How would a man with a retrograde mars & a woman with a retrograde mars relationship look like??
Would both of them hold their anger? Would both of them lash out? Would sex be pure and raw or rawness would be held back?
I'm curious.. ????
So I wouldn't say I'm addicted to sex, but I do like it! Love watching porn and looking at hot guys...
Sometimes I will go 4 or 5 days without self pleasure. Longest I've practiced abstinence was a year...
But sometimes I scare myself on how much
My Gemini man adores me, as I do him.he's very funny lively and smart I think thats what attracts me to him. He's the most loving man I've ever been with and he's very much the macho MAN type . ...any experience of advice for this combination? How to mak
From my experience with Taurus males, bad tempers . can become abusive and are CHEATERS to the point of having outside children or secret family's
Anyone noticed this with them?
I know a few Aries women very much the motherly type! Great mothers but the problem is when they want to mother and control EVERYONE! and they can never be wrong and on the flip side very impulsive......
Anyone else experience this?
I have had many run ins with Aquarius, at first we always hit it off. The good part is They are very lively and funny people. Aquarius ex and 2 Aquarius bestfriends Never a boring moment with them BUT on the flip side after knowing them for a while the