Posted by littlenanobytelol ...who do you think is more representative of pisces?
Daenarys Targaryen doesn't seem like a Pisces to me though, she seems fiery AF, and not cause she has dragons.
Posted by Cancan26
List any character from a movie, book or tv show that you feels is most representative of your sun sign and why if you can .....
aries cookie lyon (Empire)
taurus Katniss Everdeen (hunger games)
gemini derek shepherd (greys anatomy)
cancer sailor moonRapunzel(tangled)
leo Thor (the avengers )
virgo: Hermione from harry potter
libra elle woods from legally blonde
scorpio Natasha Romanoff (the avengers)
saggie: goku (Dragon ball Z)
capricorn: Annalise Keating (how to get away with murder)
aqua: rick (from rick and morty)
pisces: Daenerys Targaryen, games of thrones
Posted by littlenanobytePosted by Cancan26Ariel from little mermaid!Posted by littlenanobytelol ...who do you think is more representative of pisces?
Daenarys Targaryen doesn't seem like a Pisces to me though, she seems fiery AF, and not cause she has to expand
Posted by TauroMale22nick offerman is a cancer ...but I totally agree I would have totally pegged ron swanson for a taurus
Good idea. ron Swanson is a character in a tv show that completely embodies a taurus, i don't know his real name i know he is actually a cancer though
Posted by VenusAquariusthis is an impressive list
I'm having fun perusing the internet for characters they are calling Aries...
Harold from Hey Arnold
Perry from Scrubs(is also a Taurus cusps).
Dim from Clockwork Orange
Scarlett O'Hara from Gone With the Wind
Captain Kirk
Lois from Family Guy
Romeo from Romeo and Juliette
Angelica Pickles from Rugrats
Bart Simpsons
Zuko from Avatar
Wendy from Peterpan
Ari Gold from Entourage
James Potter, Fred & George Weasley from Harry Potter
Goku from DragonBall
Bill Compton from True Blood
The Emperor from Starwars
House Martell from Game of Thrones
James “Sawyer” Ford (with Aquarius & Cancer influences) & Ana Lucia Cortez from Lost
Leela (with Capricorn influences) from Futurama.
Posted by Cancan26Got it from a website... it does all the Sun signs.Posted by VenusAquariusthis is an impressive list
I'm having fun perusing the internet for characters they are calling Aries...
Harold from Hey Arnold
Perry from Scrubs(is also a Taurus cusps).
Dim from Clockwork Orange
Scarlett O'Hara from Gone With the Wind
Captain Kirk
Lois from Family Guy
Romeo from Romeo and Juliette
Angelica Pickles from Rugrats
Bart Simpsons
Zuko from Avatar
Wendy from Peterpan
Ari Gold from Entourage
James Potter, Fred & George Weasley from Harry Potter
Goku from DragonBall
Bill Compton from True Blood
The Emperor from Starwars
House Martell from Game of Thrones
James “Sawyer” Ford (with Aquarius & Cancer influences) & Ana Lucia Cortez from Lost
Leela (with Capricorn influences) from Futurama.![]()
click to expand
Posted by Cancan26Posted by VenusAquariusthis is an impressive list
I'm having fun perusing the internet for characters they are calling Aries...
Harold from Hey Arnold
Perry from Scrubs(is also a Taurus cusps).
Dim from Clockwork Orange
Scarlett O'Hara from Gone With the Wind
Captain Kirk
Lois from Family Guy
Romeo from Romeo and Juliette
Angelica Pickles from Rugrats
Bart Simpsons
Zuko from Avatar
Wendy from Peterpan
Ari Gold from Entourage
James Potter, Fred & George Weasley from Harry Potter
Goku from DragonBall
Bill Compton from True Blood
The Emperor from Starwars
House Martell from Game of Thrones
James “Sawyer” Ford (with Aquarius & Cancer influences) & Ana Lucia Cortez from Lost
Leela (with Capricorn influences) from Futurama.![]()
click to expand
Posted by VenusAquariusliterally the least aries character you could find
I'm having fun perusing the internet for characters they are calling Aries...
