Cuspy Birthday

This topic was created in the Astrology forum by Cuspy on Monday, June 26, 2006 and has 6 replies.
Hi All
Just celebrated my birthday - 23 June - and its been a bloody disaster! on the 21st my phone/internet were cut off, then on the 22nd, I lost my mobile - I celebrated on the 23rd and some people couldnt get in touch with me Sad To top it all off, Ive now developed a throat-infection (I had planned to celebrate my birthday into next week, doing different things with different friends) = Ive also got two jobs (tv commercial and screenwriting project) that I need to be fit for.
My question is this - what the fcuk is going on astrologically? Anyone know?? My mercury is in Gemini if thats any help!
Cuspy xX
Thanks for that DB - I think youre right - I do tend to overdo it then pay the price later - coupled with the fact that I eat on the run if at all - ach well, Docs confirmed tonsillitis so I will have to lay low for a couple of days/forced to rest.
Hey Cuspy,
My birthday was also on 23.6., and, even though lots of people called me, and I was taken out for a lovely dinner, I felt really YUCK that day. Nothing specific, just kind of a bit down. However, the next day, 24.6. I felt much, much better, so I pretended that it was my birthday on 24.6 and had really nice day!
I have no idea why the day was so rotten, it was just before the New Moon, perhaps that's why. I don't know, but I hope that you feel better now.
The other day, my husband who is Libra/Scorpio cusp told me, that in his opinion I am more Gemini than the Cancer. I don't think so though, how about yourself?
thanks lubenica
I would say Im more gemini - my sun is 1degree into cancer, and my mercury - gemini ruler is also in gemini. My gemini traits include being a writer/journalist, loving the arts, painting - restlessness in work hence I freelance and have an ahem... eclectic cv which includes graphic design/teaching... My cancer traits are that I work from home and feel comfortable there - however, I dont like entertaining from home, preferring to go out instead.
I think you have to look at other factors in your chart - if your less than 5degrees into cancer (which Im guessing you are) you probably about 80% gemini (like me). Hope that helps and happy belated birthday to you, my cuspy-twin :-))
Hi Cuspy,
Thanks for your reply! Yes, my Sun is also on 1 degree Cancer, and my Venus is in Gemini. I do behave like Gemini, adore reading and writing, am quite quick talker and swift moving, very slim due to constant fidgeting and restlessness.
I surely am say 50% Gemini, and surely 50% Cancer (adore home, and ultra sensitive). It is great to meet another 23 June Cancer on DX! Did you know that it is called the "Cusp of Magic", according to the "Book of Birthdays", very nice...
All the best, my forum twin, I will see you around on DX, Bye now.
i'm a gem i rarley get sick and i sleep alot dancing bread