Cancer man and Pisces woman - tragic and true love gone down the drain! Please help!?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by picescleo on Sunday, December 6, 2015 and has 36 replies.
Hello all!

I'm very desperate right now and would appreciate any help you can give me.

I was dating a cancer and leo cusp man for one year. In the beginning of our relationship after about 3 months he freaked out and ended things because he had commitment issues. Which he admited to. After a few days he came back and eventually when I was sure of his intentions we started dating again after about one month.

Our relationship was perfection. Hanging out with the families, loving each other a lot and really he was the best BF ever did everything for me and took care of me like i was the only thing that mattered in the world. I id the same and we were both so so happy togethr. It was obvious that he cared about me beyond words and def more than anyone he ever cared about in the past.

Last month we hit a wall and were constantly arguing about NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

It got very tiring though and before I knew it he was breaking up with me. Even though I know he still loves me so much he said the relationship was too damaged, the chemistry is gone, we need to move on, I need to open myself for love from another person etc etc. It was like a knife to my stomach all of this

Even during the break up it was so obvious that his feelings for me are really strong. He could barely go through with the break up and even after I needed him briefly and he was so sweet and careing.

Now we have been NC for about one week but I miss him so much and I don t know what will happen.

I just need some guidance? What should I do? What should I think? I really want him as I know we are soul mates and I wanna die with him by my side. I know that no one will ever love me a much, take care of me this way, understand me and have my best intentions in mind. He is all this and more. Truly the most beautiful soul and most kind heart and warm spirit.

I tied to fight for him. at the end but he shut me down.
Ouch. Back up, nurture yourself and let him figure his crap out. This is a hard place to be in, because you're already in the desperate mode. Been there. My advice to you is to ground yourself somehow and take care of yourself. From a practical standpoint, he's already told you everything you need to know. If he says he's done...then take him at his word, even though you feel like he's not. More than likely, you're right. However, if you hang on and cling to're setting yourself up never to be seen as an equal partner in the relationship. You may be setting yourself up to be viewed and treated as though you are a child of a lesser god...which you are not. No one is.
I tried my best to fight for him. But when he shut me down I was over and out. He hasnt heard a word from me since and honesty I dont plan on breaking the NC. Does anyone have exerience with Cancer/Leo cusp doing things like this? A lot of times he would say things and never mean them in our relationshi and I can tell. Even when we were breaking up he said he loved me more than he has ever loved anyone and he still has feelings for me bt we will never make each other happy.

How can I make him realize that he misses me and basically force him to break the NC. My pride will not allow me to do it but at the same time I feel I really miss him. He was my best friend.
Posted by picescleo

Our relationship was perfection.

loving each other a lot

took care of me like i was the only thing that mattered in the world.

It was obvious that he cared about me beyond words

Even though I know he still loves me so much

Even during the break up it was so obvious that his feelings for me are really strong.

we are soul mates and I wanna die with him by my side.

I know that no one will ever love me a much, take care of me this way, understand me and have my best intentions in mind.

The problem here is your submersion into an illusion. Above are partial sentences, in where you are making proclamations about how he feels/views you, and it is totally based off of how YOU feel.

You falsely believe that just because you feel a certain way, that he feels it also.

When in reality, his actions don't speak what you are fantasizing about at all. His actions don't confirm your dreams, as you state them above in how you want him to regard you.

Posted by picescleo

were constantly arguing about NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
he was breaking up with me
he said the relationship was too damaged, the chemistry is gone
I tried to fight for him. at the end but he shut me down.

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For two people to argue, then there has to be a cause. If you don't know what argument is about, then you're not paying attention. I would imagine that it's because you're too busy in la-la-land dreaming about how much he really must adore you, regardless of the reality.

He is stating to you that it's finished and that he is NOT feeling you ... but, you just ignore that and continue to believe that he's your knight in shining armor.

