Virgos
10. B. Jupiter
11. D. Virgo and Scorpio
12. C. Red - choleric
13. D. "The Lion"
14. A. Aquarius
Each MC = 2 pts
Bonus = 6 points
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May 05, 2016Comments: 238 · Posts: 2097 · Topics: 26
#5. Enterprise, Spontaneity and Self-centeredness are almost always keywords for Fire signs. So by process of elimination, emotional expression would be the 1 thing Fire signs and Water signs have in common. Fire = passion, Water = feeling
#6. Letting go is something that people who are considered stubborn have issues with. Stubborness is a quality that all the fixed signs have to different degrees, and those fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. So if a person had 2 of their most personal planets (Sun and Moon) and ascendant in those things, they would most likely (out of the other 3 options which don't have as many fixed signs) be holding onto something that once was...even though they may not say it.
#13. Front stage self vs. back stage self are both terms that I think are self-explanatory or intuitive. When you see front stage self, you'd most likely think of an actor taking the stage, attempting to give their audience a certain perception of their behavior - especially knowing they are being watched...the opposite occurs for the back-stage self where you're not "playing up" yourself. In astrology, Leo embodies those two ideas.
and 10 is kinda a fact lol.
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May 05, 2016Comments: 238 · Posts: 2097 · Topics: 26
@SuperMercurial, you can preview the quiz on page 2...I unhid it if you wanna have a go at it yourself.