Breaking Down A Chart

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Dianasart on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 and has 6 replies.
What does each planet stand for or make what affect? I have already figured out that Mars and Venus have to do with the love life because of posts I've read here (though I still don't know which is directed for what exactly).
I only want to know about the planets. I know there's more with "houses" but think the planets are a good start. :-)
I am happy you have decided to take an interested in astrology... I doubt you will find alot of help... in that area here or I think you should really make an effort to learn yourself.
It is simple to google each planet, sign, and house... is a great start or

If you want to really go deep learn Greek/Roman myth as they tell the character of sign/planets/ I like to use numerology for house as well to some point.
Then I would look into Vedic astrology or Indian... Then Chinese...
Best of luck but that is a really good starting place... To a point until you learn the basics why would anyone type all of this out for you if it is easily google able... You could always buy books as well...
no disrespect but you can't have people do it for you... it is important to do your own research then come back and comment... learn from other peoples post.
Again no disrespect... and I would start with reading your own chart as well...
Thank you! I have read parts of my charts and I did find some of it a little confusing.
I guess I was hoping that there was a very easy and brief answer that someone could reply with, but clearly it is more complicated than I thought.
I'll take your advice on where to start my research.
Thank you again! :-)
The Sun is your will, the way you shine, who you really are.
Moon is emotions, your reactions to things, how you digest and deal with emotions. It's often an unconscious thing.
mercury is your mind, it's very important, almost like the sun. It can be one sign next to your sun or same as...and when it's different than your sun it gives the person an advantage, the ego/will feels a certain way, and the mind processes things in a different. It's like a large company, where 2 different departments deal with their share and it just works better. Like a Virgo Sun with a Libra Mercury will be down to earth like a Virgo, they will NEED order and discipline, and their superior mind (libra=air sign) will help them express and materialize these things properly, with class and tact. They'll captivate their listener and communicate substance and purpose from the Virgo.
Venus is your social life. Mars is your raw energy.
Jupiter is like a background energy. it comes out in your social life to some extent.
Saturn is obligation, it's how you perceive your father, your boss. It's the thing you reject...until the return at age 29...and then you start to accept it. You start to see the good in it and you learn to live with.
Posted by grayid2
The Sun is your will, the way you shine, who you really are.
Moon is emotions, your reactions to things, how you digest and deal with emotions. It's often an unconscious thing.
mercury is your mind, it's very important, almost like the sun. It can be one sign next to your sun or same as...and when it's different than your sun it gives the person an advantage, the ego/will feels a certain way, and the mind processes things in a different. It's like a large company, where 2 different departments deal with their share and it just works better. Like a Virgo Sun with a Libra Mercury will be down to earth like a Virgo, they will NEED order and discipline, and their superior mind (libra=air sign) will help them express and materialize these things properly, with class and tact. They'll captivate their listener and communicate substance and purpose from the Virgo.
Venus is your social life. Mars is your raw energy.
Jupiter is like a background energy. it comes out in your social life to some extent.
Saturn is obligation, it's how you perceive your father, your boss. It's the thing you reject...until the return at age 29...and then you start to accept it. You start to see the good in it and you learn to live with.

what a beautiful and deep explanation
Are you being sarcastic? Cause i know i write a bit weird...being in a non-english speaking Country and all...