Cancer & Aries moon???

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by notafollower on Sunday, November 1, 2015 and has 9 replies.
Do these two moons get along in a relationship?
Posted by Huldra
It's a square, so not really.

Whats a square? . Pardon my ignorance lol
The sign doesn't matter in synastry, it's the aspect. If it's within 10 deg it's a square, and it doesn't mean it's bad, first it means there's something there, you have a connection.
My wife and I have a moon square, less than 5 degrees apart, and we get along great. I can be a little insensitive sometimes, and she lacs panache, but it's not really a proble most the time. All aspects pla a part. And the more aspects, the more connection....the betturrrrrr.......
Posted by Vanish
Posted by Huldra
It's a square, so not really.

Hey, we dont talk about that.
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Posted by Koniucha
It's all about the friction, maannn

Cheeky bugger...

You have to learn about aspects. They make up the whole relationship.

It's a hard, NON-Harmonious angle/aspect.

That actually just gave me some insight I hadn't considered,

on moon signs.

Glad you asked.

Posted by Koniucha
It's all about the friction, maannn

Idk when it's moons though.... :/
Posted by Vanish
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by Koniucha
It's all about the friction, maannn

Idk when it's moons though.... :/

As a Cancer moon, I feel like you're my first child and I'm introducing your newborn aries moon sibling to you. There's no need to get jealous. Cancer moon still loves you; you just have to get comfortable sharing my love.
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I can't fathom the sharing nonsense.

You'd have to lie.
Posted by Montgomery

It's a hard, NON-Harmonious angle/aspect.

That actually just gave me some insight I hadn't considered,

on moon signs.

Glad you asked.

Posted by FrostAndBite
Square moons is love/dislike/you're so awesome/get away from me right now.

Personally speaking (as a cancer moon too), it's been a balancing act of deep admiration for how the other moon acts differently than me and then also being upset sometimes that the other moon doesn't act like me, lol. I have more experience with Libra/Cancer square though.

As far as Aries moons, I have had a few friends with Aries moon, nothing romantic though. The only issue is a clash of sensitivities. Both are reactive and sensitive, but over different things and for different reasons. There was normally always a teachable connection though to tackle to differences. I find squares to be more manageable than oppositions for that reason.
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Other aspects can counter-act the negative side of the square aspect, but in any case, a square is better than no aspect whatsoever. At least there's something there.

If there's no aspect, you don't give a damn about the person, you go your seperate ways, so the more aspects the better.