The Emperor from Starwars
Posted by hydorahI only played the video game. Lost track of the movies. Which sign should he be?Posted by VenusAquariusliterally the least aries character you could find
I'm having fun perusing the internet for characters they are calling Aries...
The Emperor from Starwarsclick to expand
Posted by bumboklatt
I'm like Dexter except without the killing
Posted by SssupesSuperman is an Aqua. They have his entire chart on astrotheme. He's a Leo Asc though. It's still that Aqua/Leo Axis... he didn't want his identity known... Aqua.
Posted by FoxThen what is raki the trashy human who follows her sign?
Clare - Claymore
Posted by AneemALestat... I'm deep into horror. Yes, Scorpio. His birthday is November 7th 1762.
Eric Draven (The Crow) - Scorp
Lestat - (Queen of the Damned) - Capricorn
Edward Cullen (Twilight Saga) - Taurus
Posted by VenusAquariusWhy you gotta break my heart like that? I hate you and I hope you get stoned to death with chocolate covered doughnutsPosted by SssupesSuperman is an Aqua. They have his entire chart on astrotheme. He's a Leo Asc though. It's still that Aqua/Leo Axis... he didn't want his identity known... Aqua.
Superman to expand
Posted by littlenanobyteKatniss is a taurus. Her birthday is in the book.
Katniss is probably a Taurus, but she's got to have some Aries or sag too.
Posted by tizianiLex Luther... April... more likely Aries. You got the axis though.
Lex Luthor - Libra
Posted by AneemAI feel in love with him one summer reading the book with K.D. Lang's Ingenue as the soundtrack. Tale of the Body Thief made me think I had a chance. But, I got my real life vampire.Posted by VenusAquariusOhh Lestat is so irresistable yet so dangerous. I love the character. Oh so he was a scorp? Lol i thought he was a cappy.Posted by AneemALestat... I'm deep into horror. Yes, Scorpio. His birthday is November 7th 1762.
Eric Draven (The Crow) - Scorp
Lestat - (Queen of the Damned) - Capricorn
Edward Cullen (Twilight Saga) - Taurus
lolclick to expand
Posted by tizianiTwitter?Posted by VenusAquariusBorn 28th SeptemberPosted by tizianiLex Luther... April... more likely Aries. You got the axis though.
Lex Luthor - Libra to expand
Posted by tizianiYou know what.... I can definitely see it. Definitely.Posted by VenusAquariusthe official DC comics twitter.Posted by tizianiTwitter?Posted by VenusAquariusBorn 28th SeptemberPosted by tizianiLex Luther... April... more likely Aries. You got the axis though.
Lex Luthor - Libra to expand
Posted by tizianiThat's a very popular, disagreement, disappointment... Libra for sure.
How Harvey Dent/Two-Face is a Sagittarius and not a Libra, I don't know. Must be a Sag with a Libra Moon.
Posted by RedbullAwww, I hope everything goes well. I understand.Posted by VenusAquariusIm a Taurus (/Gemini Cusp) over the years I think I have developed a mellow side. But over the last week I have gone dont really care mode at work. I put in my 2 week notice then cussed the new manager out. A few times. When the Hulk reaches that berserker mode where all he knows is rage. Very dangerous to go full out though. That means consequences and whatever comes next isnt enough to keep a degree of control. I dont even regret it because sometimes you have to set things straight. Plan to go back for my last 2 weeks plan to stay quiet and be in and out.
The date a character is created is most often used for its zodiac sign....
My favorite superhero is a Taurus (/Gemini Cusp) May 1962
click to expand
Posted by VenusAquariusPosted by hydorahI only played the video game. Lost track of the movies. Which sign should he be?Posted by VenusAquariusliterally the least aries character you could find
I'm having fun perusing the internet for characters they are calling Aries...
The Emperor from Starwarsclick to expand
Posted by hydorahPosted by VenusAquariusPosted by hydorahI only played the video game. Lost track of the movies. Which sign should he be?Posted by VenusAquariusliterally the least aries character you could find
I'm having fun perusing the internet for characters they are calling Aries...
The Emperor from Starwars
air sign or to expand