Cancer woman does she really feel as I do or is she just using me?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Plink90 on Tuesday, December 26, 2017 and has 2 replies.
So I'm trying to use the zodiac signs to understand a relationship I have with someone. I'm not all that familiar with astrology but, reading about my sign, the characteristic descriptions are uncanny. Its hard to ignore. Anyway, I am a pisces man and this girl I work with (a cancer) I am absolutely crazy about. We've worked together for 4 years and she is the only person I never really talked to out of my co-workers. Not that I never wanted to talk to her but, she is absolutely beautiful and intelligent and so much more, and every time we do talk and she looks at me I fall apart and just can't relax. I get very conscious of everything about myself and get horribly nervous and she is the only girl that has ever made me feel this way. I am normally very confident around everyone and I flirt with everyone simply because it comes natural to me and I like to make the people around me feel good about themselves and smile. I would however never flirt with her, I may say something nice but, not like my natural charm. Though over the years I have told almost all my other co-workers about how amazing I think she is. She's always been very kind to me and she seemed kind of shy. Now.... she has done things to make me believe that she was interested in me. Such as walk up to me and stand there not saying anything, as if to create an opportunity for me to open conversation with her or poke me as she walked by. But these situations have been very rare. However, recently I jokingly told her to call me and she laughed, I had her number from before but I got a new one and never said anything because we had only talked once and it was about work so I didnt think she would care to have my new number. Though I explained that she probably didn't have the right number, after explaining that she seemed to eagerly grab her phone to get my number. The next day I finally told her that I adore her and I think she is amazing, too amazing to want to be with me, I've never met anyone like her before. She took it well and said that she has always liked me, though she's always had a boyfriend. I don't like that I think this but, I feel like she's saying this just to keep from hurting my feelings. But at the same time I feel like she wouldn't lie to me, I just cant imagine her doing that, its just that I've been burned before. After that I got even more shy around her but, she seems to be opening up and flirting with me at work. But. At the same time I feel like she will avoid me sometimes. So the thing is she still has a boyfriend and they break up and get back together all the time, as I have in my relationship. I've been single for several weeks and its only been about 2 weeks since I started opening up to her. I try not to flirt aggressively and just do little things like give her a (Hershey) kiss cuz I think its cute and clever while in a subtle way expressing that I want to kiss her. I don't want to be disrespectful because I know she has a boyfriend. And since telling her how I feel she has been saying very sweet things that make my heart race and she always smiles when I look at her. I guess what I want to know is, if there are any cancer women out there that could give me a little insight on whether she really is interested in perhaps dating should her relationship end again, or is she just using me for a sort of emotional affair? No matter what I will never be able to get over her because I have been falling madly in love with her more and more each day.

Sorry for the length, its just nice to get it all out and express my true feelings for her.

It sounds like there's a lot going on that has little to do with sun signssmile

But first of all, just someone's sun sign tells you not enough about how they process love for such a prediction. People always try to use signs to guess love and affection, but at least until you know their whole natal chart, it doesn't work that way. A cancer with their venus in scorpio will do a lot different than their venus in, say, capricorn. A cancer with taurus rising will be different than one with sag rising. The sun sign gives you solid clues, but there's more to it.

Just a little crash course.

I've been studying astrology for 20 years, and what I can tell you is that you can read as many cancer profiles as you like, but whether she's honest or not you'll only find out if you get to know this individual person.

Cancers tend to be very kind generally, and many of them will be attracted to someone for the simple fact that this person likes them.

I find it interesting that you ask if she's 'using' you... For what? You have a flirt going on, or some fun. If you feel like you're investing too much, just pull back a little.

There are some cancers who like to play a little, in flirtatious ways, but they normally don't mean harm (though nobody know her well enough personally to comment on her specifically. Including you, yetsmile

Your text sounds like a piscessmile

Stop analyzing, dreaming, and interpreting, and get to know her once she's single again. Water signs go very well together, so you'll have a pretty good foundation.

But beyond her sign she's an individual and a woman, so get to know her.

And if you feel you're not good enough for her, she'll feel the same about you at one point as well.

Use the time while her boyfriend messes up and get some confidenceWinking

Just know that cancers are very very sensitive. If you already suspect her of using you etc., she'll pick up on that eventually and probably will feel offended. Cancers rarely get over that.

I'm just saying this because you sound like you're in fear of her or already resent her. Ask yourself if that could be true. It's not a good start, especially not with a cancer.

If you can't be open and reveiving yet because you've been hurt, you need to focus on yourself first. To receive good stuff, you need to be in that space.

Bless you smile