Is there any way to "follow" a topic? By "follow a topic", I mean receive notifications whenever there's a post made in
Say all of the following with your intention/request then publish with the thank you. O Most Loving Jesus meek lamb
Say nine consecutive times. Make the sign of the cross every time you say the prayer. Publish Immediately. O Great Pa
Make the sign of the cross State request(s) Sincerely recite the Memorare Express Novena State request(s) again Repe
Aquarians this one is for you. I've noticed those with this sign tend to become excited or even take it as a challenge i
Hi, I need help understanding if this Capricorn man is really interested in me. Met him online the end of 2012. We both
Hi, I met this amazing Pisces guy back in April in California. We were both their for a training class for our orga
What's the first thought that pops to mind if someone were to say these things to you? Sorry we haven't hung out muc
Hello every Leo fellow, I'm having a small argument with my Leo woman, dating for 2 years now.. For some reason I had to