dating based off zodiac signs

This topic was created in the Dating forum by AL4813 on Monday, February 25, 2019 and has 24 replies.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Do you guys date exclusively based off zodiac signs? or do you just prefer to go with the flow and see if things will turn out good regardless of ones sign?
I pull your chart and judge immediately. I usually end up fuccing it all up anyways.

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What sign are you?
Posted by dilettante

whoever dates solely on astro charts is a severe dork ass

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Posted by MademoiselleFisk

Posted by saggurl88


What sign are you? really can't tell what he is by that smug ass smirk on his face? lol 🦁

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Oh, I just looked at the divorce topic and saw he was a Leo. I can't tell, I'm bad at that stuff lol
Posted by JustBrowsing

I mostly draw water or earth signs, it's subconscious. Once I know, I know, lol! 😊
Actually, I'm the same. Its so comforting for me with most Air, Fire and Water. I have very little earth in my chart, so for some reason, they are like foreign objects I can't understand lol
Posted by JustBrowsing

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by JustBrowsing

I mostly draw water or earth signs, it's subconscious. Once I know, I know, lol! 😊
Actually, I'm the same. Its so comforting for me with most Air, Fire and Water. I have very little earth in my chart, so for some reason, they are like foreign objects I can't understand lol
Maybe you need a little bit of that to balance you out entirely.
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I can do Cap and Taurus, but no Virgos lol

I just need a firey or watery earth sign. Light a fire under their asses

100% yes.

Their Pluto needs to be conjunct to my Mars, but also needs to be square to my moon. And their Uranus needs to be Trine to my Sun, while being Square to my Venus. But their rising also needs to be conjunct to my Mercury.
I admit I would have said yes before

Then I was drawn to guys who are Taurus and Virgos who are not usually compatible with Aries.

Got with Virgo he ended things because we are apparently two different people.

But while I was with him I didn't bother looking at horoscopes just went with the flow. Now I regret not searching more about his zodiac sign while we were together because now the relationship has ended and I'm back to reading horoscopes, everything he did or didn't was true.

So my answer is Yes I would date based on Zodiac sign.
Posted by Black-Mamba

I don't like Virgos they're really annoying

I used to love them

I find them boring now
The lies...
Nope...I usually go with the flow but notice I get along better with certain signs.

Then again...if they tell me they are a Gemini...I run 😂 🤷. Sorry gems...I like you as friends though 😁
Posted by AL4813

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Do you guys date exclusively based off zodiac signs? or do you just prefer to go with the flow and see if things will turn out good regardless of ones sign?
Date? What the fuck is a date?

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Hug cyber hugs!



I judge them based on sign, but i give everyone a chance to prove me wrong
Posted by Amour

Posted by AL4813

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Do you guys date exclusively based off zodiac signs? or do you just prefer to go with the flow and see if things will turn out good regardless of ones sign?

Either you're catfishing so hard RN or you're really interested in astrology...
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Catfishing? I use to be very much into astrology but realized I was just driving myself crazy being too into it... as I’ve been getting older I just go with the flow.. don’t really get into astrology much anymore.
Posted by -Soothsayer-

I don’t date based off of zodiac signs at all. If I have a connection with someone, then I’m in to try it out.
That’s the way to go. 👌
Posted by MademoiselleFisk

Posted by saggurl88


What sign are you? really can't tell what he is by that smug ass smirk on his face? lol 🦁

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Lmao.. the always so elegant fisk
Posted by AL4813

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Do you guys date exclusively based off zodiac signs? or do you just prefer to go with the flow and see if things will turn out good regardless of ones sign?
I try to "go with the flow", but people tend to prove these character profiles right. So, it's not solely relied upon, but rather, used as a guide to navigate through these experiences.

Posted by AL4813

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Do you guys date exclusively based off zodiac signs? or do you just prefer to go with the flow and see if things will turn out good regardless of ones sign?
As a man who has dated women from each of the Zodiac signs, I only give serious time to Cancer and Taurus girls.

I am open to suggestions, but it's to the point where those are pretty much my exclusive interests.

....Change my mind if you can.
I don't choose consciously -- I rarely know someone's birthday before I get to know them personally -- but there are patterns I've been able to spot by looking back at my relationship history that show me that it does factor into attraction and compatibility in my relationships.

No... but I damn sure use it as a cheat sheet, and get excited when I see lots of fire in their chart!
I ask prospective mates their sign.

If they are any of the twelve, Aries through Pisces, I don't date them.

Won't date Orpheus either, come to think of it.
Go with the flow but I’m wary about certain signs
Posted by AL4813

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Do you just prefer to go with the flow and see if things will turn out good regardless of ones sign?

Yeah. Ultimately, certain signs and energy still get cut within a few weeks/months though.
Not in real life. On here, I definitely side eye Pisces and Gemini. Both like to instigate drama, mostly the Pisces on here. I don’t know anyone from either sign personally, thankfully.