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Jun 11, 2015Comments: 62 · Posts: 5860 · Topics: 191
Read mine and my wife's last's sooo spot on. She actually has a "decorations room" that she locks, it's got all her pretty stuff....decorations, novelties, carpets, candles, incense, cussions...and she just spends time in there to look at's EXACTLY like this description.
For a man with such a placement, possessions are closely connected with his masculinity. The more he has, the more man he feels. In a woman horoscope this aspect is mostly connected with feelings of security rather than proof of being strong and raising self-confidence. A woman with such an aspect might be a lot more interested in possessing other people, especially people that are big spenders, athletic or have some type of power over the masses. They are attracted towards military men, and if Mars in the second forms an aspect with a vital planet in the seventh house a marriage with a military person is probable. The same applies if Aries is on the cusp of the 7th house, or Mars aspects the ruling planet of the 7th house.
The material goods acquired by the person who has such a placement are a fetish that they do not like to share with other people. They do not like lending their personal stuff, are possessive and adore admiring their belongings. Sometimes, they do not use their belongings themselves in order not to damage them or make them wear up. For them, what they own is a symbolical collection of moments, each material thing has also the value of the time and effort spent so that they manage to acquire it. Their impatience makes them want to gain quickly the objects they desire, so their morality can become rather flexible if the right opportunity occurs.
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Nov 10, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 3254 · Topics: 48
Near death experience, interest in the occult, lots of sex, yep, check, check and check...
Natal Mars in the 8th house is one of the most potent placements for the fiery planet. Mars is the co-ruler (or old ruler) of Scorpio, before planet Pluto was discovered, and still holds a lot of power over the house’s matters. Being domicile, he will boost sexuality; nevertheless the aggressive nature of the planet can also create problems in life areas ruled by the eighth house.
Mars usually brings a violent death, which happens rather suddenly. This placement could bring a death by a sharp object, a bullet, an accident or war. In case that the planet has good aspects from other celestial bodies, it would bring at least one near-death experience. The chart owner will get transformed; usually in a very positive way. After that experience, his gates to the other realms will be permanently more open than before, and he may even grant psychic powers.
The individual with Mars placed in the eighth will have an interest for the occult; nevertheless the aggressive nature of the planet will probably make him be too hasty; he will try things earlier than he is ready enough. If Mars is adversely aspected there exists a danger of supernatural attacks or experiments that will go wrong.
The native’s sexual life will be more than active. Mars positioned in the house of sex will bring fiery traits to his intimate relations and of the strongest thirst for experiences in bed. Sex is for them a very important channel of recharging and letting go all cumulated negativity. They will prefer it violent and will have an aggressive attitude over it. The native’s desire will be very strong, and all relationships will be of a passionate nature. If Mars is adversely aspected with Pluto or with Saturn, the native can become a victim of abuse, usually of a sexual nature. If Mars is well-aspected, it indicates an active breaking of taboos both of the native and his partners.
Mars in the house of other people’s money may bring a lot of quarrels and disagreements in this area. The native may fight over an inheritance, or have problems dividing a property or financial gains with other people. Issues can also arise in his marital life, as Mars in the 8th house indicates a marriage partner that will have financial losses. This can raise tensions inside the marriage partnership concerning joint finances. In addition, this natal aspect can be a bad indication for any type of loan through an institution. The most possible outcome is that the loan will not be paid back, which will furthermore complicate the native’s finances.
The native with mars in the 8th house can be of a very jealous nature, easily becoming obsessive about things. When he needs to possess something and sets such a goal, he may dedicate himself totally to it and even use dubious means to get it. This applies not only to money and material things, but also on people that the native wants to feel as being owned by him. With an adversely aspected Mars, the native can become so jealous that he may even exercise violence towards the desired person that betrayed him.
If Mars is afflicted by Mercury, these two planets combine in making the individual a successful thief. The 8th house is also ruling money of the banks or the government, and with such an aspect the native might indulge of putting his hand inside the jar. Be careful, because if you grab a lot then the hand might get stuck inside. All these Martian traits described here should be tamed, so that they do not backfire. This mostly applies to the people who see squares, oppositions and difficult conjunctions to his natal Mars, of course. The rest can relax, they probably already have learnt how to control the eruptive character of the red planet.
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Jun 11, 2015Comments: 62 · Posts: 5860 · Topics: 191
My mum has 3rd house...soooo spot on...l can't speak to her...havent for a while...
When someone has Mars in the third house, his speech can be offensive, and will frequently hurt people with what they say. Even their humor can be sarcastic and provocative, while they also tend to speak without beforehand thinking the consequences of what they say. Even when realizing they are wrong, they do not confess it and prefer to defend their first opinion with every way possible. It does not take a lot of effort to make them nervous; Mars in the house of communications has a special button that can easily trigger a furious response.