This is a prime example of why people think poorly of a Pisces in a relationship ...... because you are in a dreamstate, and are completely clueless that it isn't reality.

he doesn't adore you, he isn't your soul mate, it's not obvious that he loves you and wants what is best for you ... he is none of those things that you are clinging onto - according to his actions and words, as you've stated them.

the only thing you need to do is wake up, to come out of your fantasy because as it stands you're looking rather ridiculous claiming that he is all about you, when his actions prove otherwise.
Posted by picescleo

..... and I can tell.

No, you can't tell.

You think you can, but, you can't. You are relying on your belief of what you think is happening ... but, you're in a fantasy.

In everything you've said, you make the insinuation that he feels all of those things because that is what you sense is happening ... when your senses are in reality, so you can't rely on it.

In response back, you say the above .... you are meaning that you know his heart because you can tell what is in it. But, you're wrong. And you cannot detect you're wrong, even though he is outright telling you it's finished.

Your perception of what is REALLY happening is clouded by the illusion you have running in your head.

Again, NO, you cannot tell what is going on.

fix this false perception you have, and all of this would vansh
Posted by picescleo

How can I make him realize that he misses me

And there it is again.

You have the belief that he should miss you, so now in your delusion, you make the assumption that he does miss you.

dude, seriously ...... wake the fuck up
Thanks a lot for your message P-angel! I appreciate it a lot eventhough it was hard to hear.

Not sure why you think this though. For a year while we dated his actions proved how much he loved me and didnt want to lose me. He would SAY this . Anytime before when we argued he would be in tears worried about losing me! Telling me we are perfect that nothing will ever seperate us. How can I be in an illusion when all s this happened? Im so sorry but I dont understand.. I was present for the entire relationship. Towards the last month we fought a bit but how cn these few fight erase everything we had?? Im sorry its just not sinking in...
Posted by picescleo
I tried my best to fight for him. But when he shut me down I was over and out. He hasnt heard a word from me since and honesty I dont plan on breaking the NC. Does anyone have exerience with Cancer/Leo cusp doing things like this? A lot of times he would say things and never mean them in our relationshi and I can tell. Even when we were breaking up he said he loved me more than he has ever loved anyone and he still has feelings for me bt we will never make each other happy.

How can I make him realize that he misses me and basically force him to break the NC. My pride will not allow me to do it but at the same time I feel I really miss him. He was my best friend.

My youngest son is a Cancer/Leo cusp and even when he has to give me cell phone bill money, etc...he doesn't call me back a moment before he FEELS like it. He digs his heels in REAL deep. A friend of his was murdered last month and no matter how I reached out, he didn't contact me for 2 weeks. I contacted his best friend, his job, and had two of my adult friends that he respects contact him. Please don't do it to yourself. Please don't. When he is's a wrap. I could totally see him giving a woman the low down the way your guy has. However, if my son EVER said that to a woman....he would mean it.
Posted by picescleo

I was present for the entire relationship.

No, you're not present. You think you are because you're deluded, but, you're not.

Posted by picescleo

Last month we hit a wall and were constantly arguing about NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

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And the proof is here ^^^^^

You have absolutely no clue why you have argument with him. That means you're not even there.
Posted by picescleo
Thanks a lot for your message P-angel! I appreciate it a lot eventhough it was hard to hear.

Not sure why you think this though. For a year while we dated his actions proved how much he loved me and didnt want to lose me. He would SAY this . Anytime before when we argued he would be in tears worried about losing me! Telling me we are perfect that nothing will ever seperate us. How can I be in an illusion when all s this happened? Im so sorry but I dont understand.. I was present for the entire relationship. Towards the last month we fought a bit but how cn these few fight erase everything we had?? Im sorry its just not sinking in...

