Classroom Sunsigns

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by celticlioness on Wednesday, February 1, 2012 and has 10 replies.
I'm an adult educator and always make it a point to find out, asap, the sun signs of my students. I'm frequently intrigued and tickled to note the general characteristics that each student displays from the sun sign profiles. To be honest, I also find it helpful when I am teaching them, as I try to take into account these traits when they are learning. My current class is so funny where the signs are concerned.
The 4 Aries - What a challenge, they simply cannot pay attention, there is just so much else to be doing, saying, looking at, easily distracted. With each of them I have to literally sit down with them and get them to stop everything, look at me and physically move their minds to listen, so that they can take in what is being said. Four sets of the most innocent round eyes looking up at me. They are lovable and everyone loves them. Tempers flare out of nowhere and then instantly back to calm - looking contrite for having caused upset. The rest of the class seems to mentally pat them on the head and say "there, there baby".
The Taurus - Applies himself completely, has a wonderful way with words, is always the narrator of his group when having to give presentations and uses his speech beautifully. Cleans the kitchen to within an inch of its life and always brings in seasonal decorations to make his workspace look good.
The 2 Geminis - Talk, Talk, Talk, Talk, but seem to be talking to themselves most of the time - cannot keep them quiet during exams as they discuss the exam topics with themselves! Look at them sideways and they are in sulk mode - very moody. But funny and entertaining, when they want to be. Take a long time to get to the point.
The Cancer - Dissolves into tears when high emotion, such as exam stress or birthdays came around. Is the sweetest thing and brings food in to share all of the time.
The Leo - Very sweet, helpful, gets everything right, creative with all her work. Flashes her anger with her eyes if anyone upsets her but has yet to use her voice to display it. Let her hair out of its usual bun yesterday and the golden locks flowed down her back - the students were mesmerised and telling her how beautiful it was - her reply - Yes I know!
The Virgo ??? The detail, she absolutely must get to the bones of each subject, has copybooks full of notes with margins, analysis, drawings and detail. Is always beautifully dressed and put together. Snaps and tells it like it is if anyone annoys her ??? critiques, in a very helpful way!
The Libra, dresses with style and panache, has a lovely handsome face with the obligatory dimple. Walks slowly, talks slowly ??? looks like he is about to make love to the ladies, enters your personal space. Very debonair.
The Scorpio ??? has password protected everything and his passwords are at minimum 28 characters in length which he changes every 4 weeks, leaves nothing on the training room computers. Will not share any personal information with the other students, they don??t even know his surname; he is terrified of identity theft. Beautiful eyes.
No Saggies.
The Capricorn - looks on with bemusement - when the rest of the class are falling around laughing at something - the look on his face just seems to say "I don't get it, what are you finding so funny" then he turns away and shrugs and gets on with his work ??? he is not amused.
The 2 Aquas ??? So so concerned with the wider world, constant politic talk from one. Well-travelled, but such a lot of air talk ??? I really don??t get them.
The 3 Pisces ??? One actually lives on planet Neptune I am convinced of now, he??s just somewhere else entirely ??? very gentle and sweet when you can get him into our reality ??? talks about fish all of the time, and shows pictures of fish. Second is an alcoholic and incredibly emotional, but very gentle with it all, the other, well that??s a whole different story, a strong, forceful lady who tells it like it is and takes no prisoners. They seem so different.
Me, I'm a Leo, they tell me they have fun everyday.
Posted by aliennation
I'm a little skeptical that they're all such walking stereotypes of their signs. Seems not real..unless you're leavng out the parts that make them *not* typical of their Stars sign.
What class is this for btw?

It is interesting like AquaJ says but I agree with Aliennation. Too bookish. Where is the dirt?? ;P
this is so cute. what grade do you teach?
Posted by westside
this is so cute. what grade do you teach?

They are adults, on average the age is mid-40's - 50's - poorly educated in their younger lives or none at all and returning to education now smile
Posted by PiscesPosterBoy
My Spanish teacher does this too smile

Posted by seraph
This is fascinating.
How long have you been teaching? What do you teach?
Do tell!

I teach various things at different levels but mostly basic office skills, life skills, reading, writing etc. I've been doing it for 16 years now, only really began to take notice of some of the characteristics about 3 years ago when I first took an interest in astrology - its pretty amazing how some of the sun sign traits come through, obviously there are other traits that they have, but with this class this is what I have observed.
The Scorpio is really funny, he's literally a sterotype of the paranoid scorpy smile His password changes crack everybody up.
Awesome, how cool is that teaching adults and even more rewarding! Teachers always amaze me, this being no different smile
aww, yes it is awsome smile I absolutely love it and wouldn't do anything else - its the most wonderful thing in the world to work a job that you love and I get to meet the most amazing characters!
Posted by aliennation
I'm a little skeptical that they're all such walking stereotypes of their signs. Seems not real..unless you're leavng out the parts that make them *not* typical of their Stars sign.
What class is this for btw?

i agree.