Confused Cap(?)...

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by RedCap? on Thursday, July 16, 2009 and has 2 replies.
Okay, I am one confused Cap(?). I really don't harbor any of the "traditional Capricorn traits" so how on earth do I figure out what other signs have influence over me? Sure my dob indicates Cap - but I don't feel that is a true representation of myself...if that makes sense.
I'll admit, I can be a bit stubborn at times - but more often I'm the one giving into ppl. I like order but am not a neat freak (mostly thanks to others in my life and my tiring of the battle.) My tongue is rarely sharp and well patience is not something I'm fond of. If I want something, well than I WANT it now and will do whatever it takes to get what I want, unless I get distracted by another new and fantastic idea...then that will be the thing I really want...until the next thing comes up. Aren't Caps also supposed to be good with money? Yeah, not me. And Caps are supposed to be unemotional and distant, also not me - highly emotional and connected.
So any ideas, suggestions, etc. or am I just a mess and that's all there is too it?
You probably have a lot of other strong aspects that are clouding your natural sun sign traits.
I'm an Aries, but a lot of the typical aries stuff doesn't apply to me because of my other placements.
Your best bet is to do your chart. A good website is The natal chart is free. You will need your birth time...very important.
It's a long report, but I suggest reading all of it. It will help you decipher what's going on with you.