Defend your sign! Inaccurate stereotypes.
What are some stereotypes about your sign that you feel are a misrepresentation that you'd like to clarify or put to bed?
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Apr 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 367 · Topics: 24
Cancer's being a momma's boy...
Who ever wrote that BS is determined to make us look like pussys! I will eat you and spit you out into little almond Hershey kisses you son of a bitch! ANd sell you! And have other people eat you! Then when they shit you out the almond ins there shit from the Hershey kisses will turn into a tree and make more almonds so animals and bugs and more people can eat you until you are created again into a human and I'd come back and eat you up and turn you into another Almond Hershey Kiss? Making us cancers look and sound like pussyes by calling us a mommas boy? Pfffffffffffffffffffffffftttt?.
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Apr 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 367 · Topics: 24
But yea, definitely being called ?mommas boy? gets in my nerves
being labeled as arrogant or attention craver. i'm neither of those, i dislike going out of my way to gain attention to myself unless it's for an accomplishment i've done, but who doesn't want that? i'm in no way arrogant or pretentious, i'm modest about myself and i go out of my way for other people alot.
I am a libra and I hate when people say that I am lazy, and can't make my mind up.
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Apr 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 367 · Topics: 24
Might be because of your moon in Aquarius man. I'm the other way around.. I love teh attention! I get sad IF I don't get attention (manly to towards girls).. Tho I never got to the extreme for attention to the point of being obnoxious... My moon is in Libra and ascendant in Gemini so you can imagine... hehe..
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Apr 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 367 · Topics: 24
the last post was towards MyEulogy90 btw
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
"Aquarians are unemotional & detached human beings."
And I say, BULL! If anything, we are among the MOST sensitive. How we show our emotions & rather or not the emotions are even there are 2 different things. Yes, we do care & yes we do cry & yes we do break down sometimes BUT we choose to do it privately!
"Aquarians can't ever admit they're wrong."
And I say, BULL! We always stick to our own opinions (after all, we wouldn't have made them our opinions had we had strong belief in the idea in the first place), but if we're proven wrong, we are all adults..Trust me, we can handle it. Saying Aquarians HATE being wrong is true just as with anyone from any sign. But actually acknowledging our faults, yes we sure do, when the time calls for it.
"Aquarians are intellectual snobs"
And I say, Change the wording. We are intellectual beings who are not afraid to tell or show the world what we know. It's sad when the world begins to get annoyed by knowledge
PFEW! Now that I've gotten that off my chest, now I can get back to my Martini 
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
Libras are lazy. We just love to sleep. Its not a stereotyping. Its the simple truth. But sometimes we can run around and do things without caring about sleep. Physical activities doesn't make us tired much. Its our bloody brain which works like a machine which makes us lazy.
krysrenee, I think that's how everyone feels that has a sign associated with being cold and detached! I'm so sick of reading that about virgo's, because it's just not true. Just because we don't rent a billboard to advertise our feelings to the world doesn't mean we don't feel as strongly as anyone else. All the virgo's i've known are so compassionate and caring, and when you are one on one with them they will fully open up about their feelings and stuff.
Oh and all that junk about libraries and polished shoes...What the? Lol. I don't go to the library, and I don't like my men to be too "metro" - I find that offputting!
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Nothing to defend ... what other people think has no relevance ..
To be rescued from any pain or annoyance, one has to realize the entrance into objective reality is the escape from the subjective mind, which is the cause of your disgruntlement ... NOT another persons view of you.
Agreed p-angel! I only care what people think about me when they really matter to me, don't give 2 tosses what anyone else thinks lol! I've always figured that anyone worth knowing will take the time to get to know (the other person) for who they really are 
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May 04, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1078 · Topics: 68
Nothing to dispute here. Pisces are ill-equipped for life, can't handle responsibility or anything associated with reality. For this reason, our only means of getting ahead in life is to lie, cheat, and emotionally manipulate people. Basically we are as narcisstic as a 2 year old -- the only difference being, we cry more. We are a terrible group of people and measures should be taken to enforce contraceptive-use around the month of July to ensure that the Pisces' waste of oxygen is better used by the more reasonable and worthy signs.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"Might be because of your moon in Aquarius man. I'm the other way around.. I love teh attention! I get sad IF I don't get attention (manly to towards girls).. Tho I never got to the extreme for attention to the point of being obnoxious... My moon is in Libra and ascendant in Gemini so you can imagine... hehe.. "
you aren't a leo, so you can't compare.
