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Nov 08, 2016Comments: 2 · Posts: 217 · Topics: 17
Hi there.
Mom told me i was born 6:40 AM but my birth certificate says 6:00AM. The diference is right in ascendant, i could be a leo ascendant or cancer ascendant. I can not really know, since my moon is certainly on cancer also and my sun sign is leo.
So after reading several websites would like to know about you, some
Traits, behaviours, apearences etc. i just can fit in leo or in cancer tough is quite diferent. Im the quiet type but im leo sun first house, and iv seen lot of leos in the quiet, shy type (confidence is always there but in a quiet classy way) i am like that. So it could be cancer natural rising behaviour or leo? Physically i think i have that feline apearence, my hair is very good, always been, im tall and my walk is very confident slowly with peace and classy (thats my best skill). But i dont know if im gambling myself in order to fit the leo trait at maximum. What they mean by fabulous upper body, pectorals in cancer rising men? I have an upper body slight biger rhan my lower body but also leo rising fita this. My moon in cancer doesn t help 😂 but in this case i m glad i feet the cancer here (natural moon position)