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Aug 19, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 803 · Topics: 61
Do these two moons get along in a relationship?
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Jun 11, 2015Comments: 57 · Posts: 5858 · Topics: 191
The sign doesn't matter in synastry, it's the aspect. If it's within 10 deg it's a square, and it doesn't mean it's bad, first it means there's something there, you have a connection.
My wife and I have a moon square, less than 5 degrees apart, and we get along great. I can be a little insensitive sometimes, and she lacs panache, but it's not really a proble most the time. All aspects pla a part. And the more aspects, the more connection....the betturrrrrr.......
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Feb 14, 2013Comments: 552 · Posts: 18848 · Topics: 149
It's a hard, NON-Harmonious angle/aspect.
That actually just gave me some insight I hadn't considered,
on moon signs.
Glad you asked.