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Apr 11, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 367 · Topics: 24
lol! now that one was just for fun.
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Nov 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
Libras being wusses. other than me, of the libra's I know none of them are afraid of a confrontation...however I don't know any of us who like them. There is a difference between wanting to and being able too. We just have a long fuse and a big bomb. Before the opportunity of serious confrontation presents itself we have usually decided that "it's not worth it" and left the situation/circumstances behind. We just happen to be lovers rather than fighters.
Cheaters...If care enough to commit we care enough to be focused on our partner.
Indecisive...Kind of. When it comes to small or everyday decisions we can be frustratingly decisive. If the pressure is on or were in a tense situation we are very decisive. Opposite Aries...very decisive on the day to day/course of life issues...indecisive in the heat of the moment.
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Nov 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
"When it comes to small or everyday decisions we can be frustratingly INdecisive."
The biggest stereotype about sag women I've been hearing on here is us cheating and being unemotional,which is furthest from the truth!I haven't cheated on anyone and I've only been in ltr.
Leo men are supposed to be arrogant outspoken and so emotional lol....and the person I was dating for 2 yrs is detached and very shy hardly likes an audience but still has the leo physical characteristics....alot of curly hair dazzling smile and charming just layed back ....but definitely not emotional or if he is doesn't show it.
Pisces have a martyr complex, not Cancer. Get your stereotypes straight, firecracker!
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May 17, 2008Comments: 10 · Posts: 1963 · Topics: 279
Cancers are crabby and will snap your neck for no reason. Pffffffffffft i ALWAYS have a reason!!! LOL
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
There's nothing wrong with being stubborn. It's knowing when and how to appropriate certain character traits.
Being stubborn alone, is not itself a negative characteristic.
Pisces not managing money well.
That is a very unfair stereotype as pisces though labeled as dreamy and impractical are very adept at finance and buisness . All my pisces friends are very careful with their money and make wise decisions . I know several succesful buisness people that are pisces in the finance and monetary sectors .
being labeled as arrogant or attention craver. i'm neither of those, i dislike going out of my way to gain attention to myself unless it's for an accomplishment i've done, but who doesn't want that? i'm in no way arrogant or pretentious, i'm modest about myself and i go out of my way for other people alot.
Very true Myeuology! I am a leo and i do not crave attention and its not just because i have planets in virgo its because im confident and secure plain and simple .
"Pisces not managing money well."
I'd imagine that managing money has a lot to do with your other planetary alignments.
"I'd imagine that managing money has a lot to do with your other planetary alignments."
or your your parents conditioned you financially.
Scorpios being jealous and controlling...err nevermind I must admit I am those things. Bummer. Scorpios rule!!!
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Mar 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 356 · Topics: 10
Virgos being incredibly tidy.
I have disappointed SO MANY PEOPLE!!!! lol
Still, I always try to be extra nitpicky to make up for it. 
Oh and by the way, I am passionate, caring and extravert.
Sorry, just am... Signed Up:
Apr 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1742 · Topics: 154
Im A Capricorn, and i pretty much identify with most of the charachterisics of my sign. Im very stubborn, im always right (actually, i am) i never ever back down from an argument (thats coz im always right) very strong willed and i do have a very cutting,sarcastic sense of humour. Us caps are very skilled at juding people pretty much on the spot and we are usually right about them (i speak from experience). Yes my three best mates are Taurus,Taurus And Scorpio.
We wont take any crap from anyone either. Agitate a Capricorn at your own risk!!!!
[Actually, I'm not sure if you want an aqua to use his/her brilliant mind to full potential.]
Sooooo of course I concur, its the aqua moto, givan to believe... and so how can you forcefully change things unless you are unwilling to believe?? hence 'They have a detached interest in the world around them which they use for self-glorification and hard-selling their fake idealism to others.' I say unwilling to believe because, well, for me it seems odd that one person seemingly has the inherent right to enforce their will upon another or others givan that there are so many strains of thought and lines of logic, all of which at least in terms of relevance can be described as adjecant at some time or another, which basically describes motion on a individualistic level (ty Einstien) ... so unless I decide nothing has relevance, everything does... so everything matters or nothing.. yep I concur...
"Virgos are the most superior sign in the zodiac. We're the most intelligent, most well spoken, the richest, and the most balanced. It pisses me off when they call Virgos arrogant, and egotistical"
this post is an oxymoron.
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Mar 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 356 · Topics: 10
MyEulogy, you took the words right out of my brain.
I hope he was being ironic. If not, that was an unintentionally comic genius post of his!