My son did the same thing with good friends that he roomed with. The connection was genuine, but after (ironically) about a month of constant arguing...he moved out and hasn't talked to them since. I tried to get him to leave room to mend the friendships and he said...and I quote, "I don't even TALK to them anymore...Mab, I'm so done with those people". I was kind of shocked. He was serious though. They were REALLY close all through high school.
But before when we first started dating he pulled away after 3 months and said the same kind of stuff... we are not right for each other.... u deserve better and al that crap and then he admitted that e was really afraid of commitment and we were back together after one month.... does this not mean anything? Is he maybe freaking ou about commitment again? Is he just fed up of us bickering over the last month and thinking that the obly way is to peace out.
Ok noted.

Thanks! Maybe a dose of rwality is good. Tough Im shocked everyone thinks its so over.

This is the Piscean blindspot ..... you will probably never know that this isn't real, and spend the rest of your life struggling with the conundrum:

How could someone who loves me so much, treat me like he doesn't.

And the light may never go off in your head. Many Pisces live their whole lives walking around in this delusion, and never figure it out.

Posted by picescleo
Thanks! Maybe a dose of rwality is good. Tough Im shocked everyone thinks its so over.

I doubt it ever started.

Both people have to be present in order to have a relationship
Ok I get the point P=-angel but the last comment is just pushing it!!! We were together for an entire year what do you mean it didnt even start. Come on. People break up and get back togther all the time. I feel it takes tome for some men to grow up and realize what is missing in their life. This happens ALL THE TIME. Why is it so unlikely in y case Im baffled.
Posted by picescleo

After a few days he came back and eventually when I was sure of his intentions we started dating again after about one month.

He stated to you that there wasn't chemistry.

Therefore, your measurement of his intentions doesn't coincide with reality.

What likely happened here is that he was using you the entire time, for whatever it is he wanted .... all of this flies over your head, which renders you totally gullible ... in which he realized and capitalized on it.

Posted by picescleo

Ok I get the point P=-angel but the last comment is just pushing it!!! We were together for an entire year what do you mean it didnt even start. Come on. People break up and get back togther all the time. I feel it takes tome for some men to grow up and realize what is missing in their life. This happens ALL THE TIME. Why is it so unlikely in y case Im baffled.

Because ....... your words don't match his actions.

he acts like you're all that important to him ... while your words describe his profound love for you

It's highly likely that this has been the case the entire year


* not

he acts like you're not all that important to him ... while your words describe his profound love for you

What if it has not P angel. Im entirely SURE from his ACTIONS that it has not been the case the entire year.
Posted by picescleo

I feel it takes tome for some men to grow up and realize what is missing in their life.

And here it is again ^^^^

He isn't into you, and here you are stating that he just needs to grow up so that he'll realize that you are what is important to him.

the only person who needs to reality check here is you.

You're not all that to him. And the sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll stop being a fool.
Posted by picescleo
What if it has not P angel. Im entirely SURE from his ACTIONS that it has not been the case the entire year.

Ok, I'm done.

I struggle tremendously with stupid people. And I have to leave before your feelings get hurt. Although, it's doubtful that you have enough sense to realize anything beyond your delusion.

Suffer as you wish
The "we were arguing about nothing, absolutely nothing"...other than you not having a clue...

....when people start arguing about stupid things...the friction between them has replaced the love. They no longer love each other anymore so any small thing annoys them and pushes the other person out.

My Sag grandmother told me once that you know you no longer love someone when even the smallest of things don't sit well with you, like how a person eats for example. Suddenly even the way they hold their spoon grates on your nerves.
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by picescleo
What if it has not P angel. Im entirely SURE from his ACTIONS that it has not been the case the entire year.

Ok, I'm done.

I struggle tremendously with stupid people. And I have to leave before your feelings get hurt. Although, it's doubtful that you have enough sense to realize anything beyond your delusion.

Suffer as you wish
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OK well no need to go off like that this is just an astrology forum gosh!
Posted by Damnata
The "we were arguing about nothing, absolutely nothing"...other than you not having a clue...

