So on my physical therapy journey I’m working with a physical therapist and chiropractor.
They’ve recommended Pilates and acupuncture as companion treatments. So just curious if anyone has any experience with these (mine is 0 on both).
Give me the tea
For leo men to:
-Follow around their brothers girlfriend / partake in activities she’s partaking in even though there are a shit ton more options
-Mirror her actions
-Rub up on her butt while pretend sleeping
-Eat dinner off her plate
-Check her out
Opinions for long distance boyfiend and if I should just slowly let us go..?
So, I had been looking for this guy since FB inception and finally this year I find him and message him, he responds and we meet a week and half later after talking on phone and
Okay I was born March 10th moon is Taurus , south Aquarius node and Leo north node . I honestly have a hug issue with emotional attachments and detachments I’m very alone because I don’t care for anyone . And it’s hard because I see it how I feel nothing
Met him last year we hit it off then he disappeared. Reappears this year in February and we’ve been dating since. He calls me his girlfriend and is very affectionate in public with me but I just don’t get some things about him.
1. We see each other once