Signed Up: Nov 05, 2014 Comments: 0 · Posts: 126 · Topics: 3
NBC anchor is having heart surgery TODAY! Full moon & moon in Leo is not a good day for heart surgery! Hopefully there are some positive aspects for this in his chart. Good luck Charlie Rose.......
Maybe someone on here can shed some light on why Im attracted to fire signs
My virgo sun, mars, venus and mercury all fall in my 12 house leo
My scorpio moon falls in my 2nd house -Libra
My 7 house - pisces with true node aries
Sun Virgo 5°41'
Ok, long story short.. I don't know what to do about our * whatever title we want to call it *.. lol.. when we started seeing each other he said he didn't want to have a relationship because he is finishing off his last semester of MBA full time and also
Hey scorpios, have you ever dealt with a parent who treats you unfairly? How do you deal with that as an adult? How do you not let it affect you emotional makeup?
Do Taurus naturally have a connection with Virgos? All my life, I never really had taurus friends or even dated one and I've always wondered why because I'm attracted to them.. Never really seen virgo/taurus relationships either.
February 5th marked the date I walked out on my ex. But to me, it was Superbowl Sunday and I was too busy with a friend preparing and hosting our first SB party which turned out to be a hit, accompanied by delicious food and great company. It has been o
I believe in god. And i believe in paranormal. But i believe religion is bullshit. Maybe it started out with good intentions but politicians use it just to divide us and it has led to countless wars. Thoughts?
Hi im Libra,officially im still married n have one kid.but i and husband are separated n its been two months.Then i met this Aquarius man,i told him from the start that im separated with my husband.We met n had good times fr the first time we met and he s
I would love to learn more about people born on this day.
My brother, my ex and my friends brother all have this birthday and all have some serious struggles with mental illness.
The coincidence has definitely sparked my curiosity.