....when people start arguing about stupid things...the friction between them has replaced the love. They no longer love each other anymore so any small thing annoys them and pushes the other person out.

My Sag grandmother told me once that you know you no longer love someone when even the smallest of things don't sit well with you, like how a person eats for example. Suddenly even the way they hold their spoon grates on your nerves.

This was not at all the case....
"In The Iceman Cometh by Eugene O'Neill there is a character named Harry: an ordinary sort of man with the usual array of vices and virtues. And Harry has a wife who, although we don't know whether Eugene O'Neill practised astrology, must surely be a Pisces. Harry's wife forgives him for everything. No matter how abusive he is, no matter how badly he treats her, she never raises her voice in anger, or rebels, or shows a little bitchiness herself. She always, always forgives. And of course it makes Harry worse. If you make anybody feel guilty, then they will resent you, then they're going to treat you even more badly the next time. So Harry's treatment of his wife goes downhill, from bad to abominable. Soon he is beating her, bringing other women into the house, and other favorite pastimes of the Right Bastard. And Harry's wife does the natural Piscean thing: she forgives. She understands. She has compassion. She makes Harry feel so guilty, so terrible, that of course at the end he has to kill her. He simply has to. That's why saints are always martyred. Saints they may be; but they make the rest of us feel blacker. And anyone who poses as a saint is shirking his share of common evil, and reaps it triplefold."
User Submitted Image

I think it's more along the lines of a person with Alzheimer's in where:

they don't know that they don't know
Posted by Damnata
"In The Iceman Cometh by Eugene O'Neill there is a character named Harry: an ordinary sort of man with the usual array of vices and virtues. And Harry has a wife who, although we don't know whether Eugene O'Neill practised astrology, must surely be a Pisces. Harry's wife forgives him for everything. No matter how abusive he is, no matter how badly he treats her, she never raises her voice in anger, or rebels, or shows a little bitchiness herself. She always, always forgives. And of course it makes Harry worse. If you make anybody feel guilty, then they will resent you, then they're going to treat you even more badly the next time. So Harry's treatment of his wife goes downhill, from bad to abominable. Soon he is beating her, bringing other women into the house, and other favorite pastimes of the Right Bastard. And Harry's wife does the natural Piscean thing: she forgives. She understands. She has compassion. She makes Harry feel so guilty, so terrible, that of course at the end he has to kill her. He simply has to. That's why saints are always martyred. Saints they may be; but they make the rest of us feel blacker. And anyone who poses as a saint is shirking his share of common evil, and reaps it triplefold."

actually you are kind of right

I haven't the slightest clue what you are trying to tell her.

Why would you say something like, "It's ok to hate and despise a guy for hurting you" ?

did you even read this thread?
In not sure I can hate someone - he didn't do anything to me. Thanks guys for your help. I appreciate it really. Just gonna focus on myself right now and then if we are meant to be I know we'll find our way back to each other. If not we will not. I want to be with someone who understands my worth and appreciated me and suffers in my absence. If not I don't see that there is a point to remain together even.
Posted by picescleo
In not sure I can hate someone - he didn't do anything to me. Thanks guys for your help. I appreciate it really. Just gonna focus on myself right now and then if we are meant to be I know we'll find our way back to each other. If not we will not. I want to be with someone who understands my worth and appreciated me and suffers in my absence. If not I don't see that there is a point to remain together even.

Sometimes when a guy says he's afraid of commitment it's his way of kindly saying he still wants to f*ck other people and not really ready to settle with one person.

Maybe he is working on becoming a better man for whoever in the future but as of right now...take his words for exactly what they are...he's doing you a favor by not leading you on any longer honestly.

