Let me give a lil history, there's a Capricorn girl who I work with. We've been working together for almost a year and half or so. During that whole time we've talked no more than 5 times, really short convos, water cooler talk. She's literallly friendly with everyone says hi, chit chats, and may even give hugs. But when it comes to me, she ignores me, hardly says hi and tries to act like I don't exist. If We walk by each other we'll give a head nod or half a smile, other than that she seems to avoid any eye contact. But even with so little interaction I always felt a vibe like she had a crush on me. It's more like we catch eye contact at times and I can feel it. With that being said, I've never made a move on her, or put it out there that I'm interested. I'm kinda stubborn, so if you're ignoring me I'll ignore you right back.
Fast forward to now, we just had our holiday party, everyone is drinking and what not, my behavior is the same towards her, I don't really say a word to her or really look in her direction till about when it's time to leave. We have a short convo at the bar and she's really touchy feely with me and using terms of endearment. Which was sort of surprising but I've felt like she low key had a crush so I took it as alcohol bringing out her true feelings. After we leave we head to a get together at another coworkers place. Me and her are in the same car in the backseat. And by this time we've spoken more than a whole year and a half put together. Still I'm not really making any moves. During the ride she's more touch feely and gives me kiss. Now it wasn't a peck on the lips, it was really passionate, and lasted a while almost till we got to our destination, It Felt as if she put a years worth of ignoring me into that kiss. The Get together ended quickly and everyone pretty much went home afterwards.
Now we're back to work and she's back to her old ways ignoring me. This time the ignoring seems more blatant. We've caught quick eye contact but nothing major, albeit since then we have yet to be alone in the same space. Only been 2 days.
So I don't know what to make of all this, before the party I found her attractive, and maybe had a small thing for her nothing major that I would really pursue. But since the kiss I've been thinking of her more and may actually like her now. I'm at a loss, should I blame it on the alcohol?? I also know that a drunk mind speaks sober thoughts, and everyone was drunk she could've kissed anyone.
Can any Capricorn woman or anyone with experience with Cap point me in the right direction? Give me some insight Into Capricorn women behaviors. How should I go about pursuing her.
Btw I found out that she was a cap by going to her Facebook page. I don't even use Facebook or social media much but I've been thinking about her and wanted to know her sign.
Thank you to anyone whose read this and is able to offer me any pointers. Peace.
Well, everyone one is a little different. But since I'm a Cap I'll explain it to you in my point of view. She might be attracted to you. That's a definite possibility. Especially with the eye contact thing. Caps don't do things for nothing. And we pay attention to everything, verbal and non-verbal (which includes your facial expressions). But being attracted to you and wanting a relationship are two different things. We are passionate beings, but one thing I can tell you is that I do not piss where I eat. Meaning, I don't date anyone I work with, point blank. Unless I met them before I started that job and we had a connection.
Also, some Caps tend to be a little shy with those they are attracted to. Until they get to know you. If they are attracted to you / catch feelings and become comfortable, be warned that we can be a bit emotional and get attached. Some people find that overwhelming. So it might be true that she does have a crush and the alcohol most definitely could have brought that out. But if she's anything like me (being strict on not dating co-workers), she probably feels really awkward and wants to forget that even happened. Do not ignore her because she's ignoring you. She's probably embarrassed and / or doesn't know how to handle the situation.
Any other Capricorns that see things differently, feel free to drop your opinions. As I said, we are all a little different.
P.S. The best thing to do is to find a good time to pull her aside (away from others), and ask.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You've spent all this time ignoring her. You justified it to yourself by saying you'll mirror her. If she ignores you, you will ignore her.
That sounds extremely immature ... but, typical for a Virgo.
so, basically .... you shot off your own foot by ignoring her all that time.
It doesn't look like you're taking responsibility for yourself, though, because you're blaming her for ignoring you ... even though that is exactly what you did to her.
hypocrite much?
You could always take responsibility for yourself and for you liking her, and quit hiding behind her faults ... though that's not likely to happen because if you were capable of owning up to yourself, then you wouldn't have ignored her in the first place.
that's th best I can do for you ... I have no use for emotionally weak people who hide behind excuses
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I haven't a clue why that person (Cap) is talking about herself.
this isn't about the Capricorn .. it's about you.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Thread Title: Capricorn girl kissed me now she's being weird/ignoring me
Your title is misleading. It makes the insinuation that the ignoring wasn't happening before the kiss. Since you said, "now", it implies that before the kiss, there was the opposite of ignoring, in that the ignoring started, "now" after the kiss.
when in reality ... you've led on to her that you had no interest in her and had been ignoring her for the whole year past.
How deceptive ..... so, you're a Virgo? Just yesterday, a Virgo was saying that they have a rep of being the most trustworthy in the zodiac .. yet, your title here is misleading, deceptive.
I wonder how that happened.
Signed Up:
Oct 25, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 8822 · Topics: 132
If you didn't have any real feelings for her before the kiss, dont let the kiss open up something for her that wasn't there.
The mirroring is most likely happening because you are not that into her. Save this energy for someone you are really into.