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Jan 07, 2009Comments: 305 · Posts: 14219 · Topics: 239
1st House
life-force 1
activity 0.5
struggle to survive 1
conquer 0.5
highly energetic 0.5
dynamic personality 1
aggressive behaviors 0
trouble caused by rash 0
yearns for independence 1
quite straightforward 0.5
Life a battle 0.5
no other outcome than victory 0.5
spontaneous 0.5
difficulties due to inconsideration of all the parameters of situations that appear 0.5
get into fights due to their explosive temperament 0.05
ones to win 0.5
athletic and strong body 0.75
martial arts 0.5
other sports activities that furthermore empower his carnal self 0.5
scar: cuts| burns on face|head 0
prominent to high fevers when they are sick 0
impulsiveness 0.75
enormous self-confidence 0.75
Daring ... usually end up in lucky results 0.75
Boredom is maybe the worse feeling 1
if surroundings not interesting end up a boiling casserole 1
best thing is to change surroundings 1
frustration when nothing to do 0.5
laziness not an option 0.25
even when procrastinating they invest time to other activities they indeed find interesting 1
can accomplish in one day a lot more than the rest of the people 0.5
consciously choose to not become overly dominating towards other people, if they wish to be in harmony with the rest of the world 1
recuperative powers very strong +heal very quickly 1
higher chance of fracture their bones 0
physically more active than anyone 0.25
pioneer 0.25
strong urge to discover life 0.5
ignore wisdom and advice of elder people 0.25
Women: a lot of male characteristics 0.5
succeed in traditionally masculine jobs 1
like to keep power of dominance for themselves 0.5
Accuracy: 22.55/41 => 55%
Features are weakened by other chart placements.
How do you interpret a sign position at the end of a house?
I have mars at the end of 9th house. Would that be interpreted/considered in the 10th house?
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
1st house - and yeah I have a very active mind and cannot stand to to be bored. I go absolutely nuts
I related most to the part about getting frustrated with people slower than me - especially in the workplace - I cannot sit back and watch someone do something slow and inefficiently I have to take that shit right out of their hands and do it myself
But I don't feel I am a domineering person at all. When I was younger I was bossy, but the older I get the more passive I get. I'm like basically a libra at this point - aka pushover
My Mars is also in the 8th. That near death experience is scary. I don't even think I've had one. ...
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Jan 30, 2017Comments: 4555 · Posts: 7614 · Topics: 100
Mars is the traditional ruling planet of the first house, because the house is associated with the first sign of the zodiac, Aries. Representing life-force, activity and the struggle to survive and conquer, Mars is creating a highly energetic and dynamic personality when located in the house of self. This is a great position for the red planet to reside in, even if the abundance of energy can lead to aggressive behaviors and other trouble caused by rash.
The native yearns for independence and is quite straightforward. Life is always a battle, and for planet Mars there is no other outcome than victory. Individuals with such an aspect are spontaneous, which can lead to difficulties due to inconsideration of all the parameters of situations that appear. It is a common phenomenon for such natives to get into fights due to their explosive temperament; yet, they usually are the ones to win because Mars tends to give an athletic and strong body. It is also very common that the native is into martial arts or other sports activities that furthermore empower his carnal self. The best advice for handling well this powerful planet is to tame these eruptive energies and channel them into healthy activities to get the best out of Mars’s force.
The first house rules the head and the face, so there is a possibility of having cuts or burns on it that might leave a scar. It is many times easy to distinguish a person that has Mars in the first, from marks on his face. Such types of people are also prominent to high fevers when they are sick, especially if Mars has some adverse aspects to other planets with an effect on the body such as the Sun. Also, a first house Mars person must guard against accidents, especially those that can happen because of his impulsiveness and enormous self-confidence. Daring without taking precautions and considering the risks might usually end up in lucky results, but it is the one time when luck will not work that is enough for a catastrophic situation to happen. Be careful when using machinery, weapons, knives, tools, and everything that is somehow connected to Mars and Aries.
Boredom is maybe the worse feeling that a first house Mars person can experience; if the surroundings are not interesting enough to fill them with enthusiasm, such a native will end up a boiling casserole- and the best thing of course is to change surroundings. Feelings of frustration will frequently appear when they do not have something to do; Mars needs to keep himself occupied with something and laziness is not an option. Even when they are procrastinating with their obligations, they don’t just spend some lazy time but rather invest their time to other activities they indeed find interesting. For sure, they can accomplish in one day a lot more than the rest of the people. Nevertheless, they must consciously choose to not become overly dominating towards other people, if they wish to be in harmony with the rest of the world. This is because most other individuals have a slower pace, and it should definitely be respected; the world cannot just adapt to their hasty approach of reality.