But what's shocking to me is that he was soooooo into commitment to the point that it was scaring me a bit. He kept always telling me I want to spend my life with you I can't wait to get married etc... I mean he made me meet his whole family and start getting close to them. This is why I'm finding it hard to swallow that the way he is acting now is honest. I think when we started fighting a lot he genuinely thought that his would be the rest of our life. Bickering all the time and was like ok peace. But if he doesn't love me enough to work through that then what's the point!!
Posted by happyface1
Posted by picescleo
In not sure I can hate someone - he didn't do anything to me. Thanks guys for your help. I appreciate it really. Just gonna focus on myself right now and then if we are meant to be I know we'll find our way back to each other. If not we will not. I want to be with someone who understands my worth and appreciated me and suffers in my absence. If not I don't see that there is a point to remain together even.

Sometimes when a guy says he's afraid of commitment it's his way of kindly saying he still wants to f*ck other people and not really ready to settle with one person.

Maybe he is working on becoming a better man for whoever in the future but as of right now...take his words for exactly what they are...he's doing you a favor by not leading you on any longer honestly.

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Thing is if you know cancer men u know they like to be in a steady relationship not all this one night tree trucking stuff. he had so many chances before me but that's not what he did as it's not his personality at all.
Posted by picescleo
Hello all!

I'm very desperate right now and would appreciate any help you can give me.

I was dating a cancer and leo cusp man for one year. In the beginning of our relationship after about 3 months he freaked out and ended things because he had commitment issues. Which he admited to. After a few days he came back and eventually when I was sure of his intentions we started dating again after about one month.

Our relationship was perfection. Hanging out with the families, loving each other a lot and really he was the best BF ever did everything for me and took care of me like i was the only thing that mattered in the world. I id the same and we were both so so happy togethr. It was obvious that he cared about me beyond words and def more than anyone he ever cared about in the past.

Last month we hit a wall and were constantly arguing about NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

It got very tiring though and before I knew it he was breaking up with me. Even though I know he still loves me so much he said the relationship was too damaged, the chemistry is gone, we need to move on, I need to open myself for love from another person etc etc. It was like a knife to my stomach all of this

Even during the break up it was so obvious that his feelings for me are really strong. He could barely go through with the break up and even after I needed him briefly and he was so sweet and careing.

Now we have been NC for about one week but I miss him so much and I don t know what will happen.

I just need some guidance? What should I do? What should I think? I really want him as I know we are soul mates and I wanna die with him by my side. I know that no one will ever love me a much, take care of me this way, understand me and have my best intentions in mind. He is all this and more. Truly the most beautiful soul and most kind heart and warm spirit.

I tied to fight for him. at the end but he shut me down.

It's like J. Cole Said .. "You meet somebody.. You leave and then realize that you can't live without them... It's called love." Give him time ... The three months is usually where you'll have the first arguments etc... Or you can tell what's coming next.
Posted by picescleo
Posted by happyface1
Posted by picescleo
In not sure I can hate someone - he didn't do anything to me. Thanks guys for your help. I appreciate it really. Just gonna focus on myself right now and then if we are meant to be I know we'll find our way back to each other. If not we will not. I want to be with someone who understands my worth and appreciated me and suffers in my absence. If not I don't see that there is a point to remain together even.

Sometimes when a guy says he's afraid of commitment it's his way of kindly saying he still wants to f*ck other people and not really ready to settle with one person.

Maybe he is working on becoming a better man for whoever in the future but as of right now...take his words for exactly what they are...he's doing you a favor by not leading you on any longer honestly.

Thing is if you know cancer men u know they like to be in a steady relationship not all this one night tree trucking stuff. he had so many chances before me but that's not what he did as it's not his personality at all.
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I know a few cancer men and yes they do like to be in relationships.

Sometimes multiple ones at the same time.

Astrology is a good tool to kind of feel out what energies people are working with but you shouldn't take it for face value to predict your future with someone based on your readings.

If you really knew cancers you would know they're very intuitive and can read you just like you feel like you can read them.

Some may take advantage of this and use it against you some may not. Despite what you tell yourself he knows himself better than you do. He told you what he felt.

You should take this time to look inside yourself and figure out why you are disregarding the words he spoke to you.