Cheaters of the zodiac?

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by RollergirlOrc on Sunday, March 5, 2017 and has 11 replies.
Sooo. This will be a dirt-throwing, mud-slinging thread but which signs are more likely be two-timing? Not exactly two-timing lying cheaters ,but say, they see absolutely no problem in seeing two people at once.
Oops, I meant bold-faced lie. Some cheaters will lie, some won't.
Aquarians because they're cold bastards, Leos because they're serial californicators, Libras because it's always all about them, Scorpios because they're.....Scorpios, Geminis because they're heartless bitches............I can go on all day.
gemini, aquarius, pisces (depending on upbringing and past relationships), sagittarius, and aries.
Any insecure human being.
I'd say anything with a ton of air or fire in major planets.

Libra (I know at least 3 guys who have cheated regularly on their gf/wives)


Sags (I know many sags but know only about 1 or 2 guys who have cheated)




That's tough cause they are too good at hiding it

However I have had like 4-5 short "flings" with married/taken women but I can't recall their signs at all

I think one of them was a Scorpio Sagittarius cusp and the other one was an Aquarius

Libras, because they're awfully good at rationalizing it.
Every sign that has a sag in venus are cheating Hoors. lol


The Scorpio sun with a sag in venus.

Just my experience:


Capricorn ex cheated with many women. Sagittarius ex cheated with many women (most of them found on backpages or craigslist).

Scorpio ex probably cheated but always went above and beyond to make me feel like the only girl in the world (ldr, no set commitment/ clear expectation)


Aquarius sister cheats all the time (believes if he doesn't finish in her, it's not cheating)

Gemini mother cheats (that dueling, back and forth with what she wants)

Gemini sister cheats (wants cake and eat it too)

But I'm aquarius and have never cheated.. Probably my pisces venus

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee

Virgos (dirty)

Pisces (disgusting, just fall on dicks)



Diva say "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" Big Grin