Even if Mars in the first house might make the native prone to surgeries, their recuperative powers are very strong and they heal very quickly. They have a higher chance of fracture their bones and other injuries than any other placement could give; a reason for this happening is also that they are physically more active than anyone. A couch potato has definitely less possibilities to suffer an accident, than a person who is involved in extreme sports. Usually, their athletic abilities and strong body last long years, granting them an active old age.
Mars in the first house gives a pioneer; there is a strong urge to discover life and people who have this natal position ignore the wisdom and advice of elder people. If Mars is aspected with square, opposition or sometimes conjunction by Pluto, Saturn and Uranus, the native will develop self-destructive behaviors, many times because they even feel that even their own self is a jail for their freedom. Women with Mars positioned there can have quite a lot of male characteristics and succeed in traditionally masculine jobs. If their Mars is afflicting Venus or/and Uranus, their masculine traits might also affect their sexuality, either by preferring women or by being the dominant person in their relationships with men. Similar sexual preferences can occur with men having Mars afflicted in the first house, but no matter which gender they prefer, they like to keep the power of dominance for themselves.
Overall, Mars situated in the house of the self is quite a positive natal placement. In case that the planet is only positively aspected, there is absolutely nothing to worry; other natives would envy you for this gift as you will be able to accomplish a lot more things both in your everyday reality and in your life as a whole. The only enemy you have is your own self, and your heightened self-confidence that might lead you acting without thinking. Taming your Mars is not the easiest thing, as the planet actually does not allow to be tamed. Nevertheless, chanelling its energy can easily make it co-operate with you, and physical activity (with all precautions of safety) is the best option. A last hint that might change the functionality of the planet in your chart: Do not try to be the Alpha male, even if this would naturally happen in case of personality combats. You might end up easily to be an Alpha male, but there might not be any other males left in the pack. And then, starts boredom, which is a worse enemy for a first house Mars than sharing power with others.
First house rules the head & face, I guess that's why I'm more attracted to faces than the rest of them, especially when combined with my Venus Aries.
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Nov 03, 2013Comments: 6652 · Posts: 25221 · Topics: 78
1st house, with Nep and jup conjuct.. soooooo i think those aspects help tame some of the normal agression, but i am blunt as fuck since it's Sag lmao
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Dec 11, 2015Comments: 15 · Posts: 2521 · Topics: 107
Thanks Bricklemark. Mine's in the second and it's so true. When I was a little kid, I used to collect pretty things, like leaves and seashells, feathers, and bits of glass and jewelry and pretty pictures. If I was away from home, I'd put them in a large sack and carry the sack with me everywhere. I'd even take it on vacation to my grandparents house. Very possessive placement. LoL. It gave me security somehow to look at my pretty collection.
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Oct 07, 2016Comments: 1 · Posts: 145 · Topics: 11
Mine basically said I'm a voilent person and should do martial arts or anything athletic to feel satisfied which is dead on 12th Mars. I bet it makes it worse I'm a Taurus Mars with Aries sun and a lot of fire placements. But after going to another site after this it kind of said the opposite of me.
I've read this description before. Pisces Mars 11th house, I agree with some of his other stuff but Mars here isn't very accurate for me as I can't agree with the most important points.
His public image is of great importance and he strives to become a center of attention I like to keep a low-profile. I'm very private.
when hard aspects apply on the planet, his friendships and unions with groups can be quite competitive and destructive Mars is surrounded by hard aspects but luckly there is nothing of the sort in my friendships/groups, I have great people around me.
His approach towards obtaining new friends is rather aggressive and competitive, often battling with them on Alpha Male roles I'm certainly not as passive as the usual Pisces Mars but I wouldn't considered myself aggressive, maybe assertive even if confidence can be up and down due to my moods and shifts.
Cooperation is also very important to me. Even with an Aries rising I've never been competitive with other people, is there is any competition going on is with myself. I don't know about battling, during school I was always the unwilling leader or "alpha" because people apparently see me as someone who's conscientious? I've always prefered to act as an advisor.
He might join sports organizations or military-centered clubs, seek friends through hobbies that involve physical activity or that have something to do with weapons.
Activities are mental/spiritual, so they're far from physical. They're focused on the research of diverse subjects (I'm Mercury dom). Other astrologers mention an interest in groups involved in scientific, psychological, or parapsychology research which fits more my case.
They tend to be impatient I have a very activated nervous system but my outward demeanor is calm. The more dangerous or stressful the situation is, the calmer I look.
I can agree more or less with the rest, especially the danger of fanaticism. The shadow self is hard to deal with, I need to keep myself as a permanent observer of that "otherside" as to not lose any awareness. I like reading morbid stories for example, that helps. Mars in conjunction to North Node (Rahu) can become violent and create criminals.