Posted by KittyKnitter
Men and women cope with stress in different ways. Whereas a woman will likely talk her problems out because that is what de-stresses her, a guy may not do so and will likely require space till he has thought things out and come up with a solution.
i know a taurus guy who keeps busy when he is stressed. he says it helps him think to work with his hands. it helps him to cope with grief and it also helps him to work on any personal issues he may have, if he gets his space as he needs then he gets what he needs from me, which is my support.
this might be a personality difference rather than a sign or gender difference. but no matter what, if someone doesn't want to talk and asks for space, they need it to sort things out. if you respect each other, you will understand their need to be alone and not take it personally and they will do their thing and come back to talk when they are ready.
Posted by AutumnalChick
I think they all do, to a certain extent. If you type into the Google search bar literally "~any sign~ disappear," it will auto-fill in several phrases for that sign and its tendency to pull a vanishing act at times.
I would say it depends on the individual as well as the circumstances. My ex (Aquarius) was the king of avoidance and would go to ridiculous lengths to ignore, hide, and disappear than have an honest (potentially uncomfortable) conversation. As for me (Scorpio), I would much rather face the situation head on and have a real discussion, but if I determine that any further talking is useless, I am OUT.
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