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Jul 21, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1401 · Topics: 101
Good Morning ladies and gentlemen.... I hope everyone is having a pleasant day so far. Today I wanted to talk about cheating.... Yup the taboo art of going behind your significant others back and destroying their trust. Hell its even widely accepted in some cultures.
I was talking with a friend of mine and we discussed how the two of us would react if we were cheated on. I said I would simply and cordially end it and walk away and never ever look back. She said she would forgive and that people deserve second chances. I also found interesting that she said that her mind is already in the mindset that a man would cheat and that early on in the relationship he sort of gets that one freebie and yes, she has been cheated on.
I feel like if you get cheated on and you begin forgiving then you're only setting yourself up to get cheated on more. I don't see why people allow it.. you have all the power in the world to stop it.
What's your take on it folks?
Oh and I know this topic should be on the relationships forum but i'm too damn lazy rightnow.
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Mar 07, 2015Comments: 22 · Posts: 5162 · Topics: 88
Being of the mindset that a man would cheat is a tad unfair, imo. As far as I know, I have never been cheated on and you never know what you would do in real life when you're actually in the situation, but I'm pretty darn sure I would leave. I have left for a lot less than that in the past - my sag venus provides the canon and all I gotta do is grab my stuff and jump in.
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Apr 04, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 604 · Topics: 40
I understand that people can slip up and I would forgive them, I'm a pretty forgiving person, but I'd end it and would never look back... even if you have forgiven them the relationship is never going to be the same again and I don't think I would have the patience to hang around and try to mend it.
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May 12, 2014Comments: 27 · Posts: 531 · Topics: 27
If I found out I was cheated on, I would throw all their shit into the street, change the locks, block their number, and laugh evilly because I'm awesome.
I've been cheated on by my ex-husband (he was a Leo) and I stayed with him. After his second affair is when we separated and I divorced him. If we had been boyfriend/girlfriend, I would have left him after the first time.
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Oct 05, 2014Comments: 81 · Posts: 3016 · Topics: 49
My answer is likely to be unpopular but here goes..
If you do not have children together End It. Over. Take your respective lessons and walk away. There are lots of other fish in the sea.
But. If you have children together and you think there is a chance you can both be honest and open to regenerating your relationship in new and healthier ways then it is definitely worth a shot.
This coming from someone who's parents had a cheating situation and attempted to stay together and were highly unsuccessful (because my parents are literally crazy.) I still think it's worth a shot (IF you can be evolved enough to really face your issues and compromise.)
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
I have been through that. Forgive and move on. It took some time to forgive but I will never forget.. The more I forgave the more he did shit. But due to our ages back then I believe you're going to explore your options like he did. and I am going to sit at home, work doubles, cook, and stay loyal. Double standards and I won't do it anymore as I am older now. No tolerance for bullshit like that... I can totally be into second chances though but not cheating, or drugs way Jose..
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 285 · Posts: 30788 · Topics: 649
Nope, i dont do cheating. Thats detrimental to my health and theirs.
Just leave my stankin ass if you wanna go and do your own thing.
Im well aware that men dont become blind in a relationship. People will always be attracted to one another.
Its the lack of respect and self control that i cant get with.
Eh, it's hard. I've always walked away, in my current situation a little different as it wasn't physical.. And it took two to tango and cause something like that to happen to us but some things can be fixed which Is why we're working on improving our relationship. In a sense it's made us stronger, at the same time it's aggravated my paranoia lol.. But feeling some pretty fucked up stuff and dealing with it has led me to be able to overcome and shrug certain things off as well.
My cousins wife a Scorpio confided in me yesterday about him, now he's an Aries with a history of cheating just like his sag brother. Sex. Porn. Girls. Sex. They've got a 3 yr old together and a baby on the way. He's cheated on her throughout their relationship, they were split up for a year and decided to work on things. In this situation she should walk away, because they've been together long long before their son was even born and he still is fuckin other girls. Gave her STD's before too! Craigslist whores and strippers he stays with even women with other kids. He's got no limit!
Seen yesterday he told her he's gonna do better on FB hope so, I love him he's family but my goodness stop thinking with your big ol dick.
That's when you walk away.