So..Ima capricorn woman and I met this cancer man months ago. We instantly connected it felt like something that was God sent because this happened around the time my virgo boyfriend betrayed me. I knew I would have something for this cancer man & lets just say that i do, I really like him. Im not in love with him but I really enjoy his company & the fun we have & the things we talk about/do. The confusing part is hes so weird with texting, he'll never text me unless he wants to see me but when we're in person hes extremely loving and affectionate . I asked him if he jus didnt want to be with me & he said he loves being with me & he loves talking to me, he just wants to take his time which I totally get. He also told me he doesnt text me much because then hes going to fall in love and we're going to get attached & he doesnt want to get hurt & he doesnt want to fight because love leads to arguing. here came a point where he stopped replying completely right after we had an amazing time together hanging out. I ended up calling him asking if he wanted space & he said yes so I said alright I understand just know that I really care about you and hung up . The next day he texted me saying whats up? Which totally confused me because he just said he wanted space. Then I texted back and I got no reply. It wasn't until a week later he finally texted me again asking if we could see eachother and I said I was busy because I was so he left me on read and he texted me again a week later again asking if he can see me, so we finally hung out. He was asking me how Ive been and what Ive been doing and if I missed him so I told him that he knows well I missed him and I asked him why he disappeared like that and he said exactly "Because youre in love with me and Im not in love with you" I got so confused & said "What? You think Im in love with you? Dont get me wrong, I care about you and I like you a lot but Im not in love with you. Is that why you took time away from me?" & he said yes. I was so shocked because I didn't expect that to be his answer. I asked him why he thought I was in love with him and he said because of the way I treat him and I said well yes I really like you, of course I'm going to treat you good. Then I asked him if he liked me a lot or not and he said he likes me, but not a lot. It hurt me really bad in the moment because he acts like he really likes me, hes always been so affectionate since the moment he saw me. Right after he said it he did the usual.. he gets jealous, asks for my phone password, he asks who Ive been with, he kisses me a lot, he hugs me & says we're going to get married one day.. But then he hit me with space and telling me he doesnt like me that much. I even asked "What do you want me to say now?" and he said "I want you to say you really missed me and that you miss being with me" as he started to cuddle with me & I said "I want to but I feel so clingy now that you say you don't even feel the same way" & he kinda giggled.. I told him that I'm very patient & that he knows I really like him because I'm staying through this as many girls wouldnt & he smiled & hugged me. I don't know if hes lying about that being the reason for taking space to protect himself or if hes serious but it really hurt me. I automatically felt that I should back off but idk if that's the right thing to do just incase hes lying to protect his feelings. Ive also heard space and stuff is a cancer thing but idk.. I feel annoying now that he told me this even though he shows a complete opposite thing to what he says. We have a beautiful connection & I like him so much but Im stuck on what to do. Please write what you think. Thank you..