Okay, I was with a scorpio for 1 and a half, he broke up with me 2 months ago, we were arguing a lot, I was expecting too much, wanted too much and stuff like that.
Anyways, he wanted to stay friends and be grown ups, and wrote me a couple of times to g
I've unfortunately been on the end Virgo's criticism and control freak-ness. Does it ever end? He justifies by saying "Because I care!" But when you're policed around the kitchen because he doesn't want you "messing up", that shits gone too far. Way too f
Hello to all of you 😊
So I have been having this issue for a long time now.
My sun in sagittarius in 11th
My rising is Capricorn
And my moon is Capricorn too in 12th.
Everything else is mainly Capricorn, and Aqua
Saturn my chart ruler is in Arie
so there has been some man in my life since 2015 . He is Leo. At the beginning he didnt notice me because i was only a coworker in one of his projects with a crew.
In 2016 again started taking initiative and wanted to have more freelance jobs s
It’s very weird dream 😕
Anyone know what does that mean??
I'm a cancer sun Virgo moon and my boyfriend is a Scorpio sun libra moon! He doesn't even act like a Scorpio! He can be lazy and so indecisive about what he wants in life! He also cares about people so much that he puts everyone else's needs before himsel
Here's the short version:
I met Pisces at a summer camp in 2012 where we became really great friends. He's really supportive, really kind really genuine, funny, nerdy, all that jazz. OBVIOUSLY I had a crush on him. I was 18 he was 21, which isn't weird
Hi all,
I’m new to the forum but have been perusing the last week or so. I have a bit of a long story, if any of you can offer insight.
Me: 34(f), sun: scorp, ascend: leo, moon: gemini, venus & mars: libra
Ex: 35(m), sun: aqua, ascen
I need more aquas in my day to day life.
How awkward is it to screen potential friends on their sign?
Here’s the birthchart, do ya’ll see why he’s so hard to please? Any insight on this personality would